Part 9 : I dont want to lose you

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Hope picks you up and brings you to your dorm where Draco , Fred and Ron are already waiting. "She won't wake up! I need to find my aunt please try something!" Hope says in a hurry and runs out the door. "Does anyone know any spells?!" Draco says. "I know Hermione does..I'll try to find her she should be in her dorm by now! " he runs off in a hurry and Draco and Fred don't know what to do at this point. Hope laid you in Fred's lap and he strokes your face. Draco has your hand in his wishing for the best. "You know Draco.. as much of a jerk you have been to Harry , Ron , Hermione and many others... I can tell you care about y/n and you actually have a heart." He begins. "But she's mine right now and I would appreciate if you didn't try to pull any games. You guys can be friends of course." Draco looks down and nods. "I know Weasley. You're right I do care about her but I want her to be happy and even if it's with a Weasley." He does a small smile and so does Fred. You're eyes start to slowly open but you don't have the energy to completely sit up. "It takes me almost dying just for you two to get along?" You say teasingly. Both their eyes widen. "Y/n" they both say in shock. "I'm going to go find you some food or something so you can get some protein" Fred says as he helps you sit up. "Take care of her Draco. I'm trusting you." Fred says before walking out the door. Draco still has his hands in yours and he's helping you maintain balance. "Uh do you want a towel? Or something to clean off because I don't think you are stable enough to shower" he says nervously. "Sure. A towel would be great" you give him a reassuring smile that you are okay and he gets up and grabs you a towel. He began wiping under your eyes and nose gently. "I could've done it you know." You smile. "Uh..right yeah I know but you aren't going to life a finger until you feel better and I'm sure everyone else feels the same." Hope , Freya , Hermione and Ron all arrive at the same time shocked but happy to see you awake. "Y/n hey how do you feel?" Your aunt Freya asks. "I'm fine really I feel better." "I will contact madam pomfrey to come see you! And you might want to stay off your feet for a few days." Hermione chimes. "Exactly what I said" Draco looks at you and raises an eyebrow. "Okay fine. Only a few days" As time goes by Hermione and Ron have left and Hope Is with the rest of the Mikaelsons to figure out what to do but Draco decided to stay. "I never said thank you." He looks down. "For what exactly?" "Saving my life.." he pulls out a gift box. "I was going to give you this before the whole pansy thing.." he hands it to you as you struggle to sit up.Draco's cheeks are bright pink from his nerves and you open the box to reveal a black gold plated ring with beautiful emerald green gem stones the biggest one in the middle and little ones placed around and a matching necklace with a sliver snake next to crescent moon with his initials on the back"D.M". He hasn't looked at you ever since he handed you the gift. "Draco.. they are beautiful! I love them. Can you..?" You point to the necklace and you quickly put on the ring and you are able to stand up and Draco has his arms on your back trying to make sure you don't fall. You pull your hair to the side and he puts the necklace around you and clips it. "There" he steps back and smiles releasing his grip from you. "Thank you it truly is beautiful I'm glad I can see the true side of you. Im glad I can call you a friend." You smile and reach your arms to him for a hug and he rolls his eyes and pulls you in for a hug.
After awhile Fred comes back with a tray with Whole grain bagel with cheese with a yogurt on the side and a glass of water. "Sorry I took so long I wasn't sure what was good to boost your energy so I had to ask madam pomfrey." He lays the tray in your lap and gives you a kiss on the cheek." Thank you. " "Well know that they have your father I can go back to my dorm but thank you for protecting me. And we are going to figure a system so you don't have to be up and going okay?" He smiles and grabs his stuff and walks out. Fred sits next to you as you are eating a notices your necklace. "Hey when did you get this?" He asks. " oh uh Draco gave it to me he said he planned on giving it to me awhile back but never had the chance so it was like an early gift." You grab his hand. "It means nothing Fred it's just a friendly gift" he nods "no you're right I don't know what I'm thinking." He says "are you finished" you nod and he grabs the tray and sets it on your desk top. "I should let you get some rest" he says and starts to get up. "No stay please I don't want to be alone." You give him puppy eyes. He smiles "fine fine I guess I can stay" he climbs in bed with you and you have your head on his chest as he plays with your hair. "I never want to lose you y/n you mean so much to me" he whispers but you have already drifted off to sleep. He notices and smiles to himself and drifts off to sleep as well.

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