Chapter fifteen

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I wake up to Fourth grade jumping on top of me "ow" i say grabbing my stomach that his elbow went into but he pays no attention to this and kisses me "good morning" he says with a big smile on his face. I rub my eyes trying to wake up faster "someones in a good mood today" i say while giggling.  He shakes his head up and down really fast then lays on top of me and hugs me nuzzling his head into my shoulder "what time is it?" I ask "little bit after ten why?" "I have a few minutes before i have to start getting ready, i'm going back to sleep" "no don't do that" "too late" i say while letting out a yawn and closing my eyes. I get shaken awake a few  minutes later. I open my eyes to fourth grade once again "you know i'm starting to un like you" "not possible" he says while pulling me up "you got thirty minutes" "oh shit" i say then jump up. I put some music on then walk over to my closet. Sifting through my bathing suit dwar i pull out a black high waisted bottom and a black top. Then find a pair of ripped high waisted mom jeans and a cropped black t shirt. I ran to the bathroom to change  right as I closed the door Zach walked in through my bedroom door so I peeked my head back out. He completely ignored fourth grade sitting on my bed. I spoke first "hey are you gonna come today?" "yeah i'll be an hour late though im gonna catch a ride with Mark" "okay cool i'll see ya there" i smile at him "yes ma'am" he says saluting me and closing the door then i go back to the bathroom and change.

I walk out to fourth grade recording me i jump back and hid behind the door but he gets up and walks up to me "nooo" i say while laughing and trying to hide from the camera "too late i got you already, you might as well just give in" and he's right i do. We both hear a honk outside and fourth grade looks at his watch. "Yeah we're late" I grab my back pack with a towel, both our water bottles, a book and my sketch pad inside. He grabs his with who knows what inside and we both dart down the steps "BYE ZACH SEE YOU IN A BIT" i hear him yell bye back and we're out the door. Fourth Grade opened the door for me and we both slid in. i'm greeted by the eyes of Tracy who is in the front but turned around towards fourth and i. "Woah eves i didn't know you knew fourth grade" she says while trying to act like she knows him better than me. I guess Estee didn't tell her we were dating. "Yeah i know him a little bit" i say while turning to him and making him laugh. She doesn't like this and makes a disgusted face then smiles "jeeze im so so stupid, your like Estees best friend you should probably be riding shot gun ill switch with you" she says while unbuckleing her seat belt and fourth grade puts his hand on my back. "Nah its cool i'm good back here" i say before she opens her door "oh okay" she says and Estee laughs and just starts driving. It's a decently quite car ride with the occasional whisper from fourth grade saying something very random. He has a pair of dark blue swim trunks on that almost look black and a red shirt with a yellow embroidered globe in the corner followed by his backpack.

The four of us arrived at the beach all with backpacks on Estee and Tracy carried chairs for themselves while fourth grade and I grabbed the cooler. we picked a spot close to the water settling in. i put a big towel down that fourth grade sat down on while rummaging threw his backpack looking for his camcorder, while i'm standing looking to try and find the guys right when i feet someone lift me off my feet and start running, it was fuck shit. "Ah noo downnnnnn" i said while fourth grade instantly jumped up and started running after fuckshit who was still holding me and running. He didn't stop till we got to the ocean and he walked out a bit then threw me in getting me completely wet. Fourth grade wasn't far behind running into the ocean and jumping after getting tripped up. We were all laughing when  ruben, sunny and ray all jump in splashing each other. I was minding my business when fourth grade swam under me and put me on his shoulders i grabbed his head and wrapped my legs around him obviously scared and he moved us closer to the guys. "Yo fourth grade look over there" Ruben yelled out making him look away as Fuck shit once again swiped me away from fourthgrade. Who very quickly noticed and went after fuckshit. I couldn't stop laughing "IM NOT A TOYYYY" "you sure about that" fuckshit said "ew, positive" i responded while clinging on to Fourth grade again. We all stayed in the water for a while until i felt like getting out, the second i got out they trailed after me i didn't even say anything.

Everyone walking back to estee and Tracy dripping wet caused them to move back a little "you guys scared of water or something?" Ray says "no we just didn't wanna get our hair wet" Estee replies "What was the point in coming to the beach then" Ruben says making fun of them. "Good thing evie doesn't have a problem with wet hair" Fourth grade says while putting his hand on my head and scruffing up my wet hair "did you jus-" i yell back while trying to reach of and grab his hair hoping to mess it up too but he gets a hold of both my hands and me trying to get at him is practically pointless. "I mean i don't have a problem getting my hair wet" Tracy says "oh yeah then why didn't you jump in" Fuck shit says "girl you just told me you spent time doing your hair this morning and didnt wanna mess it up." Estee says "i never said that" "whatever" "yall girls crazy" Fuckshit says "at least eves ain't afraid to to get dirty" Ruben adds "Oh Eves gets dirty all over" Fuckshit says and i slap him over the hand "aha yeah right like little eves could get a guy" Fourthgrade gives me a concerned look. "Ah yes thank you tracy for that comment" i spit out "N***a you must be trippin balls shes gotta dude" Ray says "she could do better though" Ruben says while poking his head between Ray and fuckshit. I look over at Fourth grade  who is rolling his eyes and shaking his head with a little laugh, good he took it in a funny way.  "Yall-  no offense Eves" she says while giving me a slight look. "But shes probably lying to you guys, i've know this chick longer than you guys, she doesnt pull dudes". She was right i normally don't and she has known me longer but she wasn't right about it being a lie. Sunburn pipes in this time "i think we're pretty sure she's not lying" he says "oh yeah who is it then" all the guys shoot fourth grade a look when he raises his hand up i could tell he didn't like all the attention all of a sudden. I have to hide my laugh but Estee doesn't do so well the face tracy made was priceless, we both knew she liked Fourthgrade and i don't mean to be a bitch by dating him but we aren friends the only reason i know her is because of Estee, plus Tracy in general is just bitchy and rude. Before she can let out a peep zach and his friend mark walk to us "wassup guys" he says while sitting down next to me on the blanket and Mark sets his own out. "Hi" i say and Estee says the same. He doesn't know any of the guys so introduce them "zach this is Sunburn, Ruben, Ray  Fuckshit and you know fourth grade" i say while pointing next to me guys this is my brother" Zach puts his hand up to say hi "hold up this is your brother, yall look nothing alike"  oh shit i think to myself while taking  a sip from my water bottle wanting to ignore what's about to happen " oh yeah well were foster siblings" Zach says and fourth grade looks at me i also feel all the other guys staring too "yo what the fuck".

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