Part 48: Positive

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Finally summer is here. You, Hope, Regulus and Harry had arrived at Sirius's place. "Y/n, Hope we have a surprise for you" Sirius says as you walk through the door. Your father and mother standing in the living room. "Mom! Dad!" You and Hope both run to one and then switch to the other. "We came to stay for a few days." Your father says. "Harry, Regulus good to see you again" your mother gives them a smile. "Ah y/n Regulus tells me, you had some trouble with the Malfoy boy again. Do we need to take Jurassic measures?" You shake your head "No no, I'm fine really! If you give my father ideas, he's crazy and he will kill people" you state and your father just laughs. "Only some, it dialed down when you two were born" "Anyways who's hungry we brought food" your mother chimes as everyone makes their way to the table. "So anything new? You guys excited for your last year?" Sirius asks "Luckily I'm already out" Regulus brags "Hope and I just really want to be out of school already as well" you add "Any boyfriends I should know about?" Klaus asks and you and Hope almost choke on your food.  "I'll take that as a yes" Hayley smiles "Who are these boys?" "Uh.. C-Cedric Diggory" Hope mutters and you look at Regulus, his face flushes with fear. "And you Y/n?" "Well.. uhm you see, Regulus and I" Sirius and your mother both jump up "I told you Sirius!" She laughs "Yeah yeah Hayley you were right" Sirius joins her in laughter. "Did you guys have a bet going on or something?" Regulus asks "No no but I didn't think you'd ever get a girlfriend, and Hayley knew Y/n would find you attractive because she likes the bad guys" you shoot your mother a sharp look "It's true Y/n!" "I am not a bad guy!" Regulus joins in until Klaus stands up "I'm watching you two" and then everyone laughs.

Two days later your parents left so when Sirius would leave well.. you and Regulus were up to no good. "So when are we going on this hunt for horocrux's? You ask and his smile fades a bit "actually I don't think I am anymore" "Really and why is that?" You question leaning into his chest as he strokes your hair "I could never lead you into danger, not if it's a risk of losing you" he kisses your forehead and soon you were both asleep.

Summer was coming to an end and Regulus went out alone one summer day so you and Hope had a girls day, with Harry who tagged along. You stopped at an ice cream parlor but before you walking in on the side of the street Regulus.. he was with a girl. "Y/n what's the hold-" Harry's voice stops as he looks at Regulus. The girl kisses Regulus on the cheek and then they part ways. "Y/n I'm-" "I don't want to talk about it, I'll meet you guys at home" you chase after him and push him" "What the-" "How could you!" You push him again knocking him into a tree. "Y/n calm down what are you talking about?!" He snaps "I saw you! S-she kissed y-your" you begin to feel sick and you run behind a tree to throw up. "Y/n are you-" "Don't touch me!" You yell and run off back to the house.

You spent two days in your room. "Y/n are you sure you don't need to see a doctor? Harry,Hope and I are going to the store maybe you should try to get air?" Sirius calls from your door "I'm okay, really" you insist and he leaves.

The next morning Sirius softly knocks. "Y/n.. I have some bad news.." you heart races and you put your ear to the door "What is it?" He slides a letter underneath your door "I'm sorry.." is all he says before walking away. The envelope had a waxed stamp that had the initials "R.A.B" you rip open the letter and it read..

(This is from After we collided)

My dearest Y/n..
Like all our favorite stories there are happy and unhappy endings. I thought we had a chance for a happy one, but at last it was not meant to be. I love you with all of my heart and that is exactly why I had to get as far away from you as possible. We're like an addiction to each other with equal parts pleasure...and pain. And as for that day by the parlor that girl was one of my former conquests, I had to apologize to my past in order to have a future with you, but.. fate just seems to get in our way. So let's cut the bullshit, you're to damn good for me and I know it..and somewhere in the back of my mind I always knew we would last! And I think you did too..I know this is going to be painful at first and it could take days, even more. But one of those days you're doing to wake up and the sorrow will begin to slip away, until we are nothing but a distant memory..
Goodbye Y/n.

Your eyes were dripping tears and you clutched your pillow trying to ease the pain but nothing worked. You still had your magic concealing bracelet until it shattered from all your emotions letting out a huge ray of magic as you cry out in pain. Open burst opens the door running to you holding you in her arms as Sirius and Harry join her. You begin to feel sick again and run off locking yourself in the bathroom. You rummage through the bathroom looking for a pregnancy test. And at last you found one "Please be negative" you beg. When you open your eyes two lines appear. Positive.


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