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Kane's heart dropped to his stomach as the words played over and over in his head.

"What did ya' say?"

He stopped putting on his shoes as he stared at Alexander, who stared back at him sympathetically.

"Malik tried to kill himself a few days ago, the doctors say he isn't going to make it. I'm sorry Kane."

"Dat ain't true, Alex. Malik wouldn't leave his daughter or hurt himself and da' babies. Dat ain't right Alex, h-he was goin' ta' therapy an-and..." Kane rambled on worriedly.

Alex wrapped his arms around Kane endearingly. "I'm sorry."

"No, dat ain't right! Why would he do dat?" The tears welled up in Kane's eyes.


Kane bit his quivering lip to hold back a cry.

"B-But he's my only f-friend-" He choked on a sob.

He broke down on Alexander's chest, dampening his shirt with tears. Alex rubbed his head in an attempt to comfort him. Seconds later, Kane snatched away from him aggressively.

"I got ta' go see him, Alex! Let me go!" Kane tried pulling his wrist away from Alexander.

"Kane I need you to calm down-"

"Don't tell me ta' fuckin' calm down! My best friend, my fuckin' brother is in da' hospital fightin' fo' his life and ya' wanna tell me ta' calm down? He needs me!" He wiped his tears aggressively.

"Kane, I know you're hurting right now-"

"I don't give a fuck 'bout none of dat shit, Alex!" Kane punched his hands several times as he spoke angrily. "I need ta' go see him! Just let me go!"

Ryder and Kane's parents entered the room from all the commotion. They walked in to Kane having an angry outburst. His parents had never seen him like this before, but his behavior was so much like his father's when he got angry. He was very rowdy and hostile, Alexander was trying his best to keep Kane's anger at bay so that he wouldn't do anything to hurt himself.

"Kane if you would just listen-" Alexander was cut off by Kane's fist connecting with his jaw and another one followed, connecting with his lip.

"Stop fuckin' tellin' me ta' calm down!" Kane demanded between punches.

Alexander clutched his wrists tightly before gently slamming him on the hospital bed.

"Listen to me. What we're not going to do is be combative and hit each other. We've outgrown that now. We communicate with our words, not our fists.  I understand you're hurting and that you're sad but you have to calm down before the nurses bring the baby back in. When we get you discharged from here, we're catching a flight straight to New York so that you can see Malik before anything happens. But you have to calm down first. Okay?"

Kane's chest heaved up and down as he breathed erratically, nodding his head in agreement. Alexander let go of his wrists and Kane instantly wrapped his arms around Alexander's neck, sobbing into his neck. Alexander lifted Kane up, wrapping his legs around his torso.

"I'm sorry, Alex. I didn't- he's just- he's my brother." He cried as Alexander patted his back to comfort him.

"I know, dusha. I know."

Kane's parents watched in adoration as Alexander swayed and rocked back and forth with Kane as if he were a baby. Kane just lay silently on Alexander's shoulder, his mind traveling far away. Ryder was surprised to see Alexander so affectionate and understanding. He didn't know what to expect from Alexander after Kane had went wild on him. From previous trauma in his childhood caused by his father, being hit or roughly handled triggered Alexander. It shocked Ryder that Alexander didn't react by hurting Kane. Instead, he quickly tried to de-escalate the situation before it got worse.

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