Chapter thirteen

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"You ready to go" fourth grade said while grabbing my waist inside the shop. I smile and nod my heads really fast "we gotta stop by my house first and get a few things" "your good going back?" he said, giving me a shocked look "yeah i should be fine, this doesn't normally happen" i say while pointing at my face. "Ok" he tells me as we walk over to the guys with fourth grade wrapping both his arms around me from the back. I grab our stuff. "Okay by guyss we'll see you ya tomorrow" i'm struggling to carry all our stuff while fourth grade is just pulling me towards the door making me nearly trip multiple times until we hit the door and i really do fall this time. Fourth grade not being affected by this just sands directly over me laughing "you really need to stop doing that" " i blame this one on you" "mhm ok sure" he says while offering me his hands and pulling me up then swinging both our backpacks over his shoulder and i grab the plastic bag he gave me and both our skateboards and we successfully make it out the door "AYE YOU TWO GETTING IT ON TONIGHT OR WHAT" we both hear fuckshit yell and we both just laugh more while fourth grade flicks him off.

We skate to my house and I pull open the door to see Julie sitting at the table eating a bowl of cereal. Fourth grade stomps his feet at the door "holy shit" julie says and  both fouth grade and i's eyes get huge "where did you learn that!" " i heard someone yell it last night" she says like its nothing still munching on her cereal "you can't say that that's a bad word your six" "why not" "just dont please please please" i say while hugging her from the back. " ugh fine" i turn and look at her "you know your really sassy for a six year old" "am not" "oh yes you are" i tell her while i hear fourth grade laughing in the back. I stop hugging her and go back towards fourth grade "come onnn" i say while grabbing his hand and bringing him up the stairs.

We walk into the room and he sits on my bed like normal and goes through my sketches from the night before "can i take these?" he asks me and i walk over to look at what he's holding up. He's holding up two of my sketches one is a drawing of us i did the night before last while looking at a polaroid ruben took of us during lunch with me sleeping on him, The other is of a random  fish in a bowl. "Sure" i say and he just smiles up at me then holds them in his hands and stares at them like they are gold. I start throwing clothes into another backpack. "Do you mind if i bring some clothes to leave at your house, don't get me wrong  i love wearing your pants but it might be helpful" he just looks at me and smiles so i add "only if you want me to though no pressure" he laughs at the fact that i said no pressure "no pressure? Its clothes eves your good, ill clear out one or two of my drawers for you" "two hole drawers woww am i royalty or something" he just laughs and shakes his head no "definitely not" i give him a look like im sad and he turns his head away from me laughing so i throw my dirty shirt off the floor at him and we both laugh even harder then i go back to stuffing clothes in my bag. I end up packing five different outfits, drawing pencils, a sketch book and my own camera. I write a note for luke:

Staying the night at a friends ill see you at school tomorrow love, eves

"You ready?" he asks i nod my head and we go down the stairs to the kitchen i run down to Zach's room and place the note on his bed being sure to close his door on the way out. I grab a big zip lock bag of premade cookie dough out of the fridge and hold it up. "Do you like cookies?" I ask while tilting my head to the side a bit. Fourth grade happily nods his head so i take the bag and stuff in my backpack. "Ok we're good" I say then we leave now going in the direction of his house.

We eventually get to his apartment complex and he opens the door. we are both laughing and looking at each other while walking in so neither of us notice his dad  sitting on the couch watching us, fourth grade turns around takes one look at his dad and instantly freezes. He takes one look at me up and down "whos this" "um evie" he says with a pause in between "she's gonna stay the night tonight her parents are away". His dad stands up off the torn worn out couch and fourth grade flinches up only enough for me to notice "Are you telling me what's going on in my own house boy" i want so bad to correct him and say its an apartment because he is an asshole and i don't believe he should have enough confidence in himself to say he owns his own house but i don't say anything better to not be on his bad side. "Sorry- sorry can she stay the night?" His dad takes one more look at me and scoffs "yeah whatever she's pretty" i gag to myself ew. we start walking away when his dad adds one more comment "how'd your ugly ass get a girl like that to even walk in here" This hurt Fourth Grade,  his facial expressions already showed he was uncomfortable but the second his dad said that it looked like his eyes watered up for a split second he just shook his head and closed his eyes "i think he's pretty cute" i say while smiling at  fourth grade but he isn't looking at me "very pretty girl but stupid" he dad says while laughing i grab fourthgrades hand and walk threw the door to his room.

I drop my stuff. He does the same and locks the door behind him  then walks over to a tank on the floor and picks up his gecko and I smile a bit and walk over as well . We are both standing over the tank and I rest my head on his shoulder "whats his name" "lewie" he says, starting to smile a bit. He continues to hold the gecko in his hands letting it walk back and forth , i walk over to my bag and put on a pair of grey cloth shorts and one of fourth grades black t shirts that said listen to black sabbath on it i finish changing right as he puts the gecko back down and drops in a few crickets. 

He takes his shirt off then hopps in his bed covering his chest with the sheets  I hop in as well on the other side and cuddle up next to him as he rests his head on top of mine and starts fiddling with my hair which feels really nice. I look up at him "please tell me you know that  not anything your dad says is true you have absolutely nothing to be ashamed of and you are 100 percent definitely not ugly i would bet my life on that" he just looks and me and gives out a little laugh "im being dead ass" "you don't have to-" "shush you are hot end of discussion" i say while getting on top of him "fourth-" i pause for a second "hang on" i say while we are both laughing because my hair is completely draped over my face and he is trying to move it away from my eyes "why don't i know your real name" he stops once again "you wanna know my real name?" he says laughing a bit again "dude yes im your fucking girlfriend" i hit him over the shoulder  "im supposed to know these things right? That's what girlfriends and boyfriends do they tell secrets, reveal their freakishly dark past to each other '' I say trying to act dark and mysterious but end up just cracking him and myself up. He rolls his eyes but in a playful way then pulls me down to the side again making us stare at each other. "Jackson" "ooo I  like " i tell him while he covers his face with his hands laughing. "YOU CAN NOT REPEAT THIS" "wah" i look at him in shock "the guys don't know this?" he shakes his head i do a little dance showing off how happy i am that I know special names "only ray and he found out a while ago and probably forgot by now" i shrug my shoulders "well i like it it's cute" "thank you" he says and i cuddle up next to him "Now you are aware this time that we do have school tomorrow" "fuck" i say, i  knew it was coming but didnt want it to happen. We fell asleep shortly after. i once again was cold as fuck but didnt feel like getting up again i just snuggled up closer to fourth grade who was very warm some how.


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