Chapter eighteen

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I woke up the next morning feeling the same way, not wanting to get up or talk to anyone. I craved fourthgrade but at the same time I didn't. The first one was definitely a lot more than the second though. I wasn't expecting to see him last night which is why i don't think i said the things that i really wanted to say. But i'm going to keep my promise, I'm gonna eventually get up and i'll go to the shop to talk to him. I just need like two more hours of sleep.

After two consecutive hours of just laying around, drawing and watching the same skate videos i've been watching for the past week I put clothes on. green cargo pants with a cropped white tank top then threw a grey zip up hoodie over that because it was so cold outside or at least as cold as it gets for California. I walked down to the dinning room to find Zach sitting at the table reading something "hi" i said he just looked up and nodded to me "ill be back in a little" i said while opening the front door. I was halfway out the door when i heard Zach "are you gonna forgive him" he looked sad, I know he doesn't like fourthgrade but i don't  know why he would be sad about the situation. "I really don't know, i think so but i thought i was gonna forgive him last night too and i obviously didn't" "okay" he said then added "ill always be here for you whenever you need" "i know thank you" i walked over and hugged him which finally put a smile on his face then went back to the door "and i'll always be here for you too ya know" he gave me a slight smile  "i know" "okay then let's stop getting all sentimental it's weirding me out" we both laughed then i was off.

I walked into the shop to the guys having a conversation everyone was involved in except fourth grade.The little bell went off and everyone looked up the first boy to give me a reaction was Ruben, the last one I would have expected. He walked up to me and gave me a hug "woah..hi" I said then hugged him back. I had never been hugged by ruben before, everyone else sure but never Ruben, he's a good hugger. It kinda made me wanna tear up just because i haven't had anyone hug me like that since fourthgrade and before fourthgrade no one but i held it, nobody needed to see that. He eventually let go then played it off cool. I was confused on why he hugged me but i'm not gonna bring it up i'm sure he'll tell me later.  Next i met eyes with fourthgrade he stood up from the couch looking extremely confident like he knew exactly what he was gonna say. My body smiled at him without my brain even telling it to. There was no way I was gonna be able to stay mad at him. I walked up to him right before he was about to speak and motioned my head to the back door. He grabbed his sweatshirt off the couch then I grabbed his hand and we walked outside. He put his hoodie on then we went and sat at a picnic table

"Eves i am so so so sorry but i promise you she kissed me, i pulled away the second it started.
I would never wanna do anything that could hurt you, you have to believe me on this. I can't express how sorry i am" He was being so confident while talking but I could still see the pain it was bringing him, the emotion he was putting into it. I was focusing on that more than what he was actually saying.  He continued speaking "fourthgrade"i said but he kept talking "Fourthgrade!" he stopped this time looking at me with desperate eyes "i forgive you, im not mad i know it wasn't your fault" he started smiling "are you being serious cause i still have a whole other half of a speech to go through" i nodded smiling at him "can- can i kiss you now?" there it is there's the shy fourthgrade. I let out a small giggle "yes, yess please do" he then pulled me in and kissed me. Very dramatically and forcefully , i liked it "holy fuck i missed you so much" he said then continued to kiss me. "I missed you too don't worry"

We walked back into the shop holding hands. Ray let out a "wooooo" Fuckshit made a very similar noise as well. "They back together yall" Fuckshit called out causing a constomer who was scanning the shirt section to look up. "I don't know how you did that man, most girls are long gone after you kiss another bitch" "Bro i told you i didn't kiss her for the millionth time" And there's the confidence again "look whos talking" Ruben said causing fourthgrade to just shake his head and look the other direction. "Were good let's just not bring it up anymore"  i said this hoping to benefit both fourthgrade and i, i know he didn't like being accused of kissing another girl and i didn't really like the idea of him kissing another girl popping up every 20 minutes "yea sorry man" ray said "uh evie" sunburn spoke up "yeah? Whats up"  i said, giving him my full attention. "Can we talk about the other thing now" "awe man stevie don't" Ruben said but it was too late the conversation already started. "No its cool, what do you wanna know" he was talking about the other bomb that had been set off the other night by Zach the whole foster thing. "uh how many foster people do you have" i let out a little laugh "you mean like siblings?" he nodded "4" "damn you got 4 little kids living in yo house" fuckshit said " well its not really my house and Zach's my age but the other three are pretty little" "julies pretty cool" fourthgrade said chipping into the conversation. " Damn fourthgrade you kissin another girl named Julie too"  Fuckshit said then covered his mouth with his hand "shit my bad, i forgot we wasn't talkin about that" Fourthgrade who just recently had a smile on his face because things were back to normal again returned to having a frown. "I- i think im just gonna go" he said while getting up and putting his backpack over his shoulder and grabbing his camcorder. "I'm going too," I said while quickly trailing behind him. He walked out of the store without saying anything. I yelled "BYE GUYS '' to then left too. "Hey wait up" I said because he was walking away so fast. Once I caught up I grabbed him by the shoulder making him turn towards me. He was crying not heavily but i could see his eyes watering up and a tear falling down his face as he whipped it away then looked up "hey hey" i put my hands against his face "stop worrying about that, i know you didn't do it and they have  all done way worse. You cant listen to Fuckshit on this type of shit he's the last person who should be giving anyone shit" another tear fell and i wiped it away this time "look at me, were good, you didn't do anything" he finally looked at me again. I smiled at him then gave him a hug alot like the one Ruben gave me earlier. It soon turned into a side hug and we walked down the street. "So where we goin" i asked

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