Part 14 : She's always the one..

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"Oh my...what did they mean you would be our downfall?" Hermione asks. You look down "uhm well they believe Hope and I are abominations to nature and we should have never been born. Because of this we have been targeted, many groups of all species have came to kill us to balance nature. Obviously my family is much older and more powerful so we find a way out it. That's why we came here... an old family my father upset has it out for us that's why it's so dangerous for people to know because if it gets out that we are here... you all could be in trouble." You sigh. "It's not always a good thing to be a Mikaelson no matter how powerful you are." "Well let's change the subject shall we!" Ginny says to release the awkwardness. "Oh!Dinner is starting soon we should!" Hermione says and you get dressed into your robes and you all head to the Great hall for dinner. Neither Fred or Draco are at dinner and in a way you feel relieved there would be no drama at the dinner table. Or so you thought.

Since Draco wasn't there you, Ginny, Hermione and George sit at the Gryffindor table. You all were one of the first people there. Hope and Ron later made their way towards the table and you see Hermiones mood change. "Hey guys.." Ron says in a hushed tone. No one responds you just keep eating. "Uhm y/n Ron and I went and visited Fred. He'd like to see you" Hope says. "Yeah you are all he keeps talking about" Ron chuckles alittle. Everyone watches as Hope wraps her arm around Rons and she then places a kiss on his lips. Hermione is infuriated "Ron Weasley! Did you seriously not notice how long I've been in love with you?!" She yells. Everyone around turns to stare at her. "Mione I..I" he stutters she now has tears forming in her eyes with her face flushed pink "Forget it Ron! It doesn't matter anymore" she gets up and storms off. You are about to get up to run after her but Ginny stops you "Go see Fred.. figure out what's going on first okay? I'll handle Hermione." She gives you a quick hug and begins running to Hermione. You think about what Ginny says and decide it was a good idea. You say goodbye to everyone at the table and head to the hospital wing.

You finally make it to the hospital wing practically running now and see both Draco and Fred. Draco is a few beds over from Fred but you can still feel the tension. You quietly walk over to Fred's cot as Madame pomfrey is finishing up. Fred looks surprised to see you. He immediately sits up "Y/N I-" you cut him off "Explain to me why you don't trust me Fred. I tell you the truth about everything. What reason do I give you to act that way towards me?" He looks embarrassed "Y/N I it's not you I don't trust I've explained that! Malfoy... I see the way he looks at you every single time you walk by. I don't want to lose you... I love you Y/n" he says trying not to make eye contact you. Your face turns red and you move up to kneel beside him. You caress his cheek "Oh Freddie... I love you too." You give him a quick kiss. "But this jealousy needs to calm down... if Draco and I fix things he will always be a friend. You need to understand that and try to get along... for me." You give him puppy dog eyes as he grabs your hand into his. He sighs "Fine.. if I have to I could give it a try only for you." He smiles. Even with a bloody nose and bruised face he still manages to make you smile. "Great! Now I'm going to go speak to Draco. Don't miss me too much!" You tease as you give him a wink as you walk off. You can hear him laugh as your walking.
You get to Draco and he acts like he's been asleep the whole time. "Oh please Draco like I didn't notice you ease-dropping" he smiles a bit "so... is this the part where you tell me we can't be friends anymore?" His face saddens. "Are you crazy? Although you were out of line about what you said but I could never stop being friends with you. You mean a lot to me I hope you know that." He smiles and slightly turns red "Well honestly Y/n you mean the world to me... and if I have to suck it up and behave myself just to stay friends with you. I'm willing to sacrifice my bad attitude." He says. "And you will try to get along with Fred?" You add and he nods. "Great! That whole girls night goes on tonight so you better be there! At my dorm." You give him a hug and run off to get set up for tonight.

