Chapter Twenty-One

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‘I just want to see James!’ Amelia moaned as they trudged in the snow up to the Burrow that looked cosier than ever while they walked in the cold.

They had planned to leave at noon but Fred had some important work he had to finish so now it was nearly midnight and they were walking to the Burrow. The night seemed to bring the cold with it and Amelia shivered as she tried to drag her trunk behind her. The trunk was specked with white from the snow that was gradually falling and falling.

‘Here, darling, let me carry it,’ Fred said, yawning as he took her trunk. Amelia tried to object, she couldn't let her father carry her trunk! He was so tired from working so early in the morning. Fred didn't listen to her objections and took her trunk to the Burrow, carrying his own as well. He sighed, ‘you’ve been away from James one night, sweetie.’

‘I still miss him,’ Amelia muttered as she pulled her hood up to cover her head. Hermione, coughing slightly, walked a little behind them, thinking about the fight she had with Amelia this morning and also last night. Amelia ignored her mother and talked to Fred instead, ‘he’ll be here, right?’

‘I’m sure he will,’ Fred muttered and glanced back at Hermione. Amelia walked on faster when she knew that James would be in there; she truly missed him. This left Fred and Hermione walking side by side in the snow that was still floating onto the already white ground. Fred glanced at his wife and muttered, ‘I love you, Mia.’

‘I love you too, Fred,’ Hermione whispered back, her heart lifted a little. Fred stopped her by the arm as they neared the front door of the Burrow. Amelia walked right in, not waiting for her parents. Fred let go of the trunks and bags, he instead took Hermione’s face in his hands, ‘what is it, Fred?’

‘This is our first Christmas with my family since Amelia was eleven,’ Fred muttered, sighing at the thought of their previous Christmases which was only the three of them at home together. Hermione was aware of that fact and could remember exactly what had happened that Christmas when Amelia was eleven. It had ended up in tears from both Amelia and Hermione.  

‘I know that, Fred,’ Hermione whispered and hugged him, laying her head on his chest, ‘you haven’t seen your family in a long time. It’ll be fine, I promise you. Everyone will be so excited to meet you.’

‘How do you always know the right thing to say?’ Fred muttered and pulled back so he could look into her eyes. There was love there that seemed never absent. Hermione smiled and kissed him, ‘I could never love you more than I do right now.’

‘I don’t think I could handle more love,’ Hermione gave him a smile. Fred pressed his lips to hers again and then felt Hermione shiver. He chuckled, grabbing his and Amelia’s trunk as Hermione got hers. Hermione sighed, ‘let’s go in.’

Amelia didn't wait for her parents at all and she walked into the Burrow. The first thing she noticed was the kitchen and just how messy and clustered it was even though only two people lived in this house. Amelia smelt the cakes that were cooling on one of the counters but then she heard James’ laugh, mixed in with someone else’s, coming from the living room. Feeling nervous, she walked forwards. She had hardly spent any Christmases in this house since she was eleven. Usually her Christmas contained presents from her mum and dad, Hermione’s cooking, and then watching a movie. Nothing special but always fun and filled with jokes from her father and hugs from her mother.

Amelia edged closer to the living room and the sight she met was one of a huge family. Her eyes grazed over all of the relatives she remembered but had not talked to since she was eleven. Harry and Ginny were sat on the floor in front of the fire with Lily curled up next to her mother, reading a book. Albus was talking animatedly to Charlie about dragons. Bill and Fleur were cuddled up on the one seater and their children, Dominique and Louis were playing a fierce battle of chess; Amelia saw them around Hogwarts but they never spoke, they were in different classes. Teddy and Victoire were no where to be seen and Amelia noticed that Percy was not here yet either, neither was Ron. Molly Weasley and Arthur Weasley were sitting on the other sofa talking to James.

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