Part 42: Unknown Royalty

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You didn't know why Theodore just snapped out of no where but Narcissa was calling you so you hurried to her room. As you entered a gasp escaped her mouth "Oh dear.. you look gorgeous!" She gives you a hug. "Is everything alright? You seem a bit tense" she wonders. "Uhm it was just that boy Theodore said some things and it just concerned me" you say. "Ah yes, the Nott family are some gossipers. I assure you anything he said was false, unless it was positive." She gives you a smile. "Well he just brought up my status as a "Mudblood" and that you were only allowing me here because of what else I am" you respond shortly. "Oh dear no! You're practically royalty! Everyone here today knows who your grandmother is and they accept you for what you are. Your grandmother was one of the most powerful witches to ever walk this Earth, not to mention her contribution to dark magic. Plus you seem to really make my son happy and I haven't seen that in a long time." She assures you "I know I didn't mention this before but me and some of the other families came together and want to present you with a crown tonight. We want to show our loyalty and gratitude for Esther and you being her only granddaughter it's only fitting" she explains. Your heart sank as she mentioned being the only granddaughter, you immediately thought of Hope and wanted to burst into tears but you calmly collected yourself "Oh wow.. that seems amazing" you give her a sad smile. "Wonderful! Now we shall get to dinner." She walks out gracefully, obviously used to wearing dresses like these. You walk down a long staircase your dress and it's cape dragging along each step. Draco was talking to a boy who looked similar to your age but a bit older, and a older man who looked like he didn't want to be there. As you came down Narcissa by your side everyone's head turned. You make it to the final step as Draco greets you. He takes your hand and places a soft kiss on it. "You look beautiful as always" he mutters to you before taking you away towards the table.

Everyone was chatting for a few minutes when Narcissa came up to you and Draco "Draco, dear why don't you introduce her to everyone." She suggests and Draco sighs "Okay, okay I'm on it" he leads you towards the same two guys he was talking to before. "Regulus, Sirius I'd like you to meet Y/n Mikaelson. My girlfriend." He adds looking directly at Regulus. Sirius shakes your hand, but Regulus kisses your cheek softly "Great to finally meet you.." he says with a smug look on his face. "Heard a great deal about you. Your famous among the wizard world." Sirius adds "I never noticed.. more people are afraid of me then praise me." You explain "Ah well then they must not know where you descended from. I'd understand why Hogwarts students wouldn't understand the significance of the Mikaelson name." Regulus adds. "Did you know her? Your grandmother?" Sirius wonders "Not really. She was more than 1,000 years old when I was born and she came back to life when I was still a baby so I never got to officially meet her, only stories." You add. "Okay enough questions I'm going to take her to meet everyone else." Draco steps in and takes you to a crazy looking women. Her hair was curly and messy. "This is my aunt Bellatrix, Bellatrix this is-" "Y/n Mikaelson!" She says with a crooked smile. "Pleasure to meet you" you add. "Everyone dinner is ready!" Narcissa calls taking a seat at the end of the table. Draco takes a seat next to her with you next to him.

As dinner is being served Draco leans and whispers "Get ready for all the questions." "So Y/n I couldn't help but wonder, who exactly are your parents? I've heard of the whole Mikaelson family Rebekah, Kol, Elijah, Finn and Klaus" Bellatrix questions "Uhm my father is Klaus and my mother was Hayley just a girl from Mystic Falls" you explain shortly "But what were they? Your grandmother was more than 1000 years old, her children must have done something to keep them that young" she adds "My grandmother turned them into vampires to keep away from the werewolves. My father was different, my grandmother had an affair with one of the werewolves so when my father made his first kill his werewolf curse was activated and he became the worlds Original Hybrid, both vampire and werewolf." She gasps "Fascinating that is! Now your mother what was she?" "She started out as an ordinary werewolf. When she first arrived in Mystic Falls she was manipulative and would do anything to find out who her parents were. She met my father who tried to help her and my father was very unliked and so anyone who had the chance to try and kill his babies would do so. My mother was a target for carrying my sister and I so before she gave birth a group of witches took her and after she gave birth to us , they killed her. They planned on sacrificing us to the ancestors for their freedom, but they didn't know our blood made hybrids. My mother died with my blood in her system which created her into the 2nd hybrid left in the world at that time." You explain. "If I may, how were vampires able to reproduce if they are dead?" Sirius asks. "My dads father Mikael found  out about the affair and made her bind his werewolf gene away so that it was dormant permanently. Of course there was always a loophole and he found a way to bring his werewolf side back. So when he completed he was once again the hybrid. Since he was born with the werewolf gene and turned into a vampire by magic, it allowed him to procreate but he didn't know this until my mother showed up pregnant" you explain some more. "Last question does that make you a hybrid? Werewolf and witch?" He asks "Actually I'm a hybrid of 3 different species, a tribrid. My grandmother passed her witch gene to me, my father passed both his vampire and werewolf gene and well my mom also passed her werewolf gene." "That's brilliant! Forget you being a mud blood , you must be one of the worlds strongest beings!" Bellatrix shouts with excitement. "Bella behave! Now enough questions let's eat." Narcissa demands.

After dinner you begin to make your way to the ballroom where the ball was being held. "I told you they would question you." Draco mutters "it's fine honestly I like talking about my family." You assure him. "Now Y/n, the guest are waiting to see you but first we are going to do the crowning and introduction" Narcissa says before running to the top of the staircase. "Now I'd like to introduce.. the daughter of Klaus and Hayley Mikaelson, granddaughter of THE Esther Mikaelson, Miss Y/n Mikaelson!" You hear loud applause as you walk out alongside with Draco. You slowly yourself so she can place the tiara on your head. "Ah let's not forget this" she mutters with a quick flick of her wand you feel something happen with your hair.

(Your Crown)

(Your new hair)

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(Your new hair)

You noticed right away your once reddish-brown hair, was now similar to Narcissa's

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You noticed right away your once reddish-brown hair, was now similar to Narcissa's. "What is this about?" You question "You're becoming one of us Y/n , if you're going to be a Malfoy women you have to look the part" she smiles brightly. "Now! We didn't want you to feel alone, so we brought a bit of home to you!" She announces as your father makes his way up to the staircase. "Dad.." you whisper.

(Hii Tysm for reading and this is just alittle NOTE: in this series I made Regulus around your age like 18 or so and him and Sirius are still brothers but Sirius is like much older! I hope you understand Tysm once again! I love you all!)

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