Chapter one

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I'm staring at my ceiling. It's about 10:30 on a saturday, i don't have any plans or anything i really need to do so i don't see a point in getting up. I'm about to go back to sleep right before I hear my foster mom bang on my door with a laundry basket. " hey get up im leaving your laundry at the door". Her name is Amy. She is a pretty nice lady, her husband on the other hand has a drinking problem, a very bad one, but he isn't around that much so it's not too bad. I'm the only person in my original family that is in this foster home. I have an 11 year old brother but he is in a different house about two hours away from me. There are four other foster kids in this house. Evan(11), Julie(6) and Marcus(12) are all siblings and share a room down the hall and then there is Zach who is my age and has a room down stairs near Amy and her husband's room. I'm pretty close with Zach. We've both been in this house together for a year. We got here the same day.

I finally got up. I have a huge sublime t-shirt on with some paint on it and a few holes from it getting snagged on my dresser multiple times and shorts.i walk over to my door drag the laundry bin into my room and continue to go down the stairs. Zach is in the kitchen sitting with julie at the counter top trying to get her to eat breakfast. "Ok im off to work zach your on cooking duty tonight evie your tomorrow. There is 20 bucks on the fridge if you guys need anything just dont blow it on anything random cause we still need the money" "okay byee" i say "can you say by to mrs.amy"? Zach says to julie. Julie waves goodbye to amy and amy waves back and walks out the door. I grab my favorite mug out of the cabinet and start making coffee. "Wheres evan and marcus" i say. "Uhh i think they are still up stairs" zach answers. " ok if your good with them today i need to run down town to get some things later is that cool?" "yeah that should be fine" "alright" i smile at him from the other side of the counter top holding the mug in both my hands very close to my face.

After i eat i go back up stairs to put my laundry away and get ready. I turn on my spotify playlist and just kinda vibe for a good hour while getting ready. I threw on some baggy jeans a white slightly cropped tank top and a grey zip up hoodie. Even though its california it still gets cold some times towards the end of fall and going into early winter. I run down the stairs and say by to julie who is the only person still in the kitchen then walk out the door. I grab my skateboard off the porch and start my way towards down town.

It was about 2:40 ish in the afternoon and i had gotten everything i needed a new shirt a notebook for school. I was making my way down the main street back to my house when i saw a familiar person walking into the bank i couldn't quite match the face though so i stood there in the street for a couple seconds trying to figure out who this person was until it hit me. "Holy shitt" that was my mom whom i haven't seen in 5 years. I quickly panic and jump off my board and run into the nearest shop the bell dings to show that some one walked in and i slam the door shut behind me. Im out of breath and panicking so i just sit down against the closest wall i can find and put my head against my knees and try and calm down."yo you good"? I hear a voice say as some one puts their hand on my shoulder. I look up slowly and see a dark skinned boy crouched down next to me. "O shit yeah im sorry" i respond nervously and start standing up. "You runnin from the cops or somethin" a boy probably a year older than me with long blonde curly hair says. I look around and there are two other boys sitting on the couch just watching everything go down in shock. "No" i start laughing "that would probably be a better situation though"

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