The first time

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Dipper, fully dressed now, returns to the sitting room. Pacifica and him hear a key on the lock. Dipper quickly grabs Pacificas hand and leads her silently through the bedrooms as Stanley enters just as they diss through the door.

"Mason? hello?" Stan yells through the door but then hears a door opening and closing. He goes through Candy's bedroom towards Dippers.

Dipper and Pacifica come out of his stateroom, closing the door behind them. He leads her quickly along the corridor toward the B deck froyer. They made it halfway across the open space when the sitting room door opens and Stanley comes out. He sees Pacifica with Dipper and hustles after them.

"Hurry! Come on!" Dipper says to Pacifica as they break into a sprint. Surprising a few ladies and gentleman about. Dipper leads her past the stairs to the bank of the elevators. They run into one, shocking the hell out of the operator.

"Take us down. Quickly, quickly!" Dipper says in a fit of chuckles.

The Operator scrambles to comply. Pacifica helps him seal the steel gate. Stanley runs up as the lift starts to descend. He slams one hand on the bars of the gate. Dipper then makes a rude and not-so gentleman like gesture...he sticks up the middle finger. Pacifica and him laugh as Stanley disappears above.

Stan emerges from another lift and runs to the one Pacifica and Dipper were inside. The operator is just closing the door to go back up. Stan runs around the bank of the elevators and scans the Pacifica and Dipper. He tries the stairs going down to the F-deck.

Dipper and Pacifica turn a corner and lean against the wall. "Pretty tough for you're great uncles brother ain't he?" Pacifica says as she giggles holding Dippers hand.

"He's an Ex-Pinkerton. My great-uncle Ford decided it would be best for him to keep an eye on me to keep me out of trouble. To make sure I always got back home with my wallet and watch, after some crawl through the less reputable parts of my town."

"Kinda like what were doing right now- uh oh!" Pacifica says as she spots Stanley on the cross-corridor nearby. He charges after them again and Pacifica squeezes Dippers hand and leads him through a blind ally. There is one door that says CREW ONLY. She ignores the sign and they both run inside.

Once they enter the room Dipper slams the door as fast as he could and latches the deadbolt on the door to lock it. Stanley then slams against the door a moment later. He then grins at Pacifica.

"After you m,lady." Dipper chuckles as he points to the ladder nearby going down.

 A couple seconds later, Dipper and Pacifica come out of the escape ladder and look around in amazement. It is like a vision of hell itself, with the roaring furnaces and black figures moving in the smoky glow. They run the length of the boiler room, dodging amazed stokers, and trimmers with their wheelbarrows of coal.

"You guys are doing great! Don't mind us, keep it going!" Pacifica yells over the din as her and Dipper laugh continuing to run.

They run through the open watertight door into boiler room six. Pacifica pulls him through the fiercely hot ally between two boilers and they wind up in the dark, out of sight of the working crew. Watching from the shadows, they see the stokers working in the hellish glow, shovelling coal into the insatiable maws of the furnaces. The whole place roars by the fires.

Once they see the last door, they enter a room with a red, expensive, luxurious car.(Car Above) In fact, it was William Carters brand new Renault car. It was like a royal coach from a fairy tale, it's brass trim and headlamps nicely set off by it's deep burgundy door.

Dipper and Pacifica enter and run around the stacked cargo. Dipper hugs himself against the cold, after the dripping heat from the boiler room. Dipper then climbs into the plushly upholstered back seat, acting very royal. There are cut crystals bud vases on the wall in the back, each containing a rose. Pacifica jumps into the drivers seat, enjoying the feel of the leather and polished wood.

"Where to, sir?" Pacifica giggles in a terrible English accent.

"To the stars." Dipper chuckles into Pacificas ear.

For Pacifica, Dippers hands come out of the shadows and pull her over the seat to the back. She lands next to him, and her breath seems loud in the quiet darkness. She looks at him and he smiles back at her. They interlock their fingers together while Dipper rests his head atop of hers. She slowly lifts her head to look him in his icy eyes. It was the moment of truth.

"Are you nervous?" She giggles.

"On the contrary my dear." Dipper says in a perfect English accent.

He then leans over and slowly peppers her faces in kisses and she giggles with his bangs tickling her face a bit.

"Please...put you're hands on me Dipper." She whispers. He stares at her for a minute and then smiles showing off his pearly whites. He devilishly grins at her as he gently pushes her back onto the seat and kisses her passionately. Let's just say...the engines weren't the only things roaring that night.

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter, and I'll see you again soon so remember, 'Never let Go' and Stay 'Gleeful' ;)

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