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The Cullen vs The Volturi

I assessed my look in the mirror the last time before leaving the safety of my house. My albino skin was looking deathly pale against my midnight blue dress coat. Dark circles were lining the bottom of my red violet eyes indicating my lack of sleep from days since the Volturi had announced their arrival to well...... What good could we expect from them? They wanted to execute Rennesme under the speculation that she was an immortal child rather than a vampire human hybrid who could grow and live like a normal human. And me being the maternal aunt and second godmother of the little angel had to be there for her and my sister Bella.

To say that I was dreading would be an understatement of the century because I was downright terrified. The Volturi were a huge coven of ruthless vampires, the Cullens had gathered their own witnesses which were all vampires from all around the world, werewolves had joined the forces and then there was me.

A mere human who unlike her sister Bella had the gift of 'reflective shield' that somehow reflect the psychic and physical gifts of other vampires, but despite that I was still a normal human.

Well not completely normal, since I used to hung out with teen wolves during my initial days in Forks when Bella decided to stay with our mom Renne and I chose Charlie. I immediately befriended the Cullens after I read Edward's mind and got to know their "the secret that should not be shared with humans". My sister Bella turned out to be Edward's mate and above that his blood singer and well let's just say things were never normal after that.


Emmaliese met the Cullens

Yet another day of school and I was ready as always for it. Shocking right?
People mostly complaint about going to school but when you are living alone with your father who is the chief of police and mostly stay out for work, you get nothing but a hell lot of boredom and you start liking school where you get to see people. At lease it was the exact case with me.

It had been two years since my sister decided to stay with our mother Renee and I moved to Forks to live with dad. I had been missing her dearly though we met for Christmas and thanksgiving every year but it was never enough. Given that we were twins and practically lived everyday of our lives together since we were just eggs and sperms.

My decision to live with my dad, Charlie, felt utterly stupid in the beginning for two main reasons. One, I was by then acquainted to live in Jacksonville. It took time but I was finally adjusting and moving to a new place did not sit right, considering I was never the person who easily adjust anywhere. 

The second and an important reason was, Bella.

Though we were fraternal twins but our relationship was as if we were joined by hip. I was the only best friend Bella had besides a few girls here and there in school who were more like my friends since Bella was anti social and I was somewhat good at making friendly, non awkward conversations as long as people do not mock me or bully me because of my pale, paper like skin and weird red violet eyes. So the idea of leaving Bella alone was eating me alive and the decision of going to Forks was almost compelling me to bang my head on the nearest wall yet I had no choice. Bella refused to come with me and both Renee and Bella were not making it any more easier for me to go.

Renee was pestering me to forget about going to Forks by giving me multiple reasons to hate Forks. Bella sided with Renee. She never really liked Forks ever but I on the other hand, sort of loved Forks since the beginning. The main reason was that my albino skin could easily blend with people of Forks since they were all mostly pale. Not as deathly pale as me but still somewhat paler rather than people in Jackson ville, who with their perfect golden tan always made me feel out of place. If it was not for Bella, I would have moved out of Jacksonville to Forks when I was in sixth grade.

But this was not the only reason why I was leaving. If it was in my hand I would never leave Bella but seeing Charlie living alone, it was making me sad. He said he would come to meet us every year but I knew how much toll it would take on him and how not satisfied he himself was with the idea, regardless of his cheerful exterior.

I knew Charlie better since I was always more inclined towards him rather than Renee. While Renee was extremely nosy and always excited, Charlie was super naive and awkward. Together they both would make balanced parents but individually, I preferred Charlie over Renee.

After coming to Forks I immediately befriended Jacob Black who was the son of Charlie's friend, Billy. Me and Bella already sort of knew Jacob since our visits to Forks as kids but I sort of never got along with him. Reason is still unknown.

This time what changed was the fact that school was off and it was still a week remaining for new session to start. And I spent entire three days at Charlie's House completely alone. Also Bella refused to talk to me over phone because she was angry with me. So when Charlie told me he was visiting Billy, I immediately accompanied him.

There was this kid in Billy's neighbour, Seth clearwater and his sister Leah. So with few conversation between Charlie, Billy and Seth's parents and my occasional nodding, I ended up being Seth's babysitter. And Seth was closer to Jacob so I ended up befriending Jacob too. Well, sort of. I still didn't like him that much for some unknown reason.

I was Seth's baby sitter for an entire year, I also managed to bring Bella to normal by sending lots of lovely - cheesey voice messages and by going to Jacksonville a week earlier before Christmas. She became a zombie in my absence and we both cried a lot after seeing each other but in the end Bella understood my stay in Forks and we had a Merry Christmas.

With new year I started working in a cafe as a waitress. I wanted to fend for myself plus by being in a cafe surrounded by people I didn't have to live in an isolated house. Eventually my love for singing was discovered by my boss and I ended up singing every evening in the cafe. This started as an initiative to attract more customers and well it's no harm to say that it worked. I was kind of glad that people were appreciating my songs. This helped me gain more friends in school.

The major people I hung out with was first Jessica, who couldn't resit but ask about my albinism. I told her I have imperfect albinism and that is why my skin is pale, my eyes are red violate and my hairs were peach blonde.

The other girl, Angela, was way too sweet and well more decent and less enthusiastic than Jessica. It was relatively easy to converse with Angela. But still I never got to bring myself to talk about school stuff with the girls and occasional nodding and replying with yes and no during our conversations.

Then there were Mike and Eric who were just your typical highschool guys. All these four people would come to the cafe since the cafe was quite popular and now my singing was.

I still visited time and again to spend time with Seth, Leah and Jacob.

And everything was normal....

Until one day...

I hope you like this chapter. I deliberately kept this chapter short.

Next chapter will be good and I promise dialogues in the coming chapters.

This chapter was to give more insight about Emmaliese's life.

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With love

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