Enjoy you're time together

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Candy runs along the rail, screaming in rage before aiming the pistol at Pacifica, and pulls the trigger...but nothing comes out. "Damn it!" She curses before grabbing the fallen bullet, and loads it quickly into the gun, aiming it at Pacifica again.

Pacifica opens her eyes, seeing Candy with the gun. "LOOK OUT!" Pacifica screams as she quickly pulls Dipper toward the stairs going down to the next deck. Candy shoots the gun, making it hit the carved cherub at the foot of the wooden railing.

Candy fires again, running down the steps toward them. A bullet blows a divet out of the oak behind Pacifica's head...that was close! Pacifica finally pulls Dipper quickly down the next flight of stairs. Candy steps on the skittering head of the cherub statue and goes sprawling. The gun clatters across the marble floor. She gets up, and reeling drunkenly goes over to retrieve it with hate in her eyes.

The bottom of the grand staircase is flooded several feet deep. Pacifica and Dipper come down the stairs two at a time and run straight through the icy water, fording across the room to where the floor slopes up, until they reach dry footing at the entrance to the dining saloon. Candy reels down the stairs in time to see Pacifica and Dipper splashing through the water toward the dining saloon. She fires twice, making big sprouts of water spray near them, but she's not a great shooter.

The anger boils inside her as she finally gives up and retreats up the stairs a couple of steps. Around her the woodwork groans and creaks. "Enjoy you're time together!" She shouts.

Stanley arrives next to her. Candy suddenly remembers something and starts to laugh, not a funny laugh, but an angered laugh. "What could possibly be funny?" Stanley asks with a confused look.

"...I put the Amulet in Dipper's coat pocket...and I gave the coat back to him on the deck!" She says in vexation. 

She then turns to Stanley with a sickly expression. "I give it to you...if you can get it." She says and shoves the pistol in Stanleys hand and goes back upstairs.

Stanley thinks about it for a moment...then slogs into the water. The ice water is up to his waist as he crosses the frozen pool into the dining saloon. Once in the dining saloon, Stanley moves along the tables, searching and listening with his eyes looking around rapidly. It is a sea of tables, and they could be anywhere. A silver serving tray rolls downhill, bumping into one of the tables.

Stanley looks behind him, seeing the water following him into the room, advancing in a hundred foot wide tide. The reception of the room is now a rolling lake, and the grand staircase is submerged past the first landing. Wood cracks and creaks, echoing around the ship making it the only sound he could hear. 

Pacifica and Dipper are crouched behind a flipped table, somewhere in the middle of the room. They see water advancing towards them, swirling all over the floor. They both crawl ahead of it to the next row of tables. 

"I have a plan. Stay here." Pacifica whispers to Dipper, in which he nods with his eyes saying, "Be careful." 

Pacifica moves off as Stanley moves over one row and looks among the tables. Nothing. The ships groaning and creaking grows louder, causing him to grow nervous but he ushers on. In front of Dipper, there is a metal cart which was five feet tall, filled with china dishes. It hits a table and the stacks of dishes topple out, exploding across the floor, showering him while he places his hands above his head to shield himself.

Dipper scrambles out of the way just as Stanley spins, seeing him. He moves quickly toward Dipper, getting the gun aimed at him. Dipper slips backwards, backing up until his back was against the wall.

Dipper holds out his hand, knowing it wouldn't do anything. "Please...don't." He whispers.

Stanley stares at Dipper a couple more seconds. His face scrunches when he's ready to shoot, but suddenly Pacifica comes from behind him and smashes a glass pie dish across his back, making it break and Stanley falls to the ground. He lands in the water which is flowing between the tables.

Our floating love (A RevDipcifica story Titanic Version)Where stories live. Discover now