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Warning: unedited version (I will edit it later)

Falling asleep was never a difficult task for me before the arrival of a certain blond in my life. Sleep was no more my safe escape from all the happenings in the world which I didn't want to face. Sleep was no more an oblivion I wished to go to anymore.

Because reality wasn't the only thing scaring me. Instead the demons chasing after me were now morphed into my own dreams, haunting my nights. Sleep was no more a safe place where I could forget and let go.

Despite all the residents were wide awake, the night in the Volturi castle was dead silent. The ticking of the wall clock in my room was trying to be in sync with my irregular heartbeat and my heavy breathing.

The moment that happened earlier that night was replaying in my mind like a broken record. The touch of cold lips, soft as snowflakes, was still lingering on my pair of warm ones, igniting fire sparking with desire. His touch that felt like a shock of electric current straight through my spine was enough to keep me on my toes and at the same time oddly comforting, now left me here, alone in my room, craving for more.

Burying my face in his scarf, I tried to inhale his intoxicating scent as much as possible. Now that he was gone, now that the moment between us was a far away memory, I had to stay high, like an insane drug addict. Because honestly, staying sane was not helping me with keeping him from my mind.

Perhaps the pills I consumed a few minutes ago had sedatives or what but whatever it was, it definitely helped me to fall in a dreamless sleep I wanted.


I woke up to a soft touch gliding from my forehead to my chin. I opened my eyes slightly to find the blond king, sitting near the edge of my bed. The sight of him put a smile on my face and I was more than glad that he came. Almost on autopilot, I got up from under the covers in my still sleepy state and sat in his lap, my arms around his neck, my face snuggled in his built chest, his one arm supporting my back, the other rghosting over my cheeks.

The faint light in the room coming through the slightly ajar curtains, indicated it wasn't night anymore but probably early morning. Whatever it was, I was not ready to wake up. Not yet, especially when I just found myself the most comfortable place to sleep, safe and sound.

A low growl suddenly pulled me out of my hazy state and I looked up reluctantly to meet almost black eyes of my mate.

"What?" my voice came out hoarse, not that I care. I just wanted to sleep.

"What are you wearing?" he asked, voice dangerously low.

I looked at myself, because honestly I kinda forgot what I wore last night. And that's when it dawned on me. I stole his clothes and right now I was in one of his shirt with just a black panties underneath and no bra. The shirt rode up, barely reaching my mid thigh and first two buttons of the shirt which I left undone last night, were just showing a little of my chest. To be honest, it oddly made me feel sexy and paved way to mischievous thoughts that immediately started running in my mind.

"Oh! I'm wearing your shirt," I snuggled in his chest again. "I took it from your room last night. Along with that scarf," i pointed to that red scarf lying on my bed, peeking from under the thick duvet. "I hope you don't mind that I borrowed stuff. It's comfortable," I met his eyes, which were a shade darker than ruby. "And I'm keeping them."

"Doesn't it look good on me?" I asked after a pause. "It fits like a dress. I think I should wear it for the day. Or till I go for shopping." I fluttered my legs in the air. This shirt was definitely making me feel so sexy and it was the first time I was feeling that way.

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