Chapter seventeen

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  We got back to the house really late. Zach's friend Mark decided to stay with Zach just because he was extremely drunk and his parents would have killed him for being this drunk. I just walked up the stairs to my room and plopped on my bed. I honestly didn't know what to think, I mean she kissed him. It's not like he purposefully. I still couldn't help the fact that it pissed me off though. Zach walked in soon after "hey are you good?" He asked in a sweet tone "yeah im good im just really tired" "okay i'll let you sleep, goodnight" he said then closed the door and i went back to my sleeping position, but the door cracked open once more "i told you i didn't like him" he said then closed the door before i could answer and that's a good thing because i really didn't know what to say. I fell asleep shortly after completely alone for the first time in a while.

I woke up the next morning really late, everyone else was already up and doing things but I just had no motivation. I turned on the tiny tv in my room and put in a skate video then went back to my bed, pulled out my sketch book and started sketching. At first I just let my hand take the lead because I didn't know what to draw. I just knew what I felt. It ended up being a girl who was crying. I didn't like it too much but I left it in the book anyway at least for now. Then I just put all my attention into watching the skate video and not stressing about what happened last night or if fourthgrade was even going to try and talk to me about it. I fell asleep again i really fucked up my sleep schedule getting back at 4 in the morning last night . It was either that or the fact that I was so upset I just wanted to sit in darkness all day and sleep. Once it was seven oclock amy came and got me "come on you need to get up i need you down stairs" she said while turning my lights on i didn't want to get up but i knew i had to. So I picked myself up and got out of bed. I threw on a grey UCLA hoodie on that had really long sleeves so i rolled them up and navy shorts that were super comfy and walked down the stairs to lots of yelling. Oh fuck.
It was Saturday, college football night. Which meant Mak was here using the tv along with his four other friends the game had only been on for 20 minutes so far and they were all already drunk "Eves help me with treys" Amy called out from the kitchen. She was walking to her husband and his drunk friends with a plate full of wings. Mark slapped her ass when she bent down to put the food on the coffee table "that's just how I like em" he spat out. I grabbed the mashed potatoes off the counter and brought them to the living room making sure to stay on the opposite side of the guys. Mark's friends have tried to make a move on me before and all it does is make me feel uncomfortable, something I didn't need right now. I walked back into the kitchen wanting to get away from that situation and soon as possible but not amy she went and sat down right next to mark who soon started feeling her up, bragging about it to his  friends.

I walked back into the kitchen to Zach pouring himself a cup of water "oh hey, you're up?" he asked "yeah i mean it's like 8 oclock at night had to do it at some point right. Did your friend leave?" i asked "yeah he left this morning" " damn how were you guys even up at a decent time" if he did what i think he did which would be getting up at the same time as his friend  that meant he had been up all day too "uh do you know if fourthgrade stopped by at all today" iasked not really knowing if i wanted that answer or not "i don't think so and i've been up since 11 and no ones been at the door except.." he said while nudging towards mark and his buddies. my heart sank. Who does that kisses another girl or at least lets a girl kiss him when he has a girlfriend then doesn't even try to talk to you about it after or explain himself.  Zach saw the disappointment in my face "im sorry eves he's a real asshole nobody should do that someone" "yeah but people still do it" i say "i would never" he started to say but was interrupted by a knock on the door i just assumed it was another one of Marks friends com i soon realized it wasn't by becoming face to face with fourth grade. I froze. I really wasn't expecting to see him. I thought he was done with me. I thought seeing him would make me have more sympathy and make me instantly forgive him just so i could be with him and in a way that is how i felt but it definitely was not what came out of my mouth "what are you doing here" i said in a cold flat tone. "I have to explain something to you"he said almost looking like he was going to fall apart "fourthgrade it's almost nine at night you had all day" "i know just want i was thinking about a lot of things" after saying this we all heard Mark and his friends break into a fight in the background lots of yelling. I wasn't sure if it was playful and football rage related or if something had actually just happened. None the less it didn't sound good and i didnt want to be around for it to get worse. "Now isn't a good time, i'll come by the shop and talk to you tomorrow" i told him while attempting to close the door but he stuck his hand out and stopped it. "No, Eves i fucked up" "fourthgrade i really can't do this right now" the whole situation was making me want to tear up and me saying his name was something that finally broke it. A tear fell from my eye while i turned away "she kissed me, i didn't wanna do it and i pulled away the second it happened" i heard him but didn't turn around to face him. "I'll see you tomorrow," I said. He tried coming after me but Zach cut him off in the doorway while I went up to my room. "Hey look man just leave her alone for a bit, She'll forgive you cause that's the type of person she is so dont worry just give her some space." Zach said to him. "I just- i didnt mean to do it FUCK i didnt even do it, it was her" "yeah sure i guess i mean you better get your shit together dude Eves is a good person with alot of bad guys in her life she doesnt need another" " well i dont want to be another" fourthgrade said  "well then dont be, look man i don't like you and this situation isnt gonna make me like you anymore but Eves really cares about you, i don't know why but she does more than ive ever seen her care for anyone, even me" Fourthgrade gives him a confused look "thats not the point, just get out here man and talk to her about it tomorrow" "alright thanks" fourthgrade responded then let Zach close the door this time".

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