I'm flying Pacifica

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In the fanciest dining, 1st class room on the ship, Dipper sits with Stan, Ford, and Fiddleford sitting there silent and still like a porcelain figurine as the boring conversation washes around him. He looks at a nearby table to see a little boy reaching over the table to grab a cookie, but his mother slaps his hand away and lectures him on his manners and posture...Dipper felt the boys pain when he saw this. After all, he had a family just like that.

Dipper lifts up his teacup and deliberately turns it over, spilling it all over his suit. "Oh no, look what I have done. Excuse me."

~Meanwhile with Pacifica~

Pacifica stands at ships bow...it was Pacificas favorite spot since...him. She closes her eyes, letting the chill wind clear her head and feel the beautiful sunset. But then Pacifica hears his voice behind her...

"Hello, Pacifica." Pacifica hears as she turns and she sees Dipper standing there.

"I changed my mind." Dipper says and Pacifica smiles at him, drinking him in. His cheeks are red with the chill wind, and his eyes sparkle. His hair blows wildly around his face.

"Gideon said you might be up-"

"Ssshhh...come here." Pacifica takes Dippers hands and steps behind him, interlocks their fingers together. 

"Close you're eyes." Pacifica says and he follows with a smile. She gently pushes him to the railing, the way the ship is going. She raises their arms up a bit more...like wings.

"Okay. Open you're eyes." Pacifica says peeking over Dippers shoulder since he was a bit taller than her.

Dipper gasps. There is nothing in his vision but water. Its like there's no ship under them at all. Just them soaring. The Atlantic unrolls toward him, a hammered copper shield under a dusk blue sky. There is only the wind, and the hiss of water 50 feet below.

"I'm flying!" Dipper exclaims. Dipper leans forward, arching his back. Pazzie grips his hands a bit tighter to steady him. Then Pacifica starts to sing softly.

"Come Josephine in my flying machine."  She sings softly as Dipper closes his eyes. Imagining himself float weightless above the sea. After a couple seconds Dipper very slowly turns around and locks eyes with Pacifica...like the first time they met. Without caring, he put his hand on her cheek and his other on her lower back. Pacifica slowly grabs the collar of his shirt.

"Dipper..." Pacifica whispers as they both lean in more until their noses were touching.

"Sshhh..." Dipper shushes Pacifica as he fully leans in and they both flutter their eyes closed. Pacifica leans her head back a bit, and as if surrendering to him, to the emotion, to the inevitable. They kiss slowly and tremulously, and then with building passion.

 They kiss slowly and tremulously, and then with building passion

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                 ~Old Dippers Perspective~

"That was the last time Titanic ever saw daylight." Dipper says opening his eyes slowly, seeming to come back to the present.

Shandra then changes the tape on the minicassette recorder. "So were up to dusk on the night of the sinking. Six hours to go. Nice."

"Don't you love it? There's Captain Blubs, he's standing there with the iceberg warning in his fucking hand." Shandra starts to say to Preston but remembers Dipper was in the room. "I'm sorry, excuse me. In his hand and he's ordering more speed."

"That was 26 years of experience working against him. He figures anything big enough to sink a ship they're going to see in time to turn. But the ships too big, with a too small rudder. It can't corner worth shit. Everything he thought he knew was wrong." Preston exclaims.

Shandra and Preston look over too Dipper to see him looking at a particular drawing. It was him.

"Dipper...do you mind telling us what happened next?" Preston asks. But before Dipper could answer, Gwen walks in the room.

"He'll tell you the rest tomorrow. Right Grandfather?" Gwen asks sweetly to Dipper and he smiles and nods. Shandra and Preston wave goodbye to Dipper as Gwen and him go down the hallway out of sight.

"You think Dipper and that Pacifica girl..."did it" yet?" Shandra asks with a chuckle.

Preston chuckles back while rolling his eyes. "Ask him tomorrow."

Sorry for the short chapter but I hope you enjoyed and liked their first kiss (Technically first since Pacifica before only kissed him on the cheek so that doesn't really count.) and overall, enjoying the book so far! remember, stay 'Gleeful' and 'Never Let Go' ;)

Our floating love (A RevDipcifica story Titanic Version)Where stories live. Discover now