Part 33: New Problems

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(In this story Kai is only a few years older than Y/n. You are 16 almost 17 right now and Kai was 19 when he was turned)

You wake up the next day sad to have your uncle gone but a relief your father is still here. You decided to starts focusing on your studies to get through the year. You are in your 6th year and next year will be your last. Your father returned home to New Orleans along with the rest of the bunch so now it was time to get your life back on track. It's been about a week since you talked to anyone because you were still grieving. One day as you were studying a note slid under your door. You grab it and it read

Dear Y/n,
This may come as a surprise to you, but I have some how gotten contact to the real world and I'm trying to come back home. I heard you and Hope are stronger than ever so I could really use your help. I'm running out of Pork Rinds over here. Now I'm running out of time so I hope you can figure it out
Yours truly-

And the note got cut off. "Who likes Pork Ri- KAI!" You say to yourself and run out of the room. The next thing you know you were at Hopes dorm. You barge through and Dean was there once again. "Dammit Hope keep it in your pants for one day! I need to talk to you." She rolls her eyes and Dean leaves. "Look what I got under my door today." You give her the letter. "The only person we know who likes Pork Rinds is Kai." She says. "Exactly! It has to be him we can help him come home! Alaric must have lied about Kai's death." "I don't know Y/n. How could he possibly stay hidden this whole time and-" she's cut off by a box appearing right in front of our faces. "Okay now that's weird." Hope says. You open the box.

This should help you bring me back
-Kai <3

You unwrap the box and it reveals the Ascendant. The one Alaric always tried to hide from the twins. "We can bring him back." Hope looks nervous "What if what Alaric said was true?! What if he did kill his sister on their wedding day, what if he is really dangerous?!" She questions. You scoff "Our father daggers his siblings when he disagrees with them for centuries! Fin was asleep for 900 years. Our father killed his own mother and father! Mikael did deserve it I will admit, but our father has done 1000 times more than what Kai as been accused of. Either way if he's dangerous we are some of the strongest witches we can take him." You answer. She sighs "Fine. Let's bring back Kai Parker." She smiles.

You spent the day looking through grimoires and practicing spells. "The last thing we need is Bennet blood." Hope informs. "How are we going to get that?" You ask. "I have an idea. I have to go I'll be back later." Hope says before running off.

You were on your way to the great hall when you run into Draco. "Hey you.. I haven't seen you in awhile." He grabs your hands. "I've been really..uh busy" he sighs "Y/n.. I need to know if you meant what you said..?" You see his expression change. "That I love you? Of course I do Draco. I just have things to sort out right now." You give him a reassuring smile. He nods and gives you a longing kiss. "What are you up to today " he asks. "Just heading to dinner." "And after?" He asks "just studying you know final exams are coming up." You answer. "Well.. I was wondering if I could come over and talk tonight.." he asks shyly his cheeks are flushed pink. "Of course. You come over whenever you want to." You give him a kiss on the cheek and head to the Slytherin table. Blaise is sitting next to Pansy and Goyle is on his other side. You and Draco sit across from them. "Haven't seen you around." Blaise teases. "Busy busy and well grieving.." you snap. Blaise was helpful that day when your family came but he always wants your attention.

After dinner you and Draco head back to your dorm. Draco changes into a green jumper and grey sweatpants.

(You wear this)

You jump into bed with Draco

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You jump into bed with Draco. You lay on his chest and he wraps his arm around you and begins playing with your hair. "I-I'm scared darling.." Draco mutters. You look at him "why what's going on?" "My father.. he wants me to become something evil, h-he wants me to hurt people.." you sit up and see his teary eyes. "Oh my love.. you aren't anything like that.. just don't do it." You stroke his face. "I can't just n-not do it Y/n! This was a mistake I have to go." He rushes out the room. "Draco wait!" You run after him and he heads into one of the bathrooms. He's pouring water on his face when you walk in. "Y/n just leave!" He shouts. "I'm not going to leave you..please please talk to me.." you walk closer. He turns around "There's nothing you can do! If I don't do this h-he will..."he stops. "He will what Draco.." he falls to the ground sobbing "He will kill me.." he mutters. You rush to him and hold him in your arms. You're comforting him and stroking his head. "I'm sorry.. I promise we will fix this.." all of a sudden you hear something banging against the floor. "Draco." A deep voice echos in the bathroom. You and Draco look up quickly. You see a tall, blue eyed, long haired blonde man with a snake cane. "Dad..." Draco whispers. It was Draco's father...

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