Chapter Twenty Four

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‘You really should get some sleep,’ Harry muttered as he got some milk from the fridge.

Hermione sighed as she cleaned the dishes in the sink, water had already splashed to the ground but she could easily use magic to clean the floor. Of course, she could use magic to clean the dishes but Hermione preferred to do it by hand since it gave her time to think about Amelia and whether Fred would be back tonight.

Everyone else in the house were satisfyingly full after dinner and had left the dishes in the kitchen which Hermione took upon herself to clean even after Mrs Weasley’s rejections. The clock was nearing midnight now but she had been standing at the sink and cleaning the same dish for ten minutes before Harry came in, bringing her back to her senses.

‘I’m waiting for Fred,’ Hermione whispered, coughing a little to sound more like herself than someone with a bad cough. She handed him a glass and he took it gratefully.

‘Are you nearly done?’ Harry pointed to the dishes. Hermione turned to look at him; Harry, her best friend, was wearing his blue pyjamas and his hair looked very messy but it made Hermione smile. He looked like his old, boyish self and she realised she really had missed him. Hermione waved her wand at the dishes and they started to clean themselves. Harry smiled at her, ‘would you like some milk... or something stronger? Hell, I could go for some firewhiskey!’

‘That’d be great,’ Hermione smiled and got two glasses as Harry put the milk back and grabbed some firewhiskey instead. He pulled back a chair and Hermione thanked him and sat down. Harry sat in front of her and poured in the drinks, ‘do you think Fred will be back tonight?’

‘I’m sure he will be. Did you two have a fight?’ Harry asked, handing her a glass of sparkling firewhiskey. Hermione took the glass in her hand and looked down at the contents before nodding a little. Harry nodded back, ‘not serious though, right? I mean, I’ve seen both of you go through serious fights but you’re still together, he’ll be back tonight.’

‘He gets really stressed,’ Hermione said as though Harry hadn’t spoken. She raised her gaze and looked into the green and comforting eyes that reminded her of her childhood, ‘especially when it comes to Amelia. Harry... are you staying here for Christmas? You don’t have to leave because of our family matters.’

‘Yes, James won’t let me leave anyway,’ Harry chuckled a little, ‘remember when James and Amelia were younger and they never left each others side?’

‘They still don’t! When we were coming here, the first thing Amelia said was that she missed James!’ Hermione chuckled too and drank her firewhiskey. It burned her throat a little but she basked in the taste, ‘I love her and I love Fred more than my life.’

‘I know you do and that’s a good thing, Hermione. I... I don’t want to interfere into your family business, that’s the reason I told James to go upstairs. He really cares for Amelia but I know it’s not his place to go after her or to get in the way. I apologise on his behalf, it’s none of his business. It’s your family matter, not mine,’ Harry said, shrugging and drank the firewhiskey. He refilled his glass and topped Hermione’s up too.

‘You don’t have to apologise for him,’ Hermione said, shaking her head so that a couple of curls fell down from her bun, ‘he’s my nephew and I’m glad he cares for Amelia since I know he’ll take care of her in Hogwarts.’

‘So everything’s fine between us? I don’t want you to think I’m interfering into your family matters,’ Harry muttered, shrugging, ‘but I will help whenever you need any help from me.’

‘We’re best friends and that’ll never change,’ Hermione said and took his hand, ‘Harry... who else knows Amelia’s not here?’

‘Ginny and James know. I told everyone at dinner that Fred and Amelia went home to get a few extra clothes and that they were going to grab some dinner outside,’ Harry said and squeezed her hand, ‘they don’t know the truth.’

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