Chapter Twenty-Six

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He didn't show up. Amelia and Dominique waited for nearly an hour in the bitter cold for Scorpius to show up but he didn’t. One man walked past in that whole hour they stood there but there was no sign of Scorpius. Amelia tried to ignore Dominique as she kept on repeating that he wasn’t going to come but, in the end, Dominique got annoyed at her and nearly yelled that she couldn’t feel her legs anymore and that they had to go home.

They apparated back home without another word and Dominique sighed, her breath visible in the cold. She took Amelia’s arm and looped it with her own, ‘do you think he’s alright?’

‘I don’t know,’ Amelia sighed as they walked up to the Burrow, ‘he said to meet him there but... I don’t know what’s wrong.’

Dominique gave her a gentle squeeze and opened the door, walking into the house to hear Fred talking loudly over Mr Weasley. They all stopped once they heard the front door open. Amelia and Dominique walked to the living room.

‘Where have you been? We’ve been looking everywhere for you!’ Fred said as soon as Amelia came into the house. He got up, along with Hermione and Harry, and came over, enveloping her in a hug.

‘Dominique, you were also with her? You didn’t tell anyone before you left! We were so worried!’ Bill said, frowning a little at his daughter. Fleur opened her arms and Dominique rolled her eyes a little before going to hug her mother.

‘Don’t worry about it, Dad,’ Amelia shook her head, still hugging her father. He smelt very fatherly today for some strange reason which made her want to keep hugging him, maybe it was a new cologne? He probably got it for Christmas from someone. Fred pulled back a little and took her face in his hands, looking into her eyes.

‘Where were you?’ he asked, his voice low and solemn. Hermione crossed her arms over her chest, making no move to come forwards. She stood next to Harry and looked at Amelia’s boots which were drenched with snow.

‘I... Dominique and  I went out for a coffee,’ Amelia shrugged as if it was no big deal. Dominique turned to look at her but Amelia avoided her gaze, ‘we were just bored and thought we would get some coffee and, you know, bond for a while.’

‘Fred-’ Hermione started, about to say more but Fred held up a hand to silence her.

Hermione frowned at his back, thinking that Fred would  just let the situation slide like he always did when it came to Amelia. Like his daughter could do no wrong. Hermione knew that Fred knew perfectly well that every shop was closed on Christmas day, and that included coffee shops. But Hermione shut her mouth and, reluctantly, let Fred handle it. She hoped he would catch her out in the obvious lies she was telling.

‘I’m just glad you’re safe,’ Fred said after a painful waiting period where Amelia played with her hands behind her back and looked at her father straight at his eyes. Hermione’s frown deepened and her anger grew as she glared at Fred’s back. Fred hugged Amelia, ‘just tell us next time when you decide to leave.’

‘Same goes for you,’ Bill said to Dominique who was just nodded at her father.

Everyone slowly turned back to what they were doing and for a second it looked as though they were all one big happy family. Harry, Ginny, Bill and Fleur were conversing about Victoire’s pregnancy and the wedding and the engagement which was in a couple of days (the two women discussing what dresses they were going to wear); James and Teddy were playing a game of chess, sprawled on the floor on their stomachs, surrounded by Albus, Lily, and Louis; Victoire pulled Dominique over to tell her or maybe ask some advice about something to do with her engagement; Mr and Mrs Weasley were listening to Molly and Lucy tell a story, gesturing enthusiastically; and Audrey and Isabelle were discussing some shoes they had got for Christmas while Ron seemed to be resting his eyes for a few seconds and Percy was nose deep in a book as Charlie tried to keep a conversation going. It wasn’t perfect but it was family and they looked fairly happy. Expect for Hermione who walked over to where Fred was talking to Amelia in a low voice.

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