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Flashback continued..

Emmaliese find the Cullens Secret.

The next few days I avoided people's thoughts which were ringing in my mind continuously. Instead I focused on keeping a close watch on The Cullens.

I noticed the blonde girl was in my second period chemistry. Fortunately we were lab partners and that made my 'Keep a watch on The Cullens' task all the more easier.

Something strange happened when I asked her to pass me the solution we needed to use for the experiment we were currently performing.

When I was taking the glass beaker from her, our skins touched and she was... well freezing.

Our eyes met immediately and she had that guarded expression just like Edward Cullen had the other day.

Not to look suspicious I smiled at her. "Thank you," I thought this was the time to strike a conversation. "I realized that we are working together already and we don't know anything about each other," I put the solution aside as I held out my hand. "Hi, My name is Emmaliese Swan."

She didn't take my hand but just nodded and said in that velvety voice that all the Cullens somehow seemed to own. "Rosalie."

"Cullen?" I enquired.

"Hale." she corrected.

Well I kind of knew that. Two days after the Cullens arrival, Jessica had literally told us everything about the Cullens. About how the guy with the pained expression, Jasper and blonde girl Rosalie were related and they go by the same last name, Hale. The other three go by Cullen.

Talking to Rosalie felt awkward so I left it there.

Jessica told us how the Cullens and Hales were keeping to themselves and not really interacting with anyone except the pixie haired girl, Alice.

Girls even tried their luck on Edward Cullen but of course he politely declined. Huh almighty Vampire.

I didn't know if I should check Cold blooded in my list considering Rosalie's freezing hand. Forks was already very cold and it was snow time. May be her hand was cold because she played in snow. But she didn't look like the girl who will play with snow. She was more decent for that.

Or maybe she was anaemic like me. Well my hands were always cold in winter. But mine was cold hers was freezing. There's a hell lot of difference.

I checked Cold blooded.

In the cafeteria, Jessica finally realised that The Cullens were a much hyped topic, so she was now talking against them and how everyone is crazy about them which was too much. Apparently, Edward Cullen declined her proposal. She never really said that she proposed to him or something but Angela told me on the text that Jessica was planning to talk to Edward.

I didn't pay much attention to Jessica and well anything that was going on at my table. I was sneaking glances at the Cullens who had their food untouched in front of them. It was consistently fifth day when they were not eating anything. And I had a plan in my mind for checking of the crucial point in my list.

Blood drinker.

I didn't know about their strength and fast speed so I didn't get to check them from my list. They didn't come during one rare sunny day of Forks and that served enough to tick burn by sun. Although Eric said that the Cullens went to camping and I didn't care to ask from where did he get such information. But really that guy was eyes and ears of the school.

About the Cullens and camping... Well camping my ass.

Anyways the last point remaining was of course blood drinker. 

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