Never let go

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Bodies are whirled and spun, some limp as dolls, others struggling spasmodically, as the vortex sucks them down and tumbles them. Pacifica is kicking hard for the surface, holding tightly to Dipper, pulling him up. At the surface, a roiling chaos of screaming, thrashing people. Over a thousand people are now floating where the ship went down. Some are stunned, gasping for breath. Others are crying, praying, shouting, screaming...dying.

Dipper and Pacifica surface among them. They barely have time to gasp for air before people are clawing at them. People driven insane by the water, four degrees below freezing, a cold so intense it is indistinguishable form death by fire. A man suddenly pushes Pacifica under, trying to climb on top of her, senselessly trying to get out of the water, to climb out of anything. 

"Dippe-help-Dip-" Pacifica tries to scream but she is repeatedly being pushed underneath the water.

"Get off her you dirty bastard!" Dipper shouts at the man before punching him hard in the face.

"Thanks! now, swim Dipper, swim!" Pacifica yells, pushing Dipper from behind as they swim.

Dipper tries to swim faster, but his strokes are not as effective as hers because of his lifejacket. They break out of the clot of people. They both have to find some kind of floatation, anything to get them out of the water.

"Keep swimming Dipper. Keep moving. Come on Dipper, you can do it." Pacifica says with hope, continuing to push Dipper along.

All about them there is tremendous wailing, screaming, and cries, a chorus of tormented souls. And beyond that, nothing but black water stretching to the horizon. The sense of isolation and hopelessness is overwhelming.

"Look for something floating. Some debris, wood, a shelf, anything!" Pacifica says to Dipper and they continues looking around the darkness. 

Dipper tries to contain his cries and fight his numbness. "Pacifica, it's so cold."

"I know Dipper. I know. But come on, help me here. Look around." Pacifica says kissing his lips quickly.

Her words keep him focused, taking his mind off the wailing around him. Dipper scans the water, barely able to draw a breath. Dipper turns around about twenty feet away, he sees something in the water.

"Whats that?" Dipper says tugging on Pacifica's sleeve.

Pacifica sees what he's pointing to, and they start to swim for it together. It was a large wooden door, intricately carved.

"You get on first Dipper." Pacifica says breathlessly and after a few tries, Dipper gets on the door, belly down.

But when Pacifica tries to get up on it, it tilts and submerges, almost dumping Dipper off. Then and idea pops in Pacifica's head. "Dipper, take off the life jacket. I have an idea."

Dipper nods and slides his lifejacket off, shaking tremendously. He hands it to Pacifica who forces it under the door, and takes the ropes on the jacket and ties it above the door near Dipper.

"There we go." She says mostly to herself and slides on the door next to Dipper.

Once she was on, they wrap their arms around each other, rubbing each other in an attempt to keep the other warm. Their breath floats around them in a cloud as they pant from exertion. Dipper shakily kisses Pacificas frozen forehead, panting for air.

Dipper and Pacificas hair is covered in ice and they are blue lipped. Any movement makes their skin crack. Their hands are now frozen together. Pacifica slowly turns her head and sees the ships officer nearby. He is blowing his whistle furiously, knowing the sound will carry over the water for miles.

Our floating love (A RevDipcifica story Titanic Version)Where stories live. Discover now