You jump, I jump

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Also the video on top for some reason I am obsessed with it. It has nothing to do with the story and my sister laughed at it. And obviously its the characters *_*

                         ~This is a couple hours later from Dinner~

"I can't believe you embarrassed all of us in front of the whole 1st class diner!" Candy says angrily. Dipper doesn't respond. Instead he just stands staring out the window.

"Answer me you asshole!" Candy says yelling even louder now. But still, Dipper continues staring out the window. Dipper then feels a tug pulling him to face her.

"What are you-" Dipper starts to say but before he could finish, he felt a burning sensation on the side of his face. He fell on the ground from the impact. He never knew girls could hit so damn hard.

"If you ever disrespect me again, It will surely be a frying pan next Gleeful!" Candy says as she storms out shutting their bedroom door behind her.

'Just end you're miserable life'

'You're life is not worth living for'


Dipper just kept hearing the voices in his head repeating again. He just couldn't take it anymore. He got up from the wooden floor and exited his room. He then started running towards the back of the ship. Once he reached it he looks behind the railing to see the propellers spinning rapidly. Without even thinking, he carefully stepped over the railing until he was completely over it and he put his hands behind him to hang onto the railing.



"Don't do it."

 Dipper hears a feminine voice come from behind him.

He turns to see a beautiful light blonde, with eyes just like the sea below. It was Pacifica.

"Stay back! don't come any closer!" Dipper yells at the blonde.

"Give me you're hand, I'll pull you back over." Pacifica says as she holds her hand out for Dipper to take.

"No! stay where you are. I mean it. I'll let go." Dipper says with uncertainty in his voice.

"No you won't." Pacifica says as she raises her eyebrows.

"What do you mean I wont? You shall not tell me what I will and will not do. You don't know me." Dipper says almost yelling. But Pazzie remains calm.

"Well, you would have done it already. Now come on, take my hand." Pacifica says as she out-stretches her hand again.

"You're distracting me. Go away." Dipper says as he turns back to the water.

"I can't. I'm involved now. If you let go I have to jump in after you." Pacifica says as she starts to take of her jacket to only be in her dark purple, worn out shirt, and takes off her boots.

"Don't be absurd. You'll be killed." Dipper says looking back at Pacifica like she had four eyes.

"I'm a good swimmer." Pacifica says as she throws her boots to the side.

"The fall alone will kill you." 

"It's going to hurt. I'm not saying it wouldn't. But to be honest, I'm more concerned about the water being so cold." That makes Dipper think as Pacifica says this.

"H-how cold?" Dipper says with a stutter.

"Freezing. Maybe a couple degrees over." Pacifica says as she shrugs her shoulders like it was no big deal. Dipper looks back at the water and gulps.

"Have you ever been to Gravity Falls?" Pacifica says as she leans over a bit to throw her cigarette over.

"No." Dipper says blankly.

"Well, They have one of the coldest winters around in Oregon, and I grew up there. Once I was a kid and me and my father were out ice-fishing on Lake Gravity Falls. Ice-fishing is when you chop a whole in the-" Pacifica starts to say but gets cut off by Dipper.

"I know what ice-fishing is!" Dipper says angrily.

"Sorry. You just seem more like an indoor boy." Pacifica says nodding towards his fancy night clothing. "Anyway, I went through some thin ice and I'm telling you, water that right down there...It hits you like a thousand knives stabbing all over you're body. You can't breathe, you can't least nothing but the pain. Which is why I am not looking forward to jumping to jumping in there after you. But like I said I don't have a choice. I guess I'm kinda hoping you'll come back over the rail and get me off the hook here." Pacifica says as she leans against the rail a couple feet away from Dipper.

"You're a crazy lady!" Dipper says staring back at the water.

"That's what everyone says. But with all due respect sir, I'm not the one hanging off the back of a ship here." She had a point.

"Come on. Trust me you don't want to do this. Give me you're hand." Pacifica walks closer to Dipper and extends her hand towards him.

"Alright..." Dipper finally says and takes Pacificas soft hand.

"I'm Pacifica Northeast." Pacifica says as she smiles at Dipper.

"It's a pleasure to meet you miss Northeast. I'm Mason Gleeful. But you may call me Dipper." Dipper says as he returns her smile and squeezes her hand a bit.

"Alright Dipper. Lets get you back over the-" Pacifica starts to say but Dipper slips on his long white pants and starts to fall but Pacifica catches his arm.

"AHHH! HELP ME! HELP ME!" Dipper screams as he tries to get his legs over the railing but keeps slipping.

"I've got you! I'll won't let go!" Pacifica says as she grips his arm tighter and keeps pulling him over with all her strength.

Finally Dipper manages to get over the railing but falls over and spins which leads to having Pacifica on top of him with her hands wrapped around his neck.

"Oh, I'm sorry Dip-" Pacifica starts to say but shes cut off by people pulling her off Dipper.

"GET OFF OF HIM YOU BASTURD!" They hear a feminine voice say. It was Candy while two men cuff Pacifica.

"W-wait stop! Candy, she didn't do anything wrong! she saved me!" Dipper says as he stands up quickly.

"Wait...what? she saved you from what?" Candy says as the two men stop cuffing Pacifica but keep a hold of her.

"I was uh...looking down at the propellers and I slipper and she helped me." Dipper lies. But he wasn't lying about this wonderful women saving his life he was about to give up on.

"Alright...You heard him. Let her go." Candy says as she waves her hand to indicate the men to let her go.

The men let her go as Candy starts to search through her designer purse. "I say a twenty should do you good. Am I right Mason?" Candy says as she pulls out a twenty.

"No that is not enough for a person that has saved my life!" Dipper says to Candy annoyed.

"You're so hard to please sweetpea...Alright Pacifica I say you should join all of us to lunch tomorrow."

"Alrighty then. I'm in!" Pacifica says happily. 

"Well...see you then Pacifica...Goodbye and have a nice night." Candy says as she grabs Dippers arm and walks back to first class bedrooms. But before they were fully away from sight, Dipper turns and glances one more time at Pacifica to see the most beautiful smile he has ever seen. Dipper smiles back and could feel a bit of excitement flow through him of the feeling for the next day...

Hello my little monsters! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! and I hope you are ejoying this book! have a wonderful week my monsters and remember, 'never let go' and stay 'Gleeful!' ;)

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