Part 30: Saving Our Family

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"He shouldn't be here!" Hope yells throwing on clothes. Nothing else has happened after the ice falling from the sky. Hope and Caroline begin running out the room towards your father and you try to catch up but you're to weak still. "Damn it! You guys go on I'll get there when I can." You yell and they go off. Blaise reappears and lends you his hand. You take it "Well aren't you just a hero today" you give him a soft smile. "Only for you. Now where are we in a rush for?" He asks. "I need to go all the way outside and fast but I can't run." You say and he kneels a bit. "Jump on. It'll be easier for me to run with you on my back." He says. You quickly jump onto his back and wrap your legs around him and your arms around his neck. He stands up and supports your thigh to make sure you don't fall. "Hold on tight." He says and he begins to run.

Finally, you make it to the last set of stairs when you run into Draco. Blaise stops from almost running into Draco. "Hey..buddy..." Blaise says panting. "What's going on here?" Draco asks. You jump off his back "Well I'm unable to walk or run at the moment and I'm in a big hurry because-" you begin gaging and you fall to your knees. "Y/n! Are you okay?!" Draco asks rubbing your back. You continue gaging and finally one of those vipers come out from your mouth. "And I thought Ron throwing up slugs was bad... what's wrong with her,Draco?" Blaise asks. "I don't know Blaise but I need your help. Grab this arm and I'll take this one." Both boys put on of your arms over their shoulders holding you up. "Wait.. I need.. to get.. to my... dad.." you mutter out. Blaise nods and points to the entrance where you all can see Hope also down on her knees Caroline trying to help her.

Once you finally make it to them your father doesn't say anything. "Dad.. why are you here?!" You ask still being held up by Draco and Blaise. "I needed to see you guys one last time.." he says and you and Hope both look at each other. "What are you talking about Klaus?!" Caroline asks. "If I see the girls anymore or my own family in that matter it will lead to the death of all firstborns. Freya, Y/n , Ivy , even you Caroline.." he says. "Put me down.." you whisper to Draco and Blaise and they do so. "This isn't your battle to fight father..." you say. "It's to late..I already told Rebekah, Kol and Elijah to come say their goodbyes.. I should be going.." "Ad somnum" you whisper and Klaus goes down. "I have a plan. You either help me or leave." You say. Hope and Caroline both look at you. "Y/n we can't.. we're putting all firstborns at risk!" Caroline says. "Ad somnum" you whisper again knocking both Hope and Caroline out. Blaise and Draco stay silent. "Great! Now we wait for the rest of the Mikaelsons, Blaise I need you to go get me some salt please." He nods and runs off into the castle. "Y/n what are you doing?" Draco asks. "I want my family back. I'm going to make things right again." He grabs your hand "how are you planning to do that?" "I need all of them together in order to take the magic out of them and place back into me." You reply. "What?! That magic will kill you!" He says. "I'm going to fight this time. I can't always live in fear Draco. I need to do this for my family." As you say that Blaise is running out with some salt and the rest of the Mikaelsons are appearing from the forest. "Perfect timing" you grab the salt. "Y/n! What's going on here?" Rebekah asks. "I'm helping our family." You whisper that spell and each one comes falling down. You put the Mikaelsons in a Chambre de Chasse you hid all 4 keys in meaningful places and hope it's enough time. You lay each body inside the outline of salt you made. "Are you sure you want to go through with this?" Blaise asks putting his hand on your cheek. You pull his hand off gently and Draco's already giving him a death stare. You begin doing a spell containing all the magic into you. You feel okay at first but then you immediately pass out...

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