Chapter eleven

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⚠️ violence and blood warning  ⚠️
Everything was pretty normal walking back home with Zach we talked like normal laughed, everytime we passed a stop sign he would jump up and smack it. I had taken a bunch of empty postal stickers from the post office and I put some of my drawings on them or just random tags on them a while ago and I happened to have them in my backpack so I would give Zach one every time he was about to hit a stop sign.

We got home around three and went to our rooms. Amy was at work still and the other kids were still in school and who knows where Mark was (the foster "dad"/ Amy's husband). He only shows up every once in a while he's a genuinely angry person so nobody really likes when he's around except Amy but all they do is fight so that doesn't make sense at all. In my room I set my backpack down on my desk probably needing to do my homework but I really don't want to so I will just do it later tonight or during  first period tomorrow, I procrastinate alot its bad. So instead of doing my homework i change into sweatpants and a tank top then put a sweater over that and went to sit on the porch. It wasn't too cold outside. It was that perfect temperature you know, when it's hot enough to wear a t-shirt but at the same time you could wear a long sleeves shirt and not get heat stroke. I just sat out there and watched cars until about 30 minutes when Zach came out the front door. "I'm going to get the other kids you comin?" I perk up "yeah" and give him a smile. We can both drive but neither of us have a car, were not allowed to the family care system says we should have one even if we pay for it ourselves because we could jump ship anytime. Which is honestly probably true. I would at least try. Doesn't hurt. The elementary school is just outside of our neighborhood so the walk is a lot shorter. We just have to wait at the school for a bit because we left 30 minutes too early.

At about 7:40 ish Amy got home, i had made dinner already and everyone was in the living room. Amy was obviously drunk but she was still in a good mood so no one said anything we just went with it. I served my homemade lasagna to  everyone in the living room while they were watching some alien movie. I wasn't too interested in it so once i finished eating  i just went back to the kitchen and made chocolate chip cookies. Julie came in to the kitchen rubbing her eyes shortly after. I picked her up and sat her on the counter top than handed her a cookie then put my hand to my mouth "shush don't tell the boys" i said and we both laughed "TELL THE BOYS WHAT" zach yelled from the living room. "NOTHINGG" julie and i said in unison then laughed again. "You ready for bed?" she shook her head yes so i picked her up once more and carried her up stairs to the room she shared with her two older brothers. There was one bunk bed and on single bed in there she had the plain single bed while Evan and Marcus shared the bunk bed. I told her goodnight and tucked her in then left and she was already half asleep. The boys went to bed shortly after which just left Zach and I messing around in the kitchen eating cookies and Amy being Amy on the couch in the next  room over. When Mark walked in my eyes got big and Zach and I just stared at each other. "O shit" Zach said under his breath. Mark was stubiling in threw the front door passing Amy on the couch he continued to walk towards the kitchen while Amy popped up like a little puppy and trailed behind him. "Your homee" she said while hugging him "yeah no get off" he said while already starting to get a little aggressive with her by throwing her hands off of him. She slumped down towards the floor and st against the wall acting like a sad little preschooler. She actually whimpered a little. It looked really pathetic, a forty year old woman  on the ground pouting as if she were a little kid. "O shut up" he said while moving towards the plate of fresh cookies i made grabbing two. "We should probably go to sle-" Zach started saying but was interrupted by Mark who picked up a pan in the sink and just dropped it back into the sink creating a really loud bang. I flinched really quickly so did zach. "Your cleaning this fucking kitchen before anyone leaves" "ok just be quiet the other kids are asleep" i tried saying but Mark just shot me a death glare "wha-" he was about to say then stopped "let her go to sleep we have school in the morning ill stay and clean the kitchen" Zach said trying to help me out "NO both of you clean" as he said this Amy slumped her body over him and he quickly threw her off of him. Zach moved to try and catch her but Mark just grabbed his wrist "leave her" Zach just shook it off and continued to go down to where Amy was trying to help Mark was going to grab Zach again but i cut in this time "stop" i said but not in an over prominente voice it was more of a shy scared one he was the only other person other than my parents that could get me scared like that. "What you just say?" "just- just leave him alone and amy" Apparently that was enough to piss him off he took one swing at me and i dropped to the floor. I backed up into the corner of the cabinets and felt my face. My eye was already starting to bruise and i could feel the blood starting to fall down my nose "what the fuck" i said to myself then rested my head agains the back of  the cabinet. Now not only was Mark Pissed but so was Zach "GET THE FUCK OUT" zach yelled standing up getting close to mark "whatever" he said then started sluggish walking away "GET THE FUCK OUT NOW" Zach yelled louder thi time then mark went out the door as Zach ran to lock it behind him. Then rushed back to me "holy fuck" he said there was now quite a bit of blood everywhere he wet a rag and then handed it too me. Julie walked down the steps just as all of this was going on. I Pointed to her "go help her, im fine i just need to go to sleep" "you sure?" i shook my head yeah then while he went to take julie back to sleep i went to my bathroom and just stared at myself in the mirror. "Fuck" i said to my self then whipped the blood off my face i wasnt in the mood to do much else i just crawled into my bed and fell asleep.

I woke up completely unmotivated to do anything, i was up at the normal time i would get up to go to school but there was no way I was going. Instead  i waled down to the kitchen stepping over Amy's asleep body and picking up the phone. I was gonna call fourth grade.

"Dats me, morning"
"Good morning why are you calling so early? Do you want me to walk with you? I can be there in like 15 minutes"

"No no no, don't come here, i uh- i don't feel too good and i dont think im gonna go to school today. Can you pick up my work for me? I can get it from you at the shop later." 

"Yeah i can do that is there anything else you need? I mean i know how to make soup nothing special butttt i know how"

I laughed a bit "no im okay i just need to sleep alot.. Ill see ya later okay?"

"Yeah ill see you later"

"okay have a good day byeee"


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