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Flashback continued..

Emmaliese met The Cullens

It was the first day of new school year and I was ready before time as always. I descended down the stairs to find Charlie with a newspaper.

"Morning, dad." I said as I made my way towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

"Morning, Emms. Early as usual, I see." he put down his newspaper and make his way to the dinning table.

"Always." and that was it. I quickly prepared some sandwiches and coffee and we ate in silence. I never felt the urge to fill any silence with Charlie. At first it was awkward but now it felt fine.

"Ready to school?" he asked as I put the dishes away and started washing them.

"Yup,"  I replied enthusiastically, popping the p out. "You are ready to go?"

"Yeah just leaving. See you in the evening, Emms." He nodded as he gave me an awkward side hug.

"See ya dad."

After Charlie walked out, I went upstairs to my room and started with my book that I was reading a night before, until it was time to leave for school. Before going out I brushed my hairs one last time and picked up my bag. Locking the front door behind me I made my way towards my car.

It was a second hand car that Charlie got from some friend for me. He presented it to me on my sixteenth birthday and well let's just say I love it. Because before it arrived, Charlie used to drive me to school in his cruiser. I never minded it but it gained unnecessary attention which I didn't like.

School felt as usual and I didn't pay much attention to my surroundings. It was never new. Same old building with same old students. As usual.

I shared the last class with Angela, Jessica and Eric. I was sitting with Jessica reading my book since our teacher was absent because he went out station to met his son. Everybody knew everybody in Forks. Nothing could stay hidden there.

Since the substitute teacher didn't mind what we were doing, Jessica started doing her favourite thing, gossiping.

"Have you seen the new kids?" she asked me. I closed my book because I knew I couldn't read it anymore with Jessica talking.

"No. Which new kids are you talking about?" I told her honestly. What the fuck. New kids were in school and the chief's daughter didn't know. Well guess I don't care.

"Oh my god. You don't know?" But Jessica did care.

I shook my head.

"You don't have any of the Cullens in your class? Or you really do not pay attention to the students sitting in the same room with you?" she asked with an eye roll.

I preferred the later part because really I stopped paying attention to my surroundings in Forks a long time ago. Nothing new ever happened there. But guess now was the time.

"I think I don't have any of them in my class. Neither ran into any new kids in the hallways." not to mention I was more interested in going to the next class while burrying my face in my book.

"Well let me tell you. There are these five new kids. I have the two of them in my first period and Angela had the other two in one of her class," she pointed to Angela who was sitting right behind us and was definitely involved in the conversation.

"Yeah I have the pixie haired one her name is Alice Cullen. And a blonde guy with the name Jasper Hale." Angela said, recalling.

"And I have the blonde girl Rosalie Hale and the big guy named Emmet Cullen. But you know there is this another Cullen guy Edward, I guess that's his name. He is in Nancy's class and she told me that he is hotter than the others." Jessica said dreamily.

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