The Amulet Of The Ciphers

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     ~This takes place right after Pacifica and Dippers meeting~

After a couple minutes of walking, Dipper and Candy made it back to their bedroom and start to head to bed but Candy breaks the silence.

"I know you've seen melancholy, and I don't pretend to know why Mason. So I got you a wedding gift." Candy says as she hands Dipper a little black box and Dipper takes it numbly.

"I intended to save this until the engagement gals next week. But I thought tonight, perhaps a reminder of my true feelings towards you." Candy says sincerely as Dipper slowly opens the box.

Dipper opens the box to see an amulet. 'The Amulet Of The Ciphers' for that matter. It is a huge malevolent light green stone glittering bright, so bright it showed his reflection. This amulet cost 7.5 million!

"Oh my gosh...Candy is this-"

"A Fluorite stone? Yes it is. You may have known it was 7.5 million." Candy says carefully tracing the stone with her index finger. Candy then takes the amulet and wraps it around his neck. She turns him to the mirror and stares behind him.

"You know, It was last worn by Louis the sixteenth. They call it 'La Amulette De La Chiffrements, the- " candy starts to say but Dipper completes her sentence.

"The Amulet Of The Ciphers. Candy, its...its overwhelming. I feel like it could pull my neck forward until it breaks."

"Its for royalty Mason. We are royalty. Please you're heart to me. Show me you're true feelings." Candy says as she steps in front of Dipper and wraps her hands around his neck.

                                ~Back to the present with old Dipper~

"Even after all these years, I can still feel it closing around my throat like a dog collar. I can still feel its weight. If you could have felt it. Not just seen it..." Dipper says closing his eyes putting his hand on his chest.

"Well, That is the general idea sir." Preston says to Dipper once he finished.

"Woah, woah, woah, so let me get this straight. You were going to kill yourself by jumping off the Titanic? until this uh...Pacifica girl saved you?" Sandra says until she starts to laugh at the end. "Oh, wow! That's great!" She was now laughing uncontrollably.

"Sandra..." Preston says warningly.

"All you had to do was wait two days!" Sandra says and continues laughing ignoring Preston's warning. To his surprise Dipper laughs along with Sandra.

Preston then glances at his watch. Hours have passed. This process is taking too long.

"Dipper, tell us more about the amulet. What happened after that?" Preston asks.

"I'm afraid I'm feeling a bit tired Preston." Dipper says with a soft sigh. Gwen gets the cue and starts to wheel him out.

"Wait!can't you give us something to go on, here. Like who has access to the safe. What about you're Ex-fiance Candy. Did she give anyone the combination to the-" Preston starts to say but is cut off by Gwen.

"That's enough!" Gwen says with stern. Gwen then takes Dipper out. Dippers hand appears at the doorway in a frail wave goodbye.

Once Gwen and Dipper were gone, Preston, Toby, and Robbie head outside to get some fresh air.

"The partners are pissed." Robbie says to them as they stare out at the water.

"Robbie. Give me more time." Toby says to Robbie.

"Were running thirty-thousand a day Toby. We are six days over. I'm telling you what they're telling me. My hand is on the plug and its starting to pull." Robbie says annoyed.

"Well, you better tell you're hand I need another two days! Robbie. Robbie, Robbie...were close! I smell it...I smell Ice. He had the amulet on and everything. Now we just have to find out where it wounded up. We just have to work with him a bit more. Okay?" Toby says with determination.

Robbie turns ans sees Gwen standing there. She has overheard there entire conversation. Robbie goes up to her and pulls her away.

"Hey Gwen, I need to talk to you for a second." Robbie says quietly to Gwen.

"Don't you mean, work me?" Gwen says with annoyance.

"Look, I'm running out of time here Gwen! I need you're help." Robbie pleads to Gwen.

"Listen, I'm not going to help you browbeat my hundred-one year old Grandfather. I came here to tell you to back off!" Gwen says with a cold tone.

" gotta understand something. I've bet it all to 'The Amulet Of The Ciphers' My wife Tambry even divorced me because of this hunt. I need whats locked inside you're Grandfathers memory." He says with desperation. Gwen doesn't respond so he holds out his hand.

"You see this? right here?" Gwen looks at his hand to see nothing. Empty. Cupped. As if it was an imaginary shape.

"What?" She asks.

"That's the shape of my hand when I hold that thing. You understand? I'm not leaving here without it" Robbie says as he puts his hand back at his side.

"Listen Robbie, and listen good. He is going to do this his way. Don't forget he contacted you. I feel like he is out here for his own reasons, only God knows what they are." Gwen says as she looks to the side.

"Maybe...maybe he wants to make peace with the past." Preston says as he enters their conversation.

"What past? he has never once, not once, ever said a word about being on the Titanic or anything about this 'Pacifica' girl either until two days ago." Gwen says almost losing her temper.

"Then we are all meeting you're Grandfather for the first time." Preston crosses his arms.

"You actually think he was really there?" Gwen says with disbelief.

"Yes. I'm a believer...He was there." Preston says his last words, and exits the conversation.

Okay...The next chapter is out! Also I don't want to seem like a begger or anything but could you guys please vote on this story to get it a bit more popular? I'll really appreciate it. :) I hope you guys like this story and keep reading! remember, 'Never Let Go' and stay 'Gleeful!' ;D 

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