You're so stupid Dipper!

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Sorry for the really long chapter!!

On the boat deck, the action has moved to the aft group of boats, number nine, eleven, thirteen, and fifteen on the starboard side, and ten, twelve, fourteen, and sixteen on the port side. The pace of work has gotten more frantic. The crew and officers running now to work on the davits, their previous complacency gone.

Candy pushes through the crowd, scanning for Dipper. Around her is chaos and confusion. A woman is calling for her child who was lost in the crowd. A man is shouting over peoples heads. A woman takes hold of Second Officers Lightroller's arm as she was about to aboard the boat.

"Will you hold the boat for a moment? I have to go back to my room for something-" She was cut off by Lightroller grabbing her and shoving her boldly into the boat. Fiddleford rushes up to him at that moment.

"Why are the lifeboats being filled half-full!" He exclaims, clearly angry.

Lightroller steps past him, helping someone up from falling. "Not now Mr. Mcgucket."

"Look down there!" Fiddleford says pointing down to the water. "Twenty or so in a boat built for sixty-five. And another boat filled with twelve. TWELVE!"

"Well sir, w-we weren't sure about the weight-"

"Bullshit! They were tested in Belfast with the weight of 70 men. Now, fill these boats! For gods sake!" He says storming off.

Back with Candy, she sees Stanley hurrying toward her through the aisle connecting the port and starboard sides of the boat deck. "Dipper's not on the starboard side either."

"We're running out of time...and this strutting martinet." Candy says pointing two fingers at Lightroller. "He's taking his sweet time to get all the others in."

"The one on the other side is getting more 1st class people in." Stanley says.

"Then that's our play. But we're going to need some insurance." Candy says as she starts walking forward. "Come along Stanley."

There was a woman denying to get inside a boat nearby. "Please Melody, get in the boat!" Her husband, Soos says trying to urge her inside the lifeboat...not knowing if this was going to be the last time he'd ever see her.

"No! Soos, we have been together for fourteen years! And where you go, I go! Don't argue with me Soos. You know it does no good." She says with a sad smile. Soos looks at her with sadness and great love before embracing gently.

At the bow...the place where Dipper and Pacifica shared their fist kiss...the rail goes under water. (Picture above) Water swirls around the captsans and windlasses on the foc'sle deck. Captain Blub's strides to the bridge rail and looks down at the well deck. Water is shipped over the sides and the well deck is almost completely covered. Behind him, Durland shoots up another rocket.

At the E-deck corridors and stairwell, Gideon is standing with Nora and her family. Then he suddenly hears Pacifica's voice booming toward them.

"Gideon! Grady!" Pacifica shouts over the crowd.

Gideon turns to see Pacifica and Dipper pushing through the crowd. Once Pacifica reaches Gideon, they hug fiercely like bear siblings.

"The boats are all going." Gideon says, breaking the hug.

"We gotta get up there or we're all gonna be gargling freezing saltwater. Where's Grady?" Pacifica says nervous and worried.

Gideon points over the heads of the solidly packed crowd to the stairwell. Grady has his hands on the bars of the steel gate which blocks the head of the stairwell. The crew open the gate a foot or so and a few children, women, and very few first class passengers squeeze through.

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