Chapter sixteen

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I spit out my water. "Surprisee" i say while putting my hands up and waving them. " hold up When were you planing on telling us?" Ray said, "huh, guess you dont know as much about her as you thought" Tracy spat out while looking directly at fourth grade. "I knew" he said feeling the pressure she was putting on him until ray grabbed his shoulder and pulled him down near him "N****a you knew about this and didn't tell us" Ray said but fourth grade didnt know what to say and just looked towards me for help. "I told him not to say anything" "you never told your friends about me , thats harsh eves" Zach says making me laugh thankfully "deal with it" i say back  "so wait uh-" sunburn is about to say but i cut him off "ill talk to you guys about it later at the shop not now." i really didn't wanna have this conversation at the beach.

"Fuck im hungry" i say only meaning for me to hear it but both fourth grade and fuckshit pick up on it. "Same bro, what you all pack" he says while moving towards the cooler with a beer bottle in his hand while fourth grade pulls out his bag. "Here" he says while putting a loaf wrapped in white deli paper in my lap then grabbing another one for  himself "i made sandwiches" he said with a smile. "Woahhh i didn't know you could cook" i say and give him a kiss on his cheek "thank you" then i proceed to lay against him and eat the sandwich "damn this is good" "really? Its just bread cheese and meat" he says "well i really like it you could be a professional sandwich chef".

The day went by pretty fast everyone was chilling out listening to music while sitting on the towels Fuck shit was already drunk dancing around getting estee to stand up and dance with him, sunburn even got into it a bit too Luckily Tracy loosened up throught the day and wasnt being as mean and evie hating. The sun was starting to go down and I kinda wanted to get away from everyone for a second so I grabbed fourth grade's hand and whispered in his ear "come on" so we could sneak away without everyone noticing. Which they didn't. We walked down to the water and sat on the sand while I put my head on his shoulder. "We're doing a lot of sitting today" he says while laughing to himself "what you wanna go swimming now?" i ask not expecting him to say yes because it was starting to get dark and everyone knows thats when sharks come out but to my surprise he stands up and says yes to swimming and walks me to the ocean. We get into where the water goes up a little bit underneath the shoulder and he pulls me on to him grabbing my waist. I'm hanging on to him and were both just relaxing in the water watching all the beautiful colors the sky was turning into after the sun was down. "I like this" I tell him "i like this too, a lot actually" i could see the flames of a fire up on the beach surrounded by our group of friends "wo shit they have a fire going" my eyes flared with excitement i loved bonfires "you ready to get out?" he asked me and I anxiously shook my head. So we both got out and the second we reached dry sand i started running making fourthgrade chase after me. I ran between sunburn in ruben "boo" I yelled trying to scare them. "Dumbass we could hear you guys from back there, your loud as fuck" Ruben said "yeah really loud" sunburn added trying to fit in with Ruben. Then i felt fourthgrade put a towel around me so I looked over my shoulder and smiled at him. "You guys are no fun" i say very disappointed in their lack of enthusiasm. "Okay yalls was definitely fuckin this time right" Fuckshit of course said. While moving back to fourthgrade and i's towel "oh shut up when we do ill make sure your the last to know"  i tell him and his mouth just hangs open like wahh which  makes fourthgrade laugh. "Wait so like you guys haven't done it yet" Estee says and i put my hand to my face "ah i dont wanna talk about this" Zach throws a towel at estee to make her stop talking and she throws it back after it hit her in the face starting a whole new conversation for everyone.

It was around two in the morning now and everyone was still living it up everyone has a had a bit of alcohol except Zach he doesn't drink or smoke he saw what it did to his mom and he's now deathly scared to do any of it. I had a little to drink but not enough for my mind to be affected same with fourth grade and Ray but as for everyone else they were all drunk as fuck. Slurring words and stumbling everywhere. The fire was starting to burn out so i got up to get more "i'll be back, sunburn you wanna come with" i say while he works his way up and fourthgrade makes the motion to get up "your good you don't have to come" i say laughing a little bit "you sure?" "yeah its ok you should probably stay here and watch them anyway" i say while letting out a slight giggle he nods his head ok and sits back down on to the towel grabbing his knees and staring into the dimming fire. Sunburn is practically yanking my arm off trying to get me to move faster. Hes stumbling all over and laughing which completely amuses me but i make sure hes okay every 5 seconds just to be sure. While we were walking away I didn't even need to see it. I can hear Tracy moving closer to fourthgrade, She says she's just getting another beer from the cooler but ends up staying by the cooler which is right next to our towel.  i don't think too much about it though. I trust him.

I'm waking up into the top banks of the beach where all the sea oats and driftwood is trying to find good wood while sunburn does the same. "HEY LOOK AT THIS ONE" he yells while lifting a huge piece of driftwood over his head. I give him a thumbs up  doubt he could see it then WAM. One of his hands slips out from the wood and it falls and hits him over the head.  "STEVIE"  i yell but he instantly pops up "IM GOOD" "omg you little fuck, no more wood for you" i say while laughing.

We gathered quite a bit of good wood and were walking back to the group "WEOOO" i hear fuck shit yell in the background while seeing us start to approach. When in the corner of my eye it looks like Tracy is about to pull a move on fourthgrade... my boyfriend so i look up to see what actually happened and that is something i wish i didn't do. There was Tracy grabbing Fourthgrades shirt pulling him closer to her and kissing him. It didn't go on for long because fourthgrade pulled away but it definitely still happened. I dropped the wood without even noticing "oh shit" i hear Ruben  say "what the fuck bro" Fuckshitt says And fourth grades eyes instandly meet mine. He looked scared, he looked at me the same way he looked at his dad that one night. I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder. Sunburn. "Eves" he said and i stopped staring staring at fourthgrade and moved my eyes towards him. "Thats my call mark you ready?" Zach says while grabbing my bag of the towel fourthgrade was now standing on and moving towards me. I had to walk away i couldn't look at him. "Evie wait" i knew it was fourth grade calling me out but i didn't answer, just kept walking. Zach ran after me along with his friend Mark we got in his car and were gone. Zach drove because he was the only sober one.

"Bro what the fuck just happend" ray said trying to figure out what is going "Fourthgrade just kissed another girl n* damn bro dats fucked" fuckshit said "i didnt kiss her she- she kissed me i didn't wanna do that" fourthgrade says while running his hands through his hair "that wasn't me, Fuck i gotta talk to her" he said trying to figure out what and where to go next. Fourthgrade starting moving to go toward to water but Tracy grabbed his hand "hey we can figure this out uh i mean like she isn't all that, i was helping" tracy says taking a little while to get it all out because she was extremely drunk. " leave me the fuck alone expecially you" he said to her then walked alone to the water.


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