I already knew

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The hull of the Titanic looms over boat six like a cliff. It's enormous mass is suddenly threatening to those in the tiny boat. Daniel Corduroy, at the tiller, wants nothing more than to get away from the ship. Unfortunately his two seamen can't row. They flail like a duck on a broken wing.

"Keep pulling...away from the ship. Pull." Daniel urged.

"Ain't you boys ever rowed before? Here, give me those oars. Let me show you how it's done." Rufina says as she steps over Mabel, stepping on her feet. Mabel winces and scoffs.

Around them the evacuation is in full swing, with some boats in the water, others being lowered.

Meanwhile at the Master at Arms office, Pacifica is pulling on the water pipe with all her strength but it doesn't budge. She hears a gurgling sound. Water was pouring from underneath the door, spreading rapidly across the floor.

"Shit." Pacifica says in shock as she continues to pull as hard as she could to get at least a slight budge. She tries to pull one of her hands out of the cuffs, working until the skin was raw...no good.

"Help! Somebody please help! Can anybody hear me!?" Pacifica screams. Outside is deserted. Flooded a couple inches deep. Pacifica's voice comes faintly through the door but there is no one there to hear her.

"This is bad." She says quietly to herself as she watches the water come in the room.

Fiddleford is opening stateroom doors, checking that everyone is out. "Anyone in here?"

Suddenly, Dipper runs up to him breathless. "Mr. Mcgucket! thank god. Where would the Master at Arms take someone under arrest?"

"What? Dipper, you have to get to a boat right away!"

"No! I'll do this with or without you're help, but without will take much longer! Please!"

"...Take the elevator to the very bottom, go left, down the crewman's passage, then make a right." He sighs with a sigh.

"Bottom, left, right. I have it." Dipper says as he sprints to the nearest elevator.

"Hurry Dipper!" Fiddleford yells to him.

Dipper runs up to the last Elevator Operator is closing his lift to leave. "Sorry sir. The lifts are closed-"

Without a second thought, Dipper grabs his collar and shoves him back into the lift. "I'm through with being polite! god, damn it! I may never be polite the rest of my life! Now take me down! Now you idiot!"

The operator fumbles to close the gate and start the lift after his sudden outburst.

After a minute or so, Dipper could see through the iron door of the elevator the decks go past slowly. Suddenly ice water is swirling around his legs. He jumps in surprise and so does the operator.

The elevator lands at his destination at there was about a foot of freezing cold water, shocking the hell out of him. He opens the door and splashes out, of course soaking his expensive designer pants, shoes, and his coat. He doesn't give a damn right now. All he cares about is saving the love of his life's life. The lift goes back up behind him as he looks around.

"left, crew passage." He spots it and makes his way down the flooded corridor. The place is understandably deserted...He was on his own.

"Right, right, right." He repeats as he turns to the cross-corridor, splashing down the hall. A row of doors on each side.

"Pacifica! Pacifica, can you hear me? Pacifica!" Dipper yells down the hallway. The only response was his echo.

Pacifica was hopelessly pulling on the pipe again, straining until she turns red. She collapses on the bench, realizing she's screwed. Then she hears the voice she has been longing to hear.

Our floating love (A RevDipcifica story Titanic Version)Where stories live. Discover now