Part 20: Littlest Wolf

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"Woah..." you gasp. "Who are you?! And how did you summon me!" She seems very tense but you've handled worse "I'm Y/n Mikaelson.. I'm Klaus and Hayleys daughter.." she cocks an eyebrow "Ah one of the Mikaelson must be a very powerful witch.." you shrug "I guess so..who are you?" You ask. "I'm your Aunt Dahlia. Now Y/n I have a request... you could bring me back! If you'd want to of course. I miss my family so much... I'm sure you can relate.." she gives you a sad look. "You know what that sounds great! I'd love to bring you back I'm sure our family would be overjoyed!" She smiles "Are you the first born? Out of you and Hope?" "Yes. That's why I inherited the crescent wolf pack leader status." She nods "Well you practice that spell and we could have loads of fun together!" She smiles and slowly the candle dims and eventually goes out.

Quickly after you pick up every spell book and began looking for resurrection spells. "The ashes of the dead, blood of last known relatives..ugh ! How am I going to get the ashes! Father hid them.." you stay up all night trying to find some sort of loophole but only to send a letter to your father asking for all the ingredients you need saying it's for a "ancestor project" hopefully he buys it. You realize it's already 5am and breakfast starts soon. You decide you're going to dress your best since you are becoming happier even though you haven't talked to your friends you have your Aunt Dahlia. You curl your hair put on some natural makeup and then your uniform and robes. It's about breakfast time so you grab your books and head to the dining hall. On your way there you see Fred and two never broke up you just assumed it was a break..You wanted to cry but you held it in and just kept your head down not really paying attention. You bump into someone getting knocked down which interrupts Fred and Angelina. Once he notices it's you his face immediately falls. You pick yourself up and you apologize grabbing your things off the floor.Fred tries to stop you to talk but you brush past him. "Y/n please!" You just keep walking. You get to the slytherin table and sit at the end by yourself reading your grimoires. Fred wouldn't stop staring at you during breakfast. Blaise comes and joins you at the end. "Hey y/n! How come you didn't join Pansy and her crew?" You shrug "you okay?.." he seems genuinely concerned. You shake your head signaling that it's nothing. Draco runs over to the both of you " Y/n before you slap me or run off please please listen!" You look at him "Go on." "I miss you so much and I know I messed up but you were my best friend and I need you because without you I'm completely out of my mind!" You smile slightly "Aw Draco-" " Wait let me finish. You make me a better person Y/n and I don't care that you are a mud blood , I don't care how psychotic your family gets you mean the world to me and even though we aren't together I need my best friend.." he says obviously out of breath from how fast he was going. You get up and hug him so right. "Ugh finally a friend!" At the Gryffindor table Fred says something to the others and they all look at you and Draco. Blaise run and joins the hug "the 3 musketeers!" You all laugh. All of a sudden your owl delivers a box with a letter attached.

"My dearest daughter, my littlest wolf , my whole heart, I got your request and you'll notice they are all in the box. I hope you have a fun time on your project and learn even more about your family. I love you - Klaus Mikaelson."

You open the box and see an urn and vials of each Mikaelson except Hope.. "What is that?" Blaise peeks. You quickly shut the box "Uh nothing! Haha you know it was lovely catching up but I have things to do!" You grab a syringe and make your way to the Gryffindors still holding your box. "What do you want?!" Hope snaps. You poke her arm with the syringe and drain some blood. She yells. "Sorry that's it. Muah" you blow fake kisses to everyone then flip them off. You run off to your room with a cauldron. You pour her ashes in their and poor each vial in as you go. You make a small slit in your palm and drip some of your blood in it. You start chanting the resurrection spell. After a few minutes she appears. "I did it!" You run and hug her. "Oh my great niece you're an amazing witch Now let's go start hellfire my dear." "Wait what are you talking about? I don't want to cause trouble-" she uses a pain infliction spell on you and you fall down screaming. "You'll listen to me Y/n. I was promised the first born Mikaelson of each generation ...which is why I took Freya and now I'm taking you! You'll do what I say and you won't disobey! Understand?!" You nod and she stops. And she pulls you by your arm and out of Hogwarts. You make it into muggle world and that's where everything goes down hill...

It's been a few weeks and you and your Aunt have destroyed buildings , caused wildfires and you were making your way to New Orleans. You make it to the compound and your family see Dahlia "Y/n get away from her!" Freya yells. Since you and your father weren't allowed to be together since he had the allow it began hailing balls of ice. "You shouldn't be here y/n" Klaus yells. "Oh I just wanted to tell you all. I'm taking her. And there's nothing for you to stop me." She takes you back to hogwarts "Now my dear I have to handle business here I'll be back." You decide to follow her and she has Draco cornered on the astronomy tower. "You are a distraction! She's not the same girl anymore and she is going to be the most powerful being and if you keep trying to contact her she will only ever feel emotions she needs to forget everyone! Starting with you.." she moves closer pushing draco close to the edge. You and some of your other friends gather around trying to run up with you she starts a ring of fire separating you and the others from saving Draco. "Aunt Dahlia please! I've done all you've said!" "Where have you been y/n it's been weeks we've been worried!" Harry exclaims. "Oh like you guys care. You ignored me for weeks for no reason! Fred cheated on me! And Hope is just a bitch." You say. You turn into your wolf form and jump over the fire grabbing your Aunt Dahlia with your sharp teeth and you pull her off the tower with you.... little did you know she pulled Draco too. You're still falling and you put a protection spell on Draco so instead of falling to the ground he stops mid air and then falls about 2 feet. You try to put a protection spell on yourself but you hit the ground before doing so... so there lays your almost lifeless body... Dahlia died straight away. Draco gets up and runs to you "y/n look at me!" He yells "SOMEBODY HELP ME!!" He's screaming with tears falling down his cheeks. "Y/n please...I love you..." "D...Draco......I've always.....loved you..." and with that you take your last breath.

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