Hours later you Ginny and Hermione set up snacks, a stack of movies pillows and blankets and a projector to play the movies. Luna arrives and you all are in your pajamas. Hermione has a short sleeve t-shirt with white sweatpants , Luna is wearing a blue flowy nightgown, Ginny is wearing a velvet maroon crop top and short pajama set , and you are wearing Fred's jumper with black shorts you made out of sweatpants. Draco and Fred arrive about the same time. You and Fred settle on the bed with Hermione and Draco, Ginny and Luna took the couch. You all decide to watch "10 things I hate about you" as the movie is about to start Harry , Ron and George bust through the door "Nobody invited us?!" George says jumping on you and Fred. Everyone laughs "ugh George your heavy get off" you tease. Hermione gets up to great Harry followed by Ginny constantly trying to get Harry's attention without actually talking to him. "Uhh so I'm thinking the spots can change a bit. George , Draco and I can take the bed with Y/n and Fred while Luna , Ginny , Ron and Harry can take the couch / floor." Hermione says not making eye contact with Ron. "Sounds good to me pass some snacks! " George exclaims laying down across the bottom of the bed. Hermione laid at the end of the bed next to George and you laid in between Draco and Fred. You cuddled with Fred during the movie and once he started playing with your hair you quickly fell asleep.

The next morning you notice no one went back to their dorms last night. Hermione fell asleep on George's shoulder , Draco was curled up in a ball obviously cold from Hermione taking all the covers, Harry and Ginny were cuddled next to each other, Ron was awake and Luna...well somehow she ended on the bathroom carpet. She must've sleep walked. You get out of bed trying not to wake anyone. "Hey Ron are you still using that blanket?" "Oh uhm no here!" He wipes his face and hands you the blanket. You can tell he had been crying his eyes were red and puffy and he wouldn't make direct eye contact. You go over towards Draco and lay the blanket over him then walk back to Ron. "So. Are you going to tell me what's wrong?" You say offering a hand. He takes it and you pull him up "Uhm... I..-I There is nothing wrong.." "oh as if I'd believe that come on" You grab a quick change of pants and you and Ron walk in the empty halls. "So what's bothering you ?" He sighs "I feel horrible... I feel like I broke her.." " didn't break her , but even I could tell she liked you." "Did I make the wrong choice y/n?" I mean Hope is amazing , but it has always been Hermione.." you gasp " So you've liked Hermione all this time and you pushed it aside just cause Hope showed interest?!" You say. "I..I guess so. I don't know! It's all confusing Hermione never showed her feelings if I told her and she didn't feel the same  it would've made us all awkward!" He confesses. "Ron! Are you stupid?! You are breaking up with Hope telling Hermione how you feel!" You grab Ron's arm and start pulling him through the halls. "Y/n! Hopes going to hate me!" "She won't ! Now go" you push him towards Hope's door. He softly knocks but no answer . "Fine I got this"  you use your magic to open the door. You and Ron walk in to Hope with... DEAN!? You and Ron's jaws drop. Her and Dean immediately get up and throw on clothes. "Ron I swear-" " Save it Hope. We are done." You still stand their shocked Hope and Dean just stare at you. "Right uhm sorry you guys go back to what you were doing!" You try not to laugh but as you try to leave Hope grabs your arm. "Try to fix this please..." "Hope maybe it's for the best. Maybe you and Dean were meant to find each other!" Dean smiles and nods. "I...I really liked him y/n. As my sister please?" She whispers. "Hope. As your sister I'm telling you just move on. If you liked him so much you wouldn't have cheated. I'm sorry but I can't help you!" You give her a small sympathetic smile and run off to find Ron. He's hiding at the corner of a hall way he jumps out and pulls you into a very tight hug swinging you in circles. "I can't thank you enough y/n! If we hadn't come down here I wouldn't have had a reason to break up with her." He says joyfully. "Well I don't think my sister was that bad of a girlfriend " you tease . He sets you down "she wasn''s just she always wants to be the hero and it puts me down because I'm supposed to be the man! Now let's get back I need to talk to Mione!" He says grabbing you this time and pulling you through the halls back to your dorm.

You both finally arrive at the room and notice everyone's awake. "Well there you two are! Where have you been?!" Ginny asks. "We went for a walk since no one else was awake." You walk over to Fred and he puts his arm around your waist pulling you closer. Surprisingly Ginny and Draco are getting along talking you notice Harry eyeing them down. Ron walks over and asks Hermione to talk and they both go into the hallway.

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