Part 15: That everyone picks

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(Hermione's POV)
Ron asked me to talk and although I dreaded it I still agreed. "Hermione she cheated on me..." He says. "Oh..uhm I'm sorry?" I tried to sound as comforting as I could but in reality i was excited. " I know you probably won't want to.. but Hermione is always been you.. I've always wanted you and -" I cut him off "you've always wanted me and you couldn't have said something earlier?!" I got so frustrated cause he is so confusing! "I wanted to! But you don't show emotions well Mione is was hard to tell. One day you were sweet the next day you were hitting me with your books !" He laughs a bit and I joined him. "I guess I could be a bit complicated. " I say and he puts his a stand of hair behind my ear. "So Hermione would you like to go out with me some time?" He smiles and you nod. He grabs the back of my neck and pulls me in for a kiss. I notice at the corner of my eye everyone peeking through the door. I stop the kiss and "GUYS!" They all turn around and run into the room and Ron and I follow.

(back to y/ns POV)
After Hermione caught us all ease-dropping we all hung out for a bit more. Hermione and Ron caught up on everything they missed while being mad at each other. Ginny and Draco were hanging a lot basically the whole time besides the movie while she was with Harry. Harry seemed angry or upset at the sight because he stormed off out of the room. Fred and I both look at each other confused. "I'll go talk to him. Maybe I can talk some sense like you did to Ron." He smiles as he holds you close. You look up to him "Oh you could never be that good" you tease. "You're right. I'd be better." He smirks and kisses you before leaving to find Harry. Draco and Ginny approach you. "Hey what's wrong with Harry?" Ginny asks concerned. You shrug "I have no clue Fred went to find out." Ginny looks at you "I thought he went to talk to Angelina." Ginny says then covers her mouth. You look at her "what did you say?" "Oh Ginny.. what did you do." Draco shakes his head. "Why would he go to see her?" "Uh- I... she wanted to talk to him.. he asked me if I could keep you busy if he decided to leave.." Ginny says looking down "y/n I'm sorry I-" you cut her off by walking away.  "Y/n! Wait!!" Ginny tells chasing after you "this won't end well.." Draco says trailing as others follow. "What's going on Draco?" Hermione and Luna come up to him.  "Uh let's just say if Fred is where I think he is. He's in trouble." And they both look at each other. 

After moments of walking you round a corner and see Angelina and Fred talking. You rush back to hide behind  one side of the wall and everyone does the same. Draco comes up to where you are and watches them with you. Everyone takes a peek here and there. You push your hair behind your ear and start listening. "Angelina! I can't do this anymore. You constantly come back!" "She's a freak! You belong with me you know it Fred!" She snaps. You feel yourself grow angry. She puts her hands around Fred and pulls herself closer." Uh oh..." Draco whispers. And at that moment its like your heart had been ripped out. She kissed him... and he let her.. he didn't pull away for seconds until he finally did. "Angelina I said no!" He yells. You walk out "yeah? Well it's alittle late for that don't you think?" His eyes shoot to you. "Y/n wait-"  you grow with angry and push them against the wall with your magic. "Don't ever come near me again." You storm off as they both groan in pain. "Y/n talk to us!" The others try to catch up to you. You finally make it outside for some fresh air but it doesn't help the anger your filled with and with everyone constantly asking if your okay overwhelms you. "LEAVE ME ALONE!" You yell as a ring of fire surrounds them. They all huddle together trying to stay away from the flames. Your anger is taking control. "I...I'm sorry... I don't know what's wrong with me I can't stop it!". "Y/n just calm down okay?" George says. "Damn it!" Draco jumps over the flames and pulls you into a hug. The flames go down as you cry into his chest. The others join not long after. Everyone leaves you and Draco alone in the Slytherin common you're laying on his chest as he plays with your hair and has his arm wrapped around you. "Y/n..." "Yes Draco?" You sniffle and wipe your face. "You know... I love you right?" He says shyly. "Draco. I love you too... you're one of the best people I've met.. I'm glad nothing ruined out friendship." You snuggle up closer to him. "Right friends..." he says. You later slowly fall asleep and once you do Draco carries you bridal style to your dorm. He lays you down and covers you. He caresses your face and gives you a kiss on the forehead."Goodnight Darling.."

You wake up the next morning with a note beside your bed.

"Dear y/n,
By the time you read this it will be morning.. if you're up to it meet me at the Astronomy Tower at around 10 am. I'll wait an hour incase you are still asleep. I have a whole day planned for us at Hogsmeade of course if you come.. anyways
Love, D.M"

You check the time and it's 10:45. "Crap!" You think to yourself. You get dressed into a causal green flowy dress with black boots that have a chunky heel. You run down the halls you bump into Harry and you both go tumbling down. "Ow y/n...what are you in such a rush's just Hogsmeade.." he says slowly getting up. A hand reaches out to you and you grab it but once you look up you realize it's no other then....Fred. You quickly let go of his hand and dust your dress off. "Y/n.. please" "shut up. What time is it?" You say. George checks his watch " uh 10:53". "Right. Uh I have to go I'll see you guys at Hogsmeade maybe.." you say. "Wait y/n why are you in a hurry?" Harry asks. "Well if you must know. My friend is waiting for me. Trying to make me feel better." You say as you look at Fred. He immediately looks down trying to ignore what he had done. "Anyways I'm going to be late! I have to go bye " you run off and reach the stairs. You're running up as Draco is walking down. "Y/n?!" He says running down to you. "I'm..sorry....I'm late... I got held up.." you say panting. He hugs you "no big deal. Although I was beginning to think you weren't going to show" his hands are still on your waist and you look down and look back up to him. "Uh right sorry.." he releases his hands. "Anyways should we go?" You asks. " of course let go." You guys walk to where everyone else is. You stay with Draco, Crabbe, Goyle and Blaise. Hermione and the others notice you weren't coming with them they couldn't help but stare you did everything with them but they were around Fred and you couldn't pull yourself together for that not yet. You put on a strong exterior but in the inside you were hurting. You've only ever been disappointed by people but you thought he was different. Draco looks at you and notices your knee was cut and bleeding from your fall with Harry. "Hey y/n your bleeding. I'll go get you a rag and a bandaid before we leave. " he says and leaves you alone with Blaise and the rest of his friends. "So. Draco must be really into you." Blaise smirks. "What are you talking about we are just friends. He knows that." He moves close to your ear and you can feel his breath against you "You're all he ever talks about plus you're a gorgeous girl , no wonder he fancies you." He steps back and winks at you. Your cheeks get hot from embarrassment. You look around and notice your friends looking at you in disbelief. Draco finally comes back. "Oh thank yo-" you reach for the bandages. "No let me." He cleans your knee up and covers the cut. "All done." You smile. "Thank you." You say.

Finally you arrive at Hogsmeade. Who's knows how crazy this day could get...

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