Chapter fourteen

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We wake up to a huge thrash of thunder basically shaking the entire apartment complex fourth grade jumps up and I just laugh "you scared?" he looks me dead in the eye "yes" and i laugh even harder. He gets up  and walks to the window seal ledge and looks outside. The sun isn't starting to rise yet but it wasn't blackk outside it all looked blue. I quickly bend over the side of the bed and find my camera inside my bag that I had left there the night before. I pull it out and take a photo with his back to the camera, the flash goes off and he whips his head around "huh" and I take another photo catching him making a weird unplanned face. Both photos come out the top of the polaroid camera and I stuff them in my bag waiting for them to develop so I can see them later. He comes back to the bed and sits next to me looking towards my hands so he can find the photos "can i see?" "later" i say with giggle "they have to develop" "righttt" he says then kisses me really quickly and gets up smiling. He goes to his closet and put on the usual style of outfit he puts on a t shirt, baggy jeans and some white shoes. I just change my shorts into sweat pants and don't feel like doing anything else except put shoes on. "Are you okay with walking in the rain?" "yeah that's cool"  "hold on wait a second" he says while running out of his room and heading to the phone in the kitchen. I sit on his bed and wait around two minutes later he come back in "fuckshits gonna pick us up in a few minutes so we don't have to walk in the rain" "that works too"

After we finish getting ready we walk outside waiting under an awning for fuck shit. He pulls out and we both run out using our skateboards to cover our heads trying to stay as less wet as possible but it really doesn't hurt. We both hop in the back ruben is in the passenger seat and I'm guessing Ray and Stevie  got to school on their own cause they aren't here. "Fuck man yall got my car wet i gotta keep this shit nice for the ladies" Fuck shit says. "Psh what laddies" i say teasing him but he isn't offended because we both know he does get a lot of ladies especially in this car.

The school day went by, the rain stopped around 12 and it was now 3. I was in the library talking to Ms. Stevens while fourth grade sat at a booth in the library and messed with his camcorder sometimes taking videos of the books or me and Ms. Stewart. He insists on staying with me until I have to leave. Zachs practice went on a bit longer than normal so we stayed longer until fourth grade said he had to go home before his dad got there. "You gonna be ok?" He asks "yess im going to be fine i'm not leaving anytime soon, don't worry" "ok ok" he says while backing up walking backwards towards the door, i wave goodbye to him then he does the same and goes out the door. Zach shows up 30 minutes later, he walks up to me and laughs "nice note last night" "oh good you liked it" i tell him getting up so we can walk home. "No fourth grade?" he says while scanning the library "nah he left early" "cool cool"

When we get home Amy is already there in the kitchen starting to get things ready for dinner. I set my stuff down in the living room, grab my big spiral notebook and head out to the porch. I like to be outside as much as possible and I decided I was going to do some school work because I missed yesterday and my grades sucked. Not that me working on stuff now would help but it might move one of my two f's at least up to a D, C if I'm lucky. Zach follows me out shortly after with a big bowl of chips "STUDY BUDDIES" he squealed while jumping up and shaking his fists trying to make fun of him because when i first met him i would get so excited everytime we did something together. "You just look stupid doing it" i say trying to get back at him. He plops down criss cross applesauce on the opposite side of the little table. I was working on my science homework and he was reading a book for his english class.

Amy came out two hours later saying dinner was ready. I managed to completely catch up in science and get half way done in english i still had to read a lot of  my book tonight  I was already supposed to have finished. Zach was in the yard with a soccer ball practicing he gave up on school about 30 minutes in. We went inside to the two boys setting the table and Julie in the kitchen helping Amy get ready to bring the food out. Zach and I both sit down next to each other since there is nothing left to do. "See this" he says while pointing at his chair "This is my seat, MINE" i start laughing " oh chill out. Your still hung up on that" "i will be hung up on this for the rest of my life, my seat forever not some kid named fourth grade, no sir" "Oh my godd" i cant stop laughing "you are so jealous" "am not" he says defending himself " are fucking too" "im done with this conversationnn" he says just as Julie sets down his plate "were gonna get to the bottom of this" he just shakes his head and stuffs his mouth with food.

The dinner was over within 45 minutes and i was alone cleaning the kitchen, Amy ended up going to bed directly after dinner,  Zach put the 3 other kids to bed and was now in his room doing who knows what. Then the phone rang. I kinda jumped up when i first heard it go off because i wasn't expecting it but picked it up as soon as possible hopefully not waking up anyone else in the house.

"Hello?" i say

"Your skipping school tomorrow" i could tell by her voice it was estee

"Okay why though?"

"You me tracy and those guys are going to the beach"

"Interesting... Why Tracy though? She doesn't hang out with them"

"She heard me talking to fuck shit about it and wanted to go, u gotta problem?"

"No no i'm good. Did you invite Zach?"

"Not yet he can come though, You tell him"

"Okay ill see"

"Ill pick you up tomorrow at 11?"

"Yeah, can fourth grade ride with us?"

"Sure, you guys can have the back tracy will take shot gun the other guys are riding with fuck shit"

"Okay ill see you tomorrow then"

"Byy girl"


I set the phone down and i kid you not, not even a minute later it rings again

"What did you forget estee?" i ask while laughing

"I dont know im not estee..." it was fourth grade

"Oh hiii sorry Estee just called me"

"Oddly same, i guess we're going to the beach tomorrow"

"Seems like we are. Your riding with me estee and tracy i can't stand her, i thought i should let you know"

"Whos tracy?"


He laughs "okay what time do i need to be at your place"
"10:00 sharp, no funny business"

" i got you , no funny business ill see you tomorrow morning"

"Okay i'll see you then bye bye"

I hang up,  finish the dishes and run up the stairs. I keep my promise and read the book before sleeping however I only got 5 pages in before collapsing on myself and falling asleep.

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