That fire is going to burn out

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(Candy's outfit above) It was a beautiful Sunday morning. April 14th, 1912. Dipper and Candy were eating breakfast in silence. The tension was palpable. Will, in a butler suit, pours the coffee and goes inside.

"I had hoped you'd come to me last night." Candy says while her brown eyes were focused on Dipper.

"I-I was tired." Dipper responds, stirring his coffee.

"Yes. You're exertions below deck were no doubt exhausting."

Dipper stiffens in his seat."That's predictable. A wife sending someone to follow her own Fiance."

"I told you once, so I'll tell you again. You never behave like that again! or run off with a street rat!" Candy practically yells making the table shake.

"I'm not some foreman you can control! I'm Dipper Gleeful! I'm you're Fiance-" Dipper tightens his grip on his chair to gain confidence. But it all disappears when Candy explodes and sweeping the breakfast china off the table with a flash. In a shocking moment, she stomps over to Dipper and grasps the arms of his chair to trap him.

"Yes! You are! and my practice, if not yet by law. So, you will honor me, as a husband is required to honor his wife! I will not be married to a fool, is this any way unclear?" Candy says having her eyes look like she was about to slap him again. Dipper sinks into his chair. He sees Will, frozen, partly through the doorway bringing the orange juice. Candy follows Dippers glance and straightens up and walks past Will like nothing happened.

"There was an accident William...I'm sorry."

~2 hours later while Dipper was getting dressed~

Dipper was having trouble putting on his tie as Ford walks in and starts to put it on for him. He was tightening it so tight it seemed as though he wanted to choke him.

"You are never to see that girl again Dipper. You understand me? I forbid it!" Ford says as he tightens it tighter.

Dipper rolls his eyes. "Oh stop it Great-uncle Ford you'll give yourself a nosebleed."

Fords fury storms up and he stomps over to the door and locks it with a loud clacking sound.

Ford grabs Dipper by his shoulders and forces him to face him."Dipper, this is not a game! Our situation is precarious. You know all our moneys gone!"

"Of course I know. You remind me every day!" Dipper yells back pushing Ford off him.

"You're parents left us nothing but a legacy of bad debts hidden by a good name. And that name is Candy Chiu and she is the only card we have left to play."

There was a moment of silence until Ford speaks again. "I don't understand you. It is a fine match with Candy and you, as it will insure our survival."

Dipper looks down for a minute or two. He finally looks back up with anger that Ford has never seen. "How is it easy that you can put this all on my shoulders?"

"Do you want to work as a steamer and Mabel to be a seamstress? Is that what you want? Do you want to see our fine things sold at an auction, our memories scattered to the wind? My god Dipper, how can you be so selfish?"

"This is unfair! I don't love her!"

"Of course its unfair! were Gleeful's! You're choices will never stay." Ford says with even more anger almost scaring Dipper...Dipper felt tears in his eyes...for the feeling that he may never see Pacifica again.

~Meanwhile with Pacifica~

At the device service, Captain Blubs is leading a group in the hymn "Almighty Father Strong To Brave." Dipper and Mabel sing in the middle of the group. Stanley stands in the back keeping an eye on Dipper. He notices a commotion at the entry doors. Pacifica has been halted there by two stewards. She was dressed in her third class clothes, only in a dark purple, worn out, long sleeve shirt, and dark brown overalls, her lucky brown hat, and her brown, muddy boots to complete it. She stands there, hat in hand looking out of place.

"Look, you, you're not supposed to be here." The steward says looking at Pacifica as if she was a dead flower combined with the beautiful ones.

"I was just here last night. He'll tell you." Pacifica says as she notices Stanley walking toward them.

"Mrs. Chiu and Mr. Gleeful continue to be very appreciative of you're assistance. They'd asked me to give you this in gratitude." Stanley says as he holds out a twenty dollar bill which Pacifica refuses to take.

"Listen, I don't want money. I want to-"

"And also to remind you that you are a third class ticket and you're presence is no longer appropriate." Stanley says as Pacifica spots Dipper but he doesn't see her.

"I just need to speak with Dipper for a sec-"

"Gentleman, please see that miss Northeast gets back where she belongs, and that she stays there." Stanley says as he hands the steward the twenty and they grab Pacifica and walk out the door.

~Later with Pacifica on the deck~

Pacifica, walks on the deck with determination and is followed by Gideon. "He's a God against mortal men, there's no denying. But hes in another world, Pazzie, forget him. Hes closed the door on you."

Pacifica ignores Gideon and moves furtively to the wall below the A-deck promenade. Right below 1st class. "Alright Gideon, give me a boost."

Gideon sighs as he puts his hands together, crouching down. Pacifica steps into Gideon's hands and gets boosted up to the next deck, where she scrambles over the railing, onto the 1st class deck.

"I already regret coming on this ship." Gideon mumbles to himself.

Once she was up, she hid behind some barrels a couple feet away from Dipper, waiting for her chance to get his attention.

"Mr. Mcgucket, I did the sum in my head and with the number of lifeboats times the capacity you mentioned...forgive me, but it seems that there are not enough for everyone aboard." Dipper says as he looks over the side of the ship to see a row of lifeboats.

"About half, actually Dipper, you miss nothing do you? In fact, I put in these new type davits. Which can take an extra row of boats here. But by thought, that the deck would be too cluttered. So I was over-ruled." Fiddleford says as he gestures along the deck.

"Waste of deck space it is, it's an unsinkable ship!" Candy says with a roll of her eyes.

"Sleep soundly, young Dipper. I have built you a good ship, strong and true. She's all the lifeboat you need."

As they are passing boat 7, a lady walks up behind the group. It was Pacifica. She taps Dipper on the shoulder and he turns gasping. She motions to a door and he cuts away from the group toward the door and Pacifica shuts it behind them.

"Pacifica, this is impossible. I can't see you." Dipper says as he tries to walk out but she grabs him by the shoulders and he faces her.

"Dipper, you're no're a spoiled little brat even, but under all that you're a strong, pure heart, and you're the most amazingly astounding man I have ever known and-"

"Pacifica I-"

"No wait, let me try and get this out. You're amazing and I know I have nothing to offer you Dipper, trust me I know that. But I'm involved now. You jump, I jump, remember? I can't turn away without knowing you'll be okay."

Dipper feels tears come into his eyes. Pacifica was so open and real. Not like anyone he has ever known.

"You're making this very hard. I'll be fine. Really I will."

"I don't think so. They've got you in a glass jar like some butterfly, and you're going to die if you don't break out. Maybe not right away, because you're strong. But sooner or later the fire...that fire I fell in love with about you...that fire is gonna burn out."

She said it. She loved him. But Dipper denied it.

"It's not up to you to save me Pacifica." Dipper says blinking back the tears and swallowing the heart in his throat.

"You're right. Only you can do that." Pacifica says as she stares into his crystal blue eyes feeling the tears prickle her eyes.

"I have to go...Please, Pacifica...for both of our sakes, leave me alone!" Dipper says as he pushes past Pacifica out of the room slamming the door behind him. Leaving Pacifica...letting a few tears stain her cheeks...

Our floating love (A RevDipcifica story Titanic Version)Where stories live. Discover now