The Attack

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Naruto's pov
Sound ninja approached the arena one by one. "Perfect Cube." I whispered as a purple cube surrounded the room so we couldn't be heard, seen, or sensed form anyone on the outside.

We all watched the battles from below and luckily the leaf ninja has prevailed so far. "How's the village looking, Tanuki?" The Kazekage asked. The sand anbu closed one of his eyes and released many sand eyes throughout the village.

"So far everything looks according to plan. No sound ninja has succeeded in getting inside the major places. I had my men help evacuate people back to safe places so there's no casualties in the village either." Gaara responded.

"Good. For now we'll stay here and monitor everything." The Hokage instructed.

Meanwhile...3rd pov
The battle has begun but Sakura seemed to have been the only genin to undo the jutsu. She pretended to be asleep so that she wouldn't get caught by enemy ninja. Once she knew she was in the clear, the girl undid her friends one by one.

"What's going on?" They looked around. Some were shocked to see many sound ninja entering the arena for some odd reason to them. "What should we do?" Ino asked.

"Maybe we should fight." Sasuke bluntly stated.

"But what if they're stronger?"

With my sharingan, I doubt that. The Uchiha proudly thought. They looked around for any of their jonin teachers or any authority figure but they were all fighting.

"I say we stay here. We might be no match." Mostly everyone agreed to this and laid low watching the battles in front of them.

The Naruto clone alerted the original about the genin and he looked towards their direction.

"Something wrong Kitsune?"

"The genin have woken up. Seems like one of them undid the jutsu for all of them." He explained.

"Dog, send a clone." The Hokage ordered.

"Hai." He made an elite clone to monitor and protect them. After all, that is one of his missions.

The clone arrived at their location but not before getting rid of some enemies in the way.
"Are you guys alright?"

Everyone snapped the heads towards him on guard but then relaxed a bit. "Good it's only you sensei. What's happening, why are we getting attacked?" Sakura worriedly questioned.

"I can't explain that right now but I need to get you guys out of here and to a safe place." He said calmly while their other sensei's showed up as well.

"But I want to fight as well. Aren't we strong enough for this? This is what we trained for." Sasuke protested.

"No, as a matter of fact you aren't. You guys may be strong, some stronger than others, but in the end you're still genin and not well prepared for these situations." Asuma scolded.

The Uchiha didn't say a word but in his mind he was super angry about not showing off his skills. Kurenai and Might Guy escorted the genin out the arena to a safe area while the disguised anbu stayed behind to help finish off the rest.

On the way to the safe area, they were ambushed by a group of ninja. Everyone got into a defensive position but the jonins handled most of them. "I'll stay behind, you guys keep going." Kuranei said before stopping to deal with the enemies.

"Might Guy led in front while the genin followed in his lead. Many sound ninja's tried attacking but they were able to lose them at least. At this point Sasuke always had his sharingan on just in case of any surprise attack.  A few more tried attacking again but to no luck succeeding.

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