Part 22: New Orleans

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Draco's POV
"Dear Y/n... I know you won't get this but I'm writing to you because I am so lost. I saw your all the photos of us in your album. I really wish you were here with us..I really feel at fault. You shouldn't have saved should be the one who lived. Ginny isn't handling it to well.. she regrets ignoring you for those few weeks. She kept one of your jumpers and if she doesn't have it on she holds on to it as she cries herself to sleep. Luna was devastated when she found out so Harry took her to go see those horse creatures she likes so much. Fred and George..they are putting on a strong face but I can tell they are hurting. Hermione misses you so much she won't step a foot out of your dorm. Ron, not quite sure what he's feeling he doesn't show much. Harry seems awfully okay with everything which is odd but he has lost a lot so maybe he's used to it. Although you've had the biggest impact on my life. I always thought I'd end up alone or heartless, but you showed me what love feels like.. you showed me there was good in me. It has only been a day and it's already getting more hard..not just for me for everyone...Anyways I might write more to you because maybe you're listening up there or looking over us , either way. I love you.

It was a Friday afternoon and Harry was on his way to New Orleans. It has been two weeks of this on and off visiting. Everyone assumed Harry was just staying to himself so no one questioned where he went.

"Harry!" You yell running into his arms. He hugs you  tight. "Hey y/n! How are you!" "I'm great! My aunt Rebekah gave me this gorgeous dress and fur coat and I can't wait to wear it! We should go out!" You say excitedly.  "I have to take exams for school soon so I shouldn't be out to late so I can study. But we will soon okay! Now what else are we doing today?" Harry throws himself on your bed. "Well I bought you something!" You say and pull out a pair of matching pajamas. "Brilliant! This has always been dream of mine!" He laughs and grabs them. He changes and so do you. "Ahh! We look so cute!" You squeal. "Now let's watch some movies!" You both climb into your bed. You wrap your arms around him as you two are watching movies. You eventually drift off to sleep so Harry decides he should head out. He quietly slips from your grasp and flies back to Hogwarts.

Harry's POV
I was heading back to Hogwarts and it was already pretty late. I only hoped I wouldn't run into anyone so I wouldn't get 21 questioned. I'm running in the halls and I bump into Hermione. She always knows when I'm lying. "Hermione! Hey!" She looks at me skeptical. "Where have you been running off to these last 2 weeks! You say you're in your room but when I go look for you you are gone! Then when I question you ,you say you were in the bathroom!" "Look Mione. I...I'm - uhh I'm going through a phase!" I answer. She scoffs "yeah right! Quit lying to us Harry. We are worried..." "I...I have to go Mione.." I don't know why I said that because I look even more suspicious but I just ran to my room and fell asleep.

(Y/n's POV)
As I was laying in bed a letter flies through my room. An owl stays perched on the ledge as if it's waiting for a reply. I open the letter and I read. After reading I was so confused. I didn't know who any of these people were besides Harry. The initials at the end were "D.M" the only person I could think of with those initials were Davina Mikaelson. But maybe they were Harry's friend and I'm just not remembering correctly. I decided to respond with the best of my knowledge from the letter.

"Dear friend, I just wanted to reply saying that I miss you all dearly. I'm doing good and I'm happy. It's not your fault I can promise you. Nobody should be blamed. I love you all and I want you to tell everyone it's okay. Tell Ginny I forgive her and she should not punish herself. Tell them it will be okay because they will get up, stop reminiscing and move on to new things. That's all I could ask for. I'm glad I had such an amazing impact on you and I really hope you turn out to be the amazing person I know you could be. I love you too and I wish you all the best and I'll try to keep in contact. Xoxo.
~ Y/n Mikaelson"

I grab an envelope and I grab some wax, melt it and stamp it with the Mikaelson crest. I give the letter to the owl and it flies off. I can't help but wonder why I can't remember those names but they know so much about me.

The next day Harry arrives. "Harry can we go shopping? I used to have a whole closet full now it's all empty I don't understand!" He laughs "yes yes we can go shopping" "great. Although I only have this dress so I guess it will have to work." Harry leaves you to change and you slide the green dress on but you leave the coat on the rack since it's hot outside. I didn't want to wear heels so I slide on some black flats. You put your hair in a bun with two little stands in the front, you put on some natural makeup nothing to much. "Okay Harry! I'm ready!" You yell opening your door to greet him. His mouth drops. "Wow...y/n...I-...I'm speechless you look gorgeous!" Both of you blush. "Thank you Harry.." you smile and give him a kiss on the cheek and walk down stairs. "Aunt Freya! Aunt Keelin we are going shopping!" You tell "Oh! Wait wait Y/n! Do you think you can take Nik with you? Freya and I haven't had a date night in forever and you have the perfect partner." Keelin asks. You laugh "of course." Keelin hugs you "thank you so much , I'll go get the diaper bag and stroller!" She goes off into her room. "I hope you don't mind Harry." He shakes his head "it no big deal I love kids!" He exclaims.

Hermione's POV
Meanwhile at Hogwarts. "Ugh where is the scar boy!" I'm running through the halls looking for Harry. I checked his dorm no ones there, checked the bathroom no ones there , the room of requirement nothing! He's hiding something and I'm going to find out. I call Ron, Draco, Luna ,Ginny and the twins to my room. "What is it you lunatic!" Ron teases. "Harry's hiding something and we are going to find out what it is!" I say. "Ugh I don't have time for Pottah and his stupid secrets..." as he says that a letter comes to him stamped with the Mikaelson crest. "Is that an invitation to the..." Ginny's voice cracks. He rips it open and read the letter to himself. No one dared to try and read it because Draco likes things to himself. His face falls. "It's y/n..she answered my letter..." everyone looks shocked. "That's impossible..." Ron says. "Look for yourself!" Draco shows everyone the letter. "This has to be some sick joke." Fred grows angry. "I wrote y/n a letter...and whoever wrote this was either y/n..or one of the Mikaelsons.. I had it delivered to their homes.." "Maybe..they are trying to make us feel at peace.." I suggest everyone nods in agreement and everyone stays silent for awhile. "So..about Harry.." George breaks the silence. "Right...Y/n once taught me a spell. A locator spell I think it was... I need a map and something of Harry's." Ron grabs Harry's comb and Luna brings me a map, I drip a bit of mouse blood and I begin using the spell y/n taught me. The blood began moving through cities and stops to circle around New Orleans. "Well looks like we are going to New Orleans. We will be in pairs! Luna and Ginny, the twins, Ron and Draco. I'll be by myself." I hand everyone a broom and we begin our journey to New Orleans...

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