Chapter four

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"Evie knows how to pic locks apparently" fourthgrade tells them. "Woahh could you teach me" stevie says. "Sure" i say. Fuck shit ray and ruben all start to skate in the building while fourthgrade gets some good clips. Sunburn and i are still on the stairs talking when i see a teacher walking by the windows. "GUYS get down" i say while motioning to the ground everyone gets down immediately except fuck shit who is just standing in the middle of the room looking clueless "what the fuck is going on" then he sees the teacher walk by again and  dropps to the floor. "Its the weekend what the fuck is she doing here" ruben says in a whisper but ray still shushes him. After two minutes of laying on the floor i sneakily get up to see if she is still there. "Alright i think she is-" im in the middle of saying until i feel someone grab me from behind "BOO" i jump up up and scream. It was fourth grade "YOU LITTLE SHIT there is someone out side and your making me scream" he is still laughing though along with all the other guys. He starts walking away to go grab his board and i kick him under his foot i trip him but not enough to make him fall. "Ooo you have done it" he  says while walking back towards me. He picks me up and throws me over his shoulder. "Nooo stop put me down" i say while laughing he is laughing too. He walks over to grab his board "you better not ride that thing while caring me i will murder you if you try" "chill out chill out im not that stupid" he says. All the other guys get on their boards and ride out of the empty cafeteria while fourth grade just walks caring me over his shoulder with one hand holding my legs and the other holding his board. I let him cary me for a while but eventually i say "you have to put me down at some point your gonna get tired" for someone so skinny i was surprised he could hold me this long he is definitely a lot stronger than i thought. We eventually catch up to the boys who are back to skating in the court yard and he puts me down on to a picnic table then sits next to me. "Do you know what time it is" i ask him. "Uh probably around six ish" " crap i gotta get home i have to make dinner tonight, ill see you later" i say while getting up really fast "byee" he says im half way out of the school when i stop and turn around and start walking back towards fourth grade "hi again" he says while laughing considering i just told him i was leaving. " hi uh You wouldn't possibly wanna come over for dinner tonight would you? Im making chicken" i tell him "depends on what kind of chicken" " oh shut up" i tell him while laughing  "yeah chicken sounds good right about now im in" he gets up and i yell at the boys "FOURTH GRADE AND I ARE LEAVING" no response " JUST INCASE ANYONE WANTED TO KNOW" still no response or even a glance up from skating. "OK BYE ANYWAYSSS" then i run to catch up to fourth grade.

We walk back to my house that is a lot closer to the school than the shop was, just talking about random things. He carried me on his back for a bit but eventually i made him put me down again i didnt wanna tire him out. We finally get to my drive way "welp this is it" i tell him "this is your house" he asks me "foster house" i correct him out of habbit. I instantly regret saying it and cover my mouth. He didn't need to know that. I hate telling people I live in a foster home because they always look at it in a bad way like oh look at her shes got family problems, but it was too late now. He turns towards me and looks me dead in the eyes " a foster home?"
"Yeah..." i say while looking down at my feet. "I-" hes trying to figure out what to say in this kind of situation. "Its fine" i say while finally being able to look up at him again. I try to change the subject. "Do you still wanna come inside?" i ask. He looks up at me and smiles "yeah of course you promised me chicken" he chases me up to the porch and then we walk in. julie automatically runs up to me and hugs my leg i tell her hi and then she lets go and looks up at fourth grade "is this your boyfriend" "no" i say really fast "okayyy" she says then walks away "she is six they say weird things" i tell fourth grade he just laughs and nods. I walk over to the kitchen and start turning the stove on and putting a pot on the stove. "You can sit over there if you want" i point at the three tall chairs on the edge of the counter tops. He walks over and takes a seat "thanks". we just hang out and talk in the kitchen while i cook the chicken giving him a very interesting cooking show on how to properly cook chicken. Im all finished and fourth grade is helping me set the table as i yell "DINNER" and everyone comes to sit. Zach is last he is walking out of his room when he says "who is this?"he looks fourth grade up and down giving him a sort of mean glare. "This is my friend fourth grade, fourth grade that is Zach" fourth grade just lifts his hand up and waves hi, zach nods to him. Everyone is sitting down as i put chicken on everyone's plates along with a few sides. I put some on to fourth grades plate "thanks" i smile at him in response. I sit down between julie and fourth grade and Zach immediately finds my eyes. I normally sit next to him and i don't think he was to happy that i chose to sit somewhere else tonight. I shrug my shoulders and mouth out the word sorry then he looks at fourth grade and gives him a death stare even though he has no clue what is going on because the only thing he is focused on is the chicken. " woah slow down" i say giggling he looks up at me "ok how did you do this, this is so good" "thank you" i say "but i gave you a whole cooking show on how i was cooking it, u weren't paying attention" i give him puppy dog eyes i personally thought my show was pretty good. " i was i was i guess i was just more concerned about you dropping every other thing you picked up on  the floor" he says while laughing i hit him over the head with a table cloth then evan chimes in "yeah she does that alot" i lightly kick him under the table and they all start laughing".

Everyone went back to what they were doing after dinner. Fourth grade helped me clear the tables and put the dishes away then we just went up to my room. Fourth grade goes to sit on my bed while i pick a few clothing pieces off my floor and shove them into my closet. "These are really cool" he says "huh" i look up at him after crouching down on the floor. He is holding up some of the sketches i was doing last night that i left on my bed 'oh thank you" i sit next to him on my bed while hes still sifting threw the drawings. I look out the window "hey its pretty dark outside are you sure you can get home? You can always stay here if u want" i tell him. "Are you okay with that" he asks me. "Yeah of course as long as your good im good" "alright cool" he says. " i don't have an extra bed  though so we would have to share" i point at my bed. "Thats ok" he says i smile at him, "wanna watch a movie?" he says poking his head up "yeah that sounds good". After a while of trying to find a good movie we eventually settled on a skate documentary called dog town and the z boys. I mainly watched the movie but every once and a while i would look over at him, he was so interested in what was going on in the movie. "You really want to make movies one day dont you" he nodded his head keeping his eyes on the movie completely zoned out. I laid my head on his chest. My bed was pretty small so we had to be closer together. I used it as my advantage though. After realizing what i had done he took his eyes off the screen for the first time since it  started and looked at me and smiled then he put his arm around me and went back to watching the movie. "I think i  like this" he says "i think i like this too" i say then fall asleep before the movie is over.

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