Part 25: Reunited

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Hope and Draco lay you in your bed when Harry barges in. "What did you guys do!?" He says. "I had to bring her memories back Harry.." Hope says holding one of your hands. All of a sudden Draco gets up and pins Harry to the wall "You knew this whole time and didn't bother to tell anyone!" Draco yells "I couldn't! They would've killed me! Her parents were going to erase my memories as well but I convinced them not to.." Harry replies but Draco just scoffs "We could've helped her way before! But you wanted her to yourself didn't you?! So you could finally make your move!" Harry pushes Draco back "I love her Draco! There's nothing you can do about it okay?! It just happened!" Harry yells and you begin to open your eyes.
"Harry?...Draco?..." you say softly and they both rush to your side. "Do you remember..." Draco asks. "I..I don't know who either of you are.." you reply everyone's face drops "I'm only joking. Of course I remember everything now." You smile and Hope pulls you in a hug "I'm so sorry Y/n I know I was horrible and I-" you cut her off "it's okay I forgive you Hope...uh I'd like to talk to Draco alone for a minute." Hope and Harry nod and leave the room. "Y/n..I've missed you so much.." you pull him into a hug. "Draco.. I love much..." he looks at you "I love you too Y/n, you know that" you look down and grab his hand "but the whole thing with Harry.." he cuts you off "Oh I understand it was apart of the memory loss you don't have to explain it." You shake your head. "No draco.. my feelings for Harry are real.. just because my father erased my memory he didn't tell me how to feel.. and I care about you so much but right now.." "Right now you want Harry.." you nod as a tear falls down your face. He has tears now forming. "Draco, I'm so sorry.. I I never meant or thought this would happen ,but before I died I knew it was you.. you were the one I wanted.. everything just got so complicated after and I still care about you with all of my heart and I don't want us to never not be friends.." he wipes your tears. "Darling, I will always love you. Fred was your first love, but I intend to be your last.. however long it takes.." he grabs your face and gives you a long soft passionate kiss. "Sorry I had last time." He says. "Thank you for being so understanding Draco.. it means a lot. Best friends?.." you ask and he smiles. "Of course. Now you should go find Harry." He says putting a strand of hair behind your ear. You smile and hug him before leaving the room.

You run down the halls all the way to the Gryffindor common room. You run past Neville and Dean playing with his plants or whatever he does and run up to Ron and Harry's dorm. "Harry!" You bang on the door. He opens the door in a hurry "Y/n! Hey what's going on?" You kiss him and he smiles. "So I'm guessing you still want to be with me?" He asks blushing. You nod smiling and Ron comes from the bathroom. "Bloody hell y/n!.. I don't remember." You run up to Ron and throw your arms around him "I remember everything!" "Fred and George are going to be soo happy! Bloody hell have you seen Ginny or Hermione yet?! Let's go do that now!" Ron grabs you and Harry's arm and pull you both out into the girls dorms. Ginny and Hermione run to you and give you a hug. After reuniting with everyone you all went to dinner. Luna decided to finally join you all and so did Draco. Although he didn't say much he still showed his presence. "So how is it being know.." Ron whispers "A vampire Ron? I mean it's okay I just get temptations around people with new blood wounds but I'm able to contain it. I can run really fast though!" You explain to everyone. "Y/n I've missed you so much and for how I treated you when all of that went down I-" "Ginny you are my best friend. We both made some mistakes and we got through it." She smiles and you go along with dinner.

After dinner Harry walks you to your common room. "So tomorrow I have a date planned for us" he grabs your hand. "Oh really? What will we be doing?" You ask. "It's a surprise just dress nice! Be ready at 8:00pm " he smiles and gives you a kiss on the cheek.

The next day at around 7:55pm Harry comes to meet you. "I know I'm a bit early but Ron kept lecturing me on how to properly go on a date." Harry says nervously. You giggle "it's okay I'm ready anyways." You're wearing a nice pink dress with white short heels, your hair is in a nice braided bun. "You look Gorgeous y/n.." he smiles giving you a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you Harry.." you say shyly. He takes your hand and leads you to the astronomy tower. Although that was yours and Draco's spot you put that aside. Harry set up a bunch of candles and blankets around the area. There was a picnic basket assuming it's full of foods and treats. "I thought we could have a nice dinner and watch the stars together.." he says sitting down on one end of the blankets and you on the other. He sets down two plates of chicken Alfredo breadsticks and a nice lemon cake for dessert. You both laugh and talk for about an hour. After finishing dinner you two lay next to each other and watch the stars as you slowly drift off to sleep..

It's been about 2 months you and Harry have been dating. Everything has been going good. No drama, you're basically friends with everyone at this point, Pansy and her friends still want to hangout with you , Draco has kinda joined you and your other friends and you and Hope are closer than ever.

"Hope , Y/n..." a voice says softly and you both turn around and see your aunt Freya standing there eyes red from crying. "Aunt Freya what are you doing here?.." you ask. "I'm so sorry..." is all that she says before tears fall down her face. You and Hope run to her. Hope rubs her back as you try to help her regain balance. "You're mother..she's dead.." you and Hope stop in your tracks...


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