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Emmaliese POV

Bella arrived on Sunday as planned. Charlie was more than excited to pick her up from the airport. Finally he was getting to live with both of his daughters. He also had a homecoming gift planned for Bella which he didn't even tell me about.

Charlie enthusiasm was everywhere when he volunteered to  prepared Bella's room to suit her stay at Forks. Her room was right beside mine, facing the front lawn while mine was facing the backyard of the Swan residence.

My room was smaller than Bella but I liked it that way. It gave me a cozy feeling.

The Chief's cruiser honked from outside and I rushed to greet my sister.

I was about to hug her but noticed what was in her hand.

"Cactus?" I raised my brow at the small plant she was holding in her hands. She gave a sheepish smile as she handed the plant to Charlie.

I immediately engulfed my petite, pale skinned fraternal twin in a bone crushing hug. Her long mahogany hairs in perfect contrast with my long rose gold locks.

"You look beautiful." I said as I admired her pretty face graced with a shy smile.

"Not more than you." her voice a little heavy.

We both stared at each other with tears brimming in our eyes. We again hugged each other in a much tighter hug as what was humanly possible.

Charlie showed Bella her room while I prepared food for all of us.

Much to my dismay Jacob Black came with his father Billy. I didn't know why but I kind of hated Jacob Black and his friends whom I met a few years back. I only seemed to like Seth. Maybe because of all that babysitting thing I kind of developed a bond with him. Also Leah. She was sweet. The rest of them I didn't like for some reason.

Bella seemed to be getting along well with Jacob though.

Bella's homecoming gift was a truck which didn't suit my taste because it was a truck and I was more of a car person. Bella on the other hand loved the truck.

And the Cullens called me weird. Wait till they see Bella.

By the end of the day I fell sick. I was feeling it since the morning but by the dinner time I was having a bad headache followed by a  mild fever. It was nothing big considering I was prone to geting coughs and cold easily. And I was living in a town which was almost an alien to warm weather. How ironic.

Charlie along with Bellas blamed my anaemia for that. I didn't have any other option so I blamed my sickness on that too. Not that it was magically going to increase my haemoglobin. But what was the choice.

"I'm sorry you have to do the chores." I told Bella as she gave me my medicine in my bed.

"It's OK. Not much issue with me." she assured me handing me a glass of water.

"Yeah but I feel bad. I won't be there with you on your first day of school," I swallowed the medicine while Bella sat beside me with a sort of sad look on her face. "I promise I will make it up to you once I will get better. We will smash these final years of school together. Big bang boom." I dramatically air fisted which put a smile on my introvert sister's face.

"Yes sure." she chuckled as she got up form the bed.

"Good night Bells."

"Good night Emms. Get well soon." she gave me a peck on my forehead and left.

The night was okay. Though the next day was not so okay.

Right in the morning Charlie came to my room and practically ordered me to go to the hospital or otherwise he would forcefully take me.

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