Chapter ninteen

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We eventually decided to go back to his place so he could make food. His dad wasn't home so we were both in the kitchen while he put some food together. "Do you want me to make you something too?" he offered "nah im good im not really hungry" "oh ok- wait is this one of those things where girls say they aren't hungry then eat all the guys food?" i let out a laugh then turned very serious "who told you this, how did you figure out this classified information" he puts his hands up like he's being questioned by a cop "i know nothing, from no one" "mhm you must tell me who is your dealer. Who is it!" 'alright, alright i cave... fuckshit" i break my cop character "wow you really just ratted him out like that, remind me to not let you in on my illegal actions" i say while turning away from him but he grabs my waist and pulls me back "or is that what i want you to think" i look up at him "ohh, careful your still talking to a cop" he slowly started to move his hands down from my waist and to my butt, i lightly slapped his hand "hey thats harassment sir" ' i can live with that on my record" "oh you little-go make your sandwich" i pointed to the cutting board he had laying out on the counter with all the ingredients to make a sandwich on it and he retreated there like a little puppy.

He finished making his sandwich and walked over to me on the couch while stuffing the sandwich in his mouth. "We can stay in here for a bit, my dad shouldn't be home for a while" i say while giving him a smile. He sat down next to me "Do you  know how to play cards?"
I shake my head no "it's easy i'll show you" he then pulled out a deck of cards from a drawer in the coffee table. He shuffled them then laid them out two each "blackjack" he said theen fixed his posture a bit "basically you try and get your cards to 21 if you go over your out whoever is closest wins" "okay i can do that". The card game went on for what seemed like forever. I lost every time "this is definitely not my game" I said while laughing after somehow getting my card numbers to 43. I threw them down to the couch for fourth grade to see. He stared at them for a second "ok how did you even do that" i threw my head into his lap "I DON'T KNOW" he put his hands over my back them whispered in my ear "you tired" i shook my head yes very slowly playing cards till 11:00 makes you more tired than you think. I didn't even need to say anything fourthgrade just picked me up off his couch and carried me to his bed he took my hoodie which was actually his off and then took off the socks i was wearing too i instantly got cold and cuddled up into a ball he took his sheet and put it over me then walked over to his side took his shirt off and hopped into the bed as well. He put his arm around me trying to warm me up and I huddled up against his warm stomach. He started running his hand up and down my back making me drift off to sleep within a matter of seconds.

I wake up alone. I hear noise in the bathroom so I follow it and walk in on fourthgrade very aggressively washing his face. I rub my hands over my eyes. It's extremely bright "Woah" he laughs at me after I almost fall back "are you good" " i think so '' I walk over to the rim of the bathtub and sit watching fourthgrade. He dried his face off then continued to stare at himself in the mirror. He then put water and soap on his face again and aggressively scrubbed his face. "How many times have you done this this morning" i waited for him to respond but he just shrugged his shoulders. I stood back up and walked closer to him grabbing his hands lightly trying to get him to stop "hey you gotta stop messing with it" I grabbed a wet rag and gently wiped his face. He pulled away and looked back towards the mirror rubbing his hands on his face leaning in closer to the mirror. I didn't realize he stressed over this stuff as much it almost broke my heart. "Shit" I heard him say after he scratched his face a little too hard and started bleeding. I wet the rag again and put it on his face  "stop messing with itt" I said while putting the rag down and dragging him out of the bathroom and back to his room where there was no mirror. I pulled him onto the bed "is it bad"  "i don't know what you're talking about" i said even though i did and he knew it too by giving me a look "no" i give him a smile "its cute, you make acne look good" which was very true. "Lies" he says while hitting me over the head with a pillow and I grab another one in return and hit him over the head this time "promise it's not. I like it" at this comment he just got closer to me and hugged me. I hugged him back and then gave him a kiss "what do you wanna do today?" i asked "i don't know, the guys are probably at the shop by now we could go there then figure it out" "sounds like a plan to me". We got up and got dressed then made our way out of the apartment and to the shop.

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