A Fool's Death

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Hand in hand, Richard and Marian walked down the hallways together

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Hand in hand, Richard and Marian walked down the hallways together. The walls were adorned with woodland ornaments, lined with trees and on the ground there was false snow. Everyone had masks covering their faces, each one a different animal, some mystical some more familiar.

Richard's mask was a boar, Marian's was an Eagle (gold in colour and her own personal emblem chosen as a child but rarely used since then apart from in the banners that hung from the walls of Middleham) Anne and Francis followed close behind them, wearing masks as well. All were armed, the women had daggers hidden in their sleeves; the men wore their swords, freshly sharpened, ready to kill and defend.

"You think George will dare make an appearance?" Marian whispered to her husband as the group stepped into a small alcove. Richard nodded.
"The last reports of him said that he was spotted by farmers just outside of London" Francis said "he will probably be seen here tonight"
"And he will be caught" Anne added
Richard nodded again as the actors and dancers (dressed as forest nymphs) began to dance through the corridors, regaling the court with praise for the king.

"Smile and behold our most glorious sight" one of the actors called as the group began to take different paths, Anne watching the entertainment, Richard and Francis wandering off together and Marian going to find the Queen. "Follow the creatures! Follow the light!" Another said, skipping from foot to foot with graceful ease "come now and honour the years of your King! Come and exalt him"
"Come now and sing!"

The courtiers cheered and Marian looked on from the side, leaning against one of the trees as the King and Queen came into sight, Edward in a lion mask, Elizabeth with a unicorn.

"Ah, Marian!" The King greeted as he saw her. She curtsied
"Your grace" the disagreement between them had long since been forgotten and now they were steadfast friends and allies.

Elizabeth smiled
"You look lovely, dear" she complemented, letting go of her husbands arm and linking hers with Marian's. The Duchess returned the smile and together they began to walk through the festivities, nobles curtsying as they went by.

"What news of George?" Marian asked over the music which seemed to be growing louder by the second
"We have examined the sorcerer's charts and it appears to be even worse than we thought"
The duchess scoffed
"If that's possible!"
"It is...George has been for-telling Edward's death"
"And what does Edward intend to do?"
Elizabeth sighed

"I don't know...but I can feel it...our curse is working..." she sighed again as the pair turned a corner "but let us not talk of the traitor! Tonight is supposed to be a night for celebration!" Marian brightened a little.

"Yes I believe that it is!" She said happily "we need not think of him!" Turning to face the Queen she smiled mischievously "what do you say to a game of hide and seek?"
Elizabeth chuckled
"Ah, I see there is still something of the child that I met inside of you?" Her friend grinned, took her hand when she saw their husbands heading towards them. Elizabeth laughed loudly and when the men realised what was happening:

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