Part 45: The Potters

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The next morning you show Hope the letter. "We could always try it.. Bonnie Bennett did it before and so have many other witches." Hope states "Doing what exactly?" Sirius says snatching the letter. He shakes his head "No, you two are not getting involved. Resurrection is dark magic everyone knows that" he says  "But I did it without even knowing! I didn't practice dark magic to bring my mother and Hope back" "It's to dangerous. Many witches like the Bennett have tried to resurrect someone and as punishment they died" "Yet Bonnie resurrected Jeremy and they are both still alive to this day. Besides no offense but we are Mikaelson witches. Bonnie Bennett does not have the magic like us Mikaelson witches. Esther,Freya, Hope even me. We are more powerful then we know." You explain. "Let's not forget our aunt Davina raised both Kol and Esther. If she can do that then so can we" Hope says.

As you return to Hogwarts Harry was waiting. "Harry what are you doing?" He was pacing back and forth before you guys had gotten there. "Great! You're here.So I found your spell book and the requirements for the spell was the ashes, blood of the relatives- I had to go to a blood bank to get the Dursley's but I did it! I have everything" "Harry you understand that.. that is everything for your mother.. you don't know if your father has any living relatives-" Harry cuts you off "If we bring my mother back.. we have her blood a-and mine. I'm sure there's no other living relative anymore, there can't be!" He insists. "Well.. come on then" you say goodbye to Sirius and you take Harry's hand pulling him quickly with Regulus and Hope following. You sneak Harry and Regulus to your dorm where you lay everything out. You have unlit candles around the caldron in a circle. "Okay Harry come here" you pick up a knife and lightly puncture his palm collecting his blood in a bowl. First you pour the ashes "The ashes of those lost" you then you pour Dudley and Petunia's blood and lastly you add Harry's "The blood of those who remain" and then you quietly light every candle with one swish of your hand. Finally, you take Hopes hand and begin chanting the spell. "Victus Phasmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus. Victus Phasmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus.." you both chant synchronized as a gust of wind begins to surround you. Your body feels drained as you continue and then amongst the shadows a woman appears. She had red hair, beautiful eyes just like Harry's. "H-Harry?" She mumbles and he runs to her. Your nose began to bleed but you quickly wiped it away. Hope pulls you aside "Y/n.. that felt different. Powerful.. it felt like I was being drained of my magic.. I don't think we should do that again.." she adds "Really? I felt fine" you lie. "Come on Y/n.. I know you felt it! You had to!" "But I didn't, look I'm sure I can handle this spell on my own while you rest up." She sighs "You're going to get yourself killed.." "I'll be fine!" You snap and head back to the caldron. "Okay now if we want to bring your father back-" "Wait.. you're doing this? How?" His mother asks curiously "Mum she's a different type of witch. She's amazing! Stronger than anyone I've ever seen, both her and her sister of course" he nods to Hope "She can help us become a family again." He gives you a smile and she cups your hands "Could you really do it?" She says teary eyed. "It may be a bit difficult but I think your and Harry's blood will do fine for the spell" you assure her. "I can't watch you do this Y/n. Sorry but I'm out" Hope says before exiting and Regulus pulls you aside "Are you sure you should be doing this alone?" He questions "I'll be fine, trust me" you replace the caldron with a new one and pour his fathers ashes inside "Okay Harry you first" you take his hand once more pouring his blood into the caldron "Okay Mrs.Potter" she hesitates but gently gives you her hand and you drip a few drops of blood into the caldron. You take a deep breath then began to chant the same spell as before "Victus Phasmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus. Victus Phasmatis Ex Eleto. Revertas Phasmatis Ut Victus.." the room begins to shake, the flames from the candles increase causing everyone to jump back. A huge gust of wind begins to flow through the room causing papers to fly, things to be thrown, glass breaking. Your nose was now dripping blood as finally a sudden shape of a man begins to emerge from the shadows. Harry father. Regulus quickly picks you up "Y/n your nose.." "I'm fine!" You quickly wipe the blood away. "My boy!" You hear his father exclaim as Harry runs to him "You.. you saved us" his mother says as she pulls you into a hug "We are so grateful" she smiles. Your vision begins to get blurry and then all you saw was darkness..

(I love Bonnie but if im being honest I think Mikaelson born witches are stronger. The first part was no hate to Bonnie just based on magic ranking! Thank you sm for reading!! I love you all <3)

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