Part 28: Finally Together

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You run to Ginny. "No no no... please Ginny!" You bite into your wrist trying to feed her your blood. "..y/n.." she says weakly "Ginny!" You pull her into a hug. She looks over at Draco and back to you. "Was this all a set up?" You ask Hope. "Yes.. we had to get you back.." you try to shake Draco awake "then why isn't he waking up?!" You begin to panic. "He's under a coma spell. I just have to reverse it" "Then reverse it!!!" You yell. "You have to promise me something first" Hope says. "Okay! Anything!" "You have to promise to not turn your humanity off again.. no matter what.. they need you, I need you!" Hope says as her voice cracks. "Okay...I can do that.. Father told me to turn it off so I'd feel better.. I didn't know what would happened.. you needed me and I see that now and I'm sorry I wasn't there..." Hope nods and does the spell to wake Draco up. A few moments go by and Ginny and the others decided to leave so they can wash up. You pace back and forth waiting and waiting. It's been about 10 minutes and you begin to panic. "Hmm Y/n?..." Draco groans. "Draco!" You run and jump onto him. "Someone's excited to see me.." he mutters. "I'm so sorry! I shouldn't have listened to my father.. I've missed you so much!" He smiles and strokes your face. "I love you, Draco..." he grabs you and pulls you in giving you a long passionate kiss. "I loved you since the day we first went to the astronomy tower, and that's a first for me." You can't help but blush and he finally kisses you and rolls you over so he's on top. You giggle "Draco we are in the wood!" He smirks "And?"


He begins kissing your neck unbuttoning your shirt along the way. His hand slides up your stockings, under your skirt. He rips off his shirt revealing his toned abs. He begins to lightly leave a trail of love bites from your neck all the way down to your stomach. He picks you up and your legs wrap around his waist. He pins you against a tree and slowly pushes his bulge in between you legs. You let out a small moan. A smile creeps along his face as you're kissing and his breathing gets heavier. You reach your hands down to unbuckle his pants and he slides them down quickly. His hair is now draped over his eyes and he pulls down your stockings and underwear. "Are you..sure about this.." he whispers in your ear. You just nod. He chuckles and he begins to slide his member into your entrance. You grip tightly onto his back as he's pushing into you. "Draco... what if..t-they come back" you say breathlessly. "They won't.." he says groaning as he's bobbing in and out. You moan a bit louder this time and Draco goes to kissing your neck leaving large purple love marks. You leave scratch marks all up and down Draco's back as he begins to speed up. "I'm..c-close!" You whimper out. "Me too, princess" he mutters gaining speed quickly, then both of you releasing and moaning in unison.

You and Draco slide your clothes back on and lay against the tree together. You lay your head on his chest and he has one arm around you and one holding your waist. "You know.. my father was in a situation like this once." You say. "Oh really? How so?" Draco replies. "Him and the love of his life hooked up for the first time in the woods too.." Draco chuckles "Is that how you and Hope were consumed?" You shake you head "I'm not talking about my mother. As much as I would like my mother and father to be together, they weren't meant to be. My mom loved my uncle Elijah. For my dad there was this girl Caroline. She brought out the best of him, but since he was so evil at the time she never felt the same. Deep down though.. she knew he was the one she wanted, but then she went off had kids and got married.." "Wow. Your Mum and your fathers brother? That's a turn of events. It wasn't. awkward or anything? And where is Caroline now?" He asks. You laugh "It wasn't.. I can't imagine how my uncle feels right now.. when he thought she died giving birth he was heartbroken.. and now she's really gone..." you voice begins to crack and your eyes fill up with tears but you catch your breath. "And for Caroline she had twins even though she's a vampire she had them magically or something like that, she went off with the father to run a school. The school I came from The Salvatore boarding school actually named after her husband Stefan Salvatore.." "Well mystic falls seem like a very very chaotic town from what I'm hearing." You both laugh and you begin to hear leafs crunching and footsteps approaching. You and Draco both jump up. As Hope, Ginny, Luna and Fred approach you. "Heyyy guys!" You say trying not to act suspicious. "Why is your shirt on backwards?" Ginny asks. You and Draco both look down then to each other. "I guess this morning I put it on wrong..." you mutter. "And why are there leaves tangled in your hair?" Luna asks softly. "Uh you see uhm..." Hope bursts out laughing. "Oh. My! You really did that out here?!" She says loudly. Your face turns bright red.

Hermione's POV
Once we arrived to mystic falls we began looking for Hope and Y/n's old school. It was gated off but nothing a spell wouldn't do. Once we made it outside we didn't know where to begin. "George and I will go find the headmasters office, you two see if you can find anything." George and I walked through hall and hall but no office finally we decided just to ask someone. A blonde headed girl with blue eyes, pretty tall and wore a jersey tied with a knot approached us. "Hey you guys look lost." "Uhm yeah we are do you know where the headmasters office is?" She nods "duh! My Mom and Dad run this school. Follow me" she says walking down a hall with George and I following. "Mom we have some lost students" George and I walk in and she leaves. "Hi I'm headmistress Caroline, so I'm assuming you two are new here." "Actually we were wondering if you knew and Elena Gilbert?" George asks quickly. "I do... who are you?" "I'm Hermione Granger, this is my friend George Weasley. We really need your help to find Elena. Our friends are vampires and we just need to cure to save them.." I exclaim. "How do you know about that cure!" "We read about it. We go to Hogwarts and our friends y/n and Hope Mikaelson really need our help! Their mother just died and Y/n turned off her humanity and-" George says but Caroline cuts him off "Wait.. Y/n? And Hope? Hayleys dead?" We both nod. "Oh my.. I can't believe Klaus didn't tell me.." "It's because he's supposed to be far away. He has some magic in him that's harmful for Y/n and Hope so he left and hasn't been back." I add. "I'll need the cure back right away.. follow me"

She drove for hours and finally got to an excluded house. "Bonnie! Open up!" Caroline rings the doorbell a few times. Finally a man opens the door. "Ah perfect Enzo!" Caroline chimes. "What do you want,Caroline?" He mutters in a sleepy voice. "I need the cure." She says as you all walk in. "The cure?" A woman asks. She has brown hair and greenish eyes. "Yes! The cure. Klaus's daughters need help. Oh yeah and I just found Hayley died and Klaus can't go near his kids because of some evil magic and I have no idea what to do!" Caroline says quickly. "Woah Care, calm down it's okay.." George and I stay off to the side. "It's just so hard..Those girls were raised at the Salvatore school. Hayley was an amazing mother to them and I know it's not easy losing a parent. I just want them to be able to have a life.. to have. Children and grow old with their partner.. I don't want it to be like it was for me.." Bonnie comforts her "You ended up having kids though." "Yeah magically! I wasn't supposed to have them I got a miracle but with a cost of losing a friend.." Bonnie gets up and grabs some sort of syringe. When she comes back it's full with blood. "Here Care, please just bring it back." She says and Caroline runs and hugs her. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" She exclaims. "Come in kids!" She waves to you and you follow her. "Wait! We left Ron and Harry at the school!" George says. "They will fly back soon enough when the realize we aren't there!" I reply.

Hours and hours of driving you finally arrive back to Hogwarts..

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