Chapter twentyone

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He was carrying a backpack and two suitcases but he dropped one so he had a free hand to wave at me. "Hi" i responded "Im evie" "luke" he said, he pointed to the twin bed on the other side of the room propped up against the window. I nodded my head "yeah, all of my stuff should be moved from over there so you should be good" "thanks"he said then let out a little smile. Right after that a huge shock went through my head so i put my head to my hands and let out a tiny "ah" which Luke noticed and quickly put his stuff down to help me "woah are you good?" "oh yeah im fine, i think i just got a cold this morning so i'm not feeling the best" He looked at me with a confusing look. "I promise im good, you don't have to look at me like that" i said while laughing. "I'm probably just gonna fall asleep, i promise i'm normally more fun" "you seem fun" he says and i flash him a quick smile then put the hood of my hoodie which is actually Fourthgrade's hoodie up then dosed off, i heard luke up moving stuff around for a bit then he turned off a light and we were both asleep.

"WHAT THE FUCK" i heard someone yell and i imedietly sprung up. It had started raining a little after i fell asleep which was very obvious because there was a soaking wet fourthgrade standing frozen on Luke's bed. I was only half awake but I was laughing so hard it was three in the morning. I grabbed my polaroid camera off my bedside table and got a picture of fourthgrade with the scardest look on his face and Luke looking like he just saw a ghost. "Do you know this guy or something" Luke said and fourthgrade just moved his eyes to him. "Yes i do" I said while still laughing i got out of bed and walked over to him pulling him off the bed and near what was my closet but is now both Lukes and i's closet, i took off the crewneck sweater he had on that was dripping and gave him one of his own dry shirts i had taken as a  hostage then told him to take off his pants and gave him a big pair of old black sweatpants. He turned around at Luke who was staring at both of us then turned back to me. "Can i just use the bathroom" "oh my god your such a baby" he gave me an awkward smile then went out the door. I sat back down on my bed. "That's either gotta be your brother or a boyfriend" Luke finally said "boyfriend" i say  and he nods.

Fourthgrade came back in with dry cloths but his hair was still wet, he came over to the bed with me and i hugged him "you feeling any better" he asked and i shook my head, my tiredness started taking me down so i just plopped on to my pillow and he did the same, wrapping his arms around me once again. I looked over at Luke then back at fourthgrade then whispered in his ear "you know if he wasn't here right now we would definitely be doing something different" his mouth dropped open then he looked over at Luke. "fuck man" i let out a laugh "who is he by the way" "Luke, a new foster kid ill explain more tommorow" i told him eventhough i knew nothing id figure it out "alright" he said then nuzzled into me. Even though he had changed clothes, his hair and skin was freezing cold. I didn't realize it but I was shivering. He had his arm wrapped around my head and was running his fingers through my hair. It was the best feeling in the world. I didn't want to fall back asleep because it felt so nice but i had no control over my own body.

Fourthgrade sensed I was cold last night from the shivering and he took it as a sign to let me go and scoot over so everyone in the room woke up to a thud. He had scooted too far over and rolled off the bed. Luckily it was at a decent hour. "are you guys normally this loud" luke asking rubbing his eyes "just her" fourthgrade said piping up and slowly moving back up to the bed and under the sheets next to me. "Dude no offense but so far you're the one who keeps banging everything" i let out a little laugh but fourthgrade remained quiet. I hugged him "your good" just as everyone was sitting up Zach walked in holding three cupsof coffee. "Great" fourthgrade said under his breath. He knows zach doesn't like him but zach barely likes anyone...other than me. He handed a cup of coffee to Luke then me then sat down on this big chair I had in the room. "When you get here" he said referring to fourthgrade "last night" Luke replied taking a sip of the coffee he didn't sound mad or anything though it sounded just like a normal conversation. "How's it going fourthgrade" Zach said, i could tell he was trying to be nice and friendly i passed fourthgrade the mug of coffee before he answered "good"he said nodding then taking a tiny sip. The door swung open once more little Jule ran in the room holding a pancake she hopped up on the bed and both Zach and i's gaw dropped. She didn't run to me or him THE TWO PEOPLE SHE HAS KNOWN FOR FOREVER KNOW she went to fourthgrade. She sat down on his lap and rested her head on his chest nearly knocking the mug out of his hands, he handed it off to me then wrapped his arm around her. Part of me thought it was the cutest thing in the world... the other part was jealous that she chose him over me. "Okay so this makes sense that's his little sister" luke said "nope" zach answered "oh okay.. Girlfriend!" luke aid again joking this time "yeah definitely" i replied laughing. Fourthgrade smiled and then continued talking to Julie.  

Fourthgrade had made the mistake of asking her about her favorite animal and was now trapped in a huge lecture by Julie in her room being shown every single toy she owned. Everyone took that as their signal as a way to get out and went down stairs for actual food not breakfast. Only Luke, Zach and I were sitting at the table eating "so do you do any sports?" i asked Luke trying to start a conversation. "Yeah, well i don't know if you call it a sport but i skate" "oh sick that's what fourthgrade and i do" i punched Zach on the should "zach is too cool for that shit though" he sat up smiling grabbing his plate to bring to the kitchen "that's true" he said and i smiled then turned back to luke. "You should come to the shop with fourth and i today, you can meet some new people here" "yeah that sounds fun" "YOU SHOULD GET HIM TO MEET TRACY'' Zach called out from the kitchen and i ran over there so fast and slapped him over the head "we will not be doing that" i said "oh okay..." luke said confused "Eves doesn't like tracy cause she tried to-" Zach started saying but i hit him over the head again "aya stop" i said then went back over to luke as fourthgrade came down the stairs with julie on his back he plopped her down in her seat then came and hugged me from behind "holy cow" he said quietly and i nearly spat out my water. "Lukes gonna come with us to the shop today" "oh okay cool" he said sounding a little disappointed  ''you skate man?" he asked "yeah a little bit" luke replied.
—————————————————————THANK YOUU ENJOYYY😊
Insta- @ryderlmclaughlin 
(Ryders name with an L in between)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 12, 2021 ⏰

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