Chapter eight

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When I wake up slowly opening my eyes I am greeted with a camera and a smiling fourth grade. "Nooo" I say while trying to cover the lens with my hand but he moves the camera around so fast i can't get it so I decide to just throw a pillow at him instead. I look out the window and see the sun just starting to rise. "What time is it" i ask rubbing my eyes to help me wake up " i dont know like 6:30" " bro why did you wake me up so earlyyy" "are you the stupid one in this relationship now?" he says while laughing at me "we have fucking school" he continues saying.i smack my hands to my head and fall back into his bed. "How did i not know this" then i sit up and give him a death stare "you didn't say anything about school last night. What am i going to do about  clothes my shit is covered in blood! Omg this is too much information to early in the morning agh" he continues to laugh at me then walks over and kisses me on the forehead "good morning" im so overwhelmed i just pull him closer to me and hug him. "I have a really old pair of jeans that should fit you as long as you tie them with a shoelace and you can use any shirt or anything else you want in the closet your good" i smile at him "your so sweet thank you" i walk over to the cloths he had laid out for me and pick up the pants "these are actually so cool" and they were they were very baggy but looked like they would fit fine the had a few rips in them but they looked super cool, "really? I thought they just looked old" he said while looking down at his feet. I can tell he get super self conscious about his house and his money situation which makes me feel awful because he doesn't need to feel like that" i walk up to him an say "i honestly really love them" then give him a quick kiss. He just smiles i put the pants on and just kept the hoodie from last night on its winter right now so it kinda cold outside which is perfect for wearing sweatshirts. He does the same putting pants a hoodie on "you ready?" "yeah" we both put our shoes on and he grabs his back pack and we walk out his door. Immediately there is a cool breeze that hits us and i shiver up i wrap my arms around his and we start walking to school. "You are so lucky i left my stuff in my locker over the weekend or we would be screwed"

I can see the school in the distance when he stoops in front of a gas station. "Hang on one second" "oh okay" i tell him "ill be right back" he runs in while i stand outside watching the cars go by. A minute later he comes out holding two cups with steam coming out of them. He hands me one. "Ooo what is this" i say while cupping it in my hands and we start walking towards school again. "Yours is hot chocolate and mine is coffee" "aww thank you" i say while giving him puppy eyes and taking a sip. I make a weird face and pass the cup over to him "this ones the coffee" i say as i start laughing "shit sorry" he laughs a bit too then switches the cups i take a sip again but this time it's the right thing "there you go" i tell him "this is good shit" "yeah it really is"

We arrive at the school and decide to sit on a bench in the court yard to finish our drinks. "So what is your schedule?" he starts telling me his schedule when he gets to his last period class and says its math i stop him "hold on who is your teacher" "uh ms.collins i think" "WHAT im in that class how did i not know you were in there" he puts his hand over his shoulder scratching his neck  "i don't really talk in that class to much i also sit in the back corner" "hm well i will look for you today" "okay" he says with i smile then the first bell rings and we both get up to go to our classes. "Eves wait" i turn around "yeah?" "what about lunch?" "uh do you sit with the guys?" "yeah" "okay where" "by the uh fountain" "okay imma get esstee and we're gonna sit there at lunch with you guys" "okay" he says with a smile then starts backing away still watching me though.

I get to my first period and see estee waiting in her seat with my empty desk next to her and I run to the back of the room to meet her. She starts rambling about a bunch of random stuff boys, partys, bad weed etc. i want to tell her about fourth grade but then i decided it might be better if i just wait till lunch and surprise her. "Hey can we sit somewhere different for lunch today?" i ask her  "yeah sure where" "by the water fountain some new friends invited me to sit there today". "Okay cool, do i know these people" "i don't know" when i know now she does know them because fourth grade knows her. Then the teacher shuts everyone up and we have to pay attention. When class gets out, esstee and I walk to our next class together, I ask "do you know a kid named fourth grade?" "oh yeah he's kinda weird right,  like really skinny and really quite?" is that really how everyone sees him. "Uh yeah i guess you could say that's him" "yeah tracy likes him and i guess she always tried to talk to him at parties but he would barely even answer a yes or no question". I laugh at this that sounds exactly like him and I'm glad he did that because Tracy hates me with a burning passion. Tracy is esste's second bestfriend who i have always been nice to she just doesn't like me, we all have to hang out together because of esstee but she is sooo petty when she talks to me it just makes me laugh. Luckily Tracy is not here today so she will not be joining us at lunch.

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