Part 21: Memories

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As Draco holds your lifeless body all the others join him. "Draco?..." Harry's voice fades as they get closer. He shakes his head "she's gone...she didn't save herself in time.." he says sobbing. Ginny runs to your body "no-...NOOO!" She breaks down crying as George pulls her into a hug tears forming in his eyes. Hope eyes fall sad "I..I have to go..." she says and runs off towards Hogwarts. "Ron.. go get help..please.." Hermione is now in the embrace of George while Ginny joins Fred and Draco. Draco has you laying in his arms caressing your face, Fred takes your hand and Ginny is sobbing into your chest. All of a sudden Hayley (your mom)  vamp speeds to you. " sweet girl.." she had been crying. She picks up your body. "...I'll contact Hope.. for some details about a funeral or something..." she says and then leaves. Everyone just stands around still in shock and tears. Harry knows somethings up so he grabs his broom and starts following Hayley.

"Freya! We have to get out of here fast! If someone sees us..they will know what she is..." Freya steps on the gas but Harry was the seeker after all so he didn't have a hard time keeping up. He followed them all the way to New Orleans as your eyes begin opening. "Mom..?" She hugs you tight. "Why am thirsty..." it feels like your throat was closing on how dry it was. Freya lends you her arm and your eyes full with veins as two fangs form from your mouth and you bite into your Aunt Freya's a wrist "I'm a vampire?" " saved your friend..." your mom says. "Draco...I have to go back!" "You can't! Y/n can't go back there..." she notices Harry peaking from the corner and grabs him. "Who are you!" "Mom wait! Thats my friend!..sorta..." she releases  him "come on get inside." You all walk inside the compound. "How did you find us?" Freya asks. "Well I could sense something was different so I used my broom to follow you.."he answers. "Mom please! I can't leave my friends...especially now. I don't want them to suffer! If I go back-" you beg but she cuts you off "They watched you die y/n there's no way to explain now they went to the headmaster and told him and now he thinks you are gone!" " could say your family were able to save wouldn't make much sense how though..."Harry inputs "exactly" Freya agrees "Well I'm going back! I don't care what you say" your mom grabs you by the arm. "You are not! Your father will be here any moment and he is going to compel you to forget.. same with your friend here!" You shake your head "no! Mom please!" You beg. She seems sad like she doesn't want to do it but she has to. "I'm sorry my sweet girl.." she snaps your neck. Harry gasps as you fall to the floor. " don't have to erase my memories...let me keep them...I can hide it from our friends just so she won't feel alone..." Harry suggest. "But if she remembers you it can trigger her other memories." "Uh then alternate it. I was a friend from her old boarding school.. I left because I was starting a new school and now I came back..." he says. "That doesn't seem to bad Hayley what do you think?" Freya asks. "We can give it a try.. but if she starts remembering we will have to make you forget about her.." he nods

When you wake up you're tied up and your father is there. "Okay Klaus you have to can't stay here long.." Freya says "I sweetheart...I want you to forget, forget about ever going to Hogwarts....all your friends....forget them...all the love, forget it.." he says staring into your eyes. "Harry is an old friend from boarding school...he left years ago and you two were the closest of friends and now he's back.." he finishes. And now you had no memories of Hogwarts... "wait..Draco, Hermione and George know about her being a tribrid.. they found a book at the Salvatore school." Harry says. "Do they know that she wasn't fully a tribrid yet?" He shakes his head "Then for all they know she's dead." Freya says. "Well I better get back they will wonder where I ran off too." Harry says. "If you tell anyone Harry. I'll have to kill you so please don't make me do so." Hayley says as her eyes grow yellow. "I...I..I won't I'll come over every other day so she won't be alone..." Harry says before running out back to his broom. Your aunt Rebekah stops him "I'm coming with you. In case anyone remembers." He nods and you head off.

Harry's POV
I finally arrive back to Hogwarts and everyone's in Y/n's room as expected. You walk in slowly as Fred and George are Holding Ginny, Ron is holding Hermione, Hope is in her dorm and Draco is sitting alone. Rebekah walks in not to long after. "Hi..everyone im Y/n's aunt although we've already met...I just came to grab some things for our family and if you'd like to take something to remember y/n by you may.." She says and goes to packing the grimoires, magic objects, anything important to the family. Draco goes into the closet and pulls out the dress he bought Y/n. "I don't think that will fit you." Rebekah tries to joke. Although she's trying to act sad even though she knows her niece is living. " I bought this for her..she loved it...I was wondering maybe she could wear it...when know.." he stutters and I've never seen Malfoy look so heartbroken. Rebekah nicely takes the bag. "Of course it's a lovely dress..." she leans closer to Draco "trust me..she's okay..and she cared so much about you. I know she would love to be here right now..." she whispers to Draco. He looks at her with tears in his eyes. "Anyway I better get going.." she says goodbye and runs off. Suddenly there is a knock at the door and I go to open it and Luna is there. "Luna hey.. what's up?" "I'm looking for my friend Y/n! She lent me one of her spell books!" Everyone looks at Luna with sad eyes. "What's going on..?" She's concerned. "Y/n uh...she's...gone.." I begin. "What do you mean gone?!" "She's dead Luna...I'm so sorry.." she falls to her knees and I try to help her up but she's fighting it so I just hold her as she cries. "Hey...look what I found..." Hermione pulls out a photo album from under y/n's bed. Everyone gathers around to see it. "that's when we all had that movie night..." she says. It's a picture of Hermione, Luna, Ginny laughing at Y/n because she put candy corn as fangs. There were many more photos with the girls at Hogsmeade, laughing, slumber parties so many more. "Y/n and Fred..." Ginny points out a picture of  Fred and Y/n asleep on each other. Fred slightly smiles as a tear runs down his cheek. There's more pictures of Luna and Y/n studying or taking walks in the forest with random creatures each time. There's photos of Fred & George pulling pranks on y/n and popping fireworks together. Ron was mostly eating or laughing in every picture. There were some of me playing Quidditch, Y/n and I at the Yule ball, and with everyone who sat with us at the Gryffindor table. There were many with Hope. Baby pictures, first day of their old school, with their family and my favorite was the one where the both had done paintings with their dad and they dumped paint all over each other...they looked so happy I don't understand what went downhill.. "Draco..." Luna points to the whole section she made for him.

Draco's POV
Once Luna pointed to the album I saw so many pictures of y/n and I that I never even knew she had...there was our first night at the astronomy tower, a picture of me asleep when I had to stay in her dorm, there were pictures of me ,y/n and Blaise up late in the common room my favorite was the one at Hogsmeade....she looked gorgeous in her dress I couldn't take my eyes off her.. she was the love of my life...she died saving me now I'm at fault... "Are you okay Draco?" Hermione asks. I'm literally speechless I don't know what to say to Hermione or anyone. The next thing I know i was running out of Y/n's room. I ran to the library because no one would think to look of me here. I grab a piece of parchment and a quill and I begin writing..
"Dear Y/n...."

The Mikaelsons X Harry Potter Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon