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Emmaliese POV

It all began with one glance that had the power to connect us so intricately, neither of us knew.

Neither of us knew when that one basic look turned into an intense stare, tingling for vicinity, to close all the separations between us, to break all the boundaries. Neither of us knew when a quick glance morphed into a heated gaze powered by desire, hatred, yearning.

When one eye to eye contact changed the course of our entire existence and not one or the other of us knew what to do.

Give in, was one option.

At that moment, seeing him there, a few meters away, eyes ablazed like molten lave, piercing my cold ones, trance slow, resembling that of a skilled predator, I gave in.

When he stood right in front of me, his musky scent, intoxicating my breathing air, I gave in.

When his cold, lithe, alabaster finger traced the paleness sprawled on my face, with his first touch sending electricity down my spine, I gave in.

Ever so gently, his cold lips lingered over mine, freezing me and melting me at the same time. With one swift motion, I was wrapped in his arms around my waist, lips trapped in a passionate kiss, as expected from a vampire king.

Closing my eyes, I tried to savour the moment, registering it in my mind, imprisoning it in my memory for forever.

But instead of pure bliss, I was engulfed in dread. Instead of seeing stars, my eyes showed me the horrifying sight that I was reluctant to accept.

Bella, in a blue hospital gown, lying in the pool of her own blood, skin clawed, body limp, eyes lifeless.

My eyes instantly shot open, meeting with the two rubies that gradually vanished into thin air, leaving the trace of their intense gaze on my face.
I moved my hands erratically in the air, trying to discover any verification of him being there but could catch nothing. Tears trailed down, wetting my face as a sudden pain shot through my chest, snatching a scream from me.

My eyes shot open as I sat upright on my bed in an impressively fast motion. My heartbeat escalated to fifty miles an hour, breathing became a forceful act of necessity.

Charlie came rushing to my room, likely woken up by my scream. He switched on the lights and as the room suddenly lit up, I realised it was still middle of the night. I felt awful for startling my poor dad.

More realization came crashing down on me, breaking me into a wailing, hurling mess.

My sister was pregnant with a vampire kid.

Charlie hugged me. I reciprocated with a more tighter hug, as if my life depended on it. "shhh. It's okay. It's okay."

He kept saying that but it didn't ease me at all. All of me knew that nothing was going to be okay. My father was attempting to comfort his one girl who was going insane due to a pathetic bond, ignorant of the truth that God himself was composing welcome to call her whereas his other daughter was willingly digging her own grave

I felt terrible for hurting my dead, being in his arms, heaving uproariously and sweating profusely while he was doing everything to calm me down.

I felt awful since in case things go off-base, which they a ninety nine point nine percent may, I wouldn't be there for him to back him and comfort him. I would be as well distant gone to ever return

So I cried.

I cried for I could not become the good daughter, giving my parents happiness.

I cried for leaving Charlie, creating  an empty hole in his life once again, just like Rene.

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