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Kane groaned in annoyance as he attempted to button his pants. He could fit these jeans a few weeks ago, now they're too tight.

"Bruhhhhh!" He grumbled loudly.

"What?" Alexander questioned as he stepped out of the bathroom, a towel wrapped around his waist.

"I can't fit my pants. I just wo' these two weeks ago." Kane stepped out of the jeans and threw them to the side. He went through his clothes in his closet to find another pair of jeans. "This some fuckin' bullshit."

Alexander chuckled as he watched Kane search for something else to wear.

"Now I gotta pee again." He huffed, heading back into the bathroom for the fourth time.

Alexander didn't know what was going on with Kane having to pee so frequently but it was quite hilarious watching him throw a tantrum about having to pee so much.

"Dusha, what are you getting dressed up for? You're just going out with Malik and my mother."

"So? I gotta look good fa' every occasion." Kane put on his clothes, satisfied with the outfit.

" Kane put on his clothes, satisfied with the outfit

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"I got a taste fa' some cajun pasta and hotwings." Kane rubbed his stomach hungrily.

"Kane those foods don't go together but I can have Maria whip some up for you." Alexander wiggled his eyebrows playfully.

He had been trying to keep up with Kane's eating habits. Kane had been eating so much lately it was unrealistic.

"Nah, I want some real, Louisiana styled cajun. Not this synthetic shit y'all got up hea'. This dat white people food." Kane commented.

Alexander could only chuckle at his bluntness.

"Will Ryder and Greg be wit' me? I don't like ya' otha' security guards." Kane had become really cool with Greg and Ryder, simply because they let him do what he wanted.

He was trying to behave so that Alexander could give him some more freedom. More freedom would get him one step closer to escaping. He would've escaped earlier, but he couldn't leave Malik.

"You only like Greg and Ryder because they let you get away with everything." Alexander rolled his eyes. Kane kept staring at him until he gave in, "Fine, don't try anything stupid."


"I'm so glad you two could come spend time with me today. I know dealing with my sons is a lot, they're just like their father." Joy-Michelle sat across from Kane and Malik at the table.

She'd invited the two of them to lunch and a spa day. They were currently at a simple burger joint that she knew the two would like. They had made small talk but she noticed how tense the two were. They both looked like they'd been through hell and high waters. The bruises that covered their skin, the different hues of purple and red that littered their skin. They were battered men. They were beaten and raped daily, this she knew from experience. It was once her in their shoes. She watched the tears slowly roll down Malik's chocolate skin but he quickly wiped them away.

"How are you two?" She asked with a genuinely concerned look.

"Besides bein' raped and beat everyday, peachy." Kane responded smartly. He looked back down at the menu again. A burger sounded really tasty right about now. Right when he was about to flag a waiter down, he had to pee again, "I have ta' pee again."

As he got up and walked away from the table, Joy looked at him questionably. This was his fourth time going to the bathroom within the thirty minutes they had been here. Was he.. no, he couldn't be, she thought. She turned her attention to Malik.

"How have you been holding up?" She looked at him sympathetically.

"Aiden took me to my doctor's appointment this morning. Turns out we're having twins." Malik looked down, "I did.. I didn't even want one."

Malik choked on a sob. He couldn't cry, he had done enough of that in the car with Aiden.

"Why are your sons so abusive?"

"You're not born with abusive traits, you learn them. You know, I used to be in your shoes. Their father, Arthur, used to do the same things to me. I tried to escape multiple times, but I never succeeded. Every time he found me and brought me back, each punishment was worse than the last. The sad part about it all was that our children witnessed every bit of it. Every slap, every punch, every threat was taken in by them. They soaked it all up like a sponge."

Kane arrived back at the table. He picked his menu back up, "So what y'all talkin' 'bout?"

"Joy was telling me why Aiden and Alexander are so crazy. Would you like to hear?" Malik suggested.

"Yeah, why not." He closed his menu and gave Joy his undivided attention.

"As I was saying, their father was a cruel man, still is. He forced me to get pregnant with Alexander and Aiden. At first, I tried so many times to escape, I would even leave them there with him just to get away. I knew he wouldn't do anything to hurt them, or so I thought. Alexander was a mother's boy you could say. Everywhere I went, he was right behind me. Aiden was always with his father, so I had developed a stronger bond with Alexander than I did with Aiden. But their father was jealous hearted. He was so jealous of the relationship I had with my son that he'd beat him for anything. And once Aiden picked up on it, he would say or do anything to get his brother in trouble. So I tried to escape one last time. Arthur knew that I didn't care what he did to me anymore, so he threatened to kill Alexander if I didn't stay. I knew then that there was nothing I could do to get away so I gave up. Once he realized that I wasn't going anywhere, he stopped hitting me. He forced Alexander to get close to him, now he's just like him. And now here I am, five kids later, still stuck with him-"

"Five kids? I didn't know they had other siblings." Malik said.

"They have two younger sisters and one younger brother. Austin, Abigail, and Ashtyn. Once they got older, they decided not to be apart of the mafia with their father, which I am grateful for, and they severed all ties with their father and brothers."

"So, how do we get away from them?" Kane asked curiously.

"I wouldn't know. As I said before, all my attempts were futile, but your chances may be better than mine. You both have to do it soon, at least before Malik's fully pregnant. It's going to be hard trying to escape while pregnant with two babies. Tomorrow, Aiden and Alexander will be gone on a business trip with their father to Chicago. They will be gone until the next day, there's your opportunity. Please don't end up like me. Whenever you get a chance you take it, don't hesitate. They don't hesitate to hit you, don't hesitate to escape them." Joy instructed.

"Why are ya' helpin' is now?"

"I wish I could've helped you sooner, but I couldn't because Arthur is always breathing down my neck."

"I can't. Aiden said he'll kill my family if I try to escape. I can't risk losing them." Malik sadly stated.

"And ya' won't live ta' see them if ya' stay, Lik." Kane retorted, "We can't keep livin' like this. I don't even know what my skin looks like anymo' wit'out all these bruises. Ya' pregnant, ya' can't keep takin' this."

"I'm just scared. I'm so scared, Kane."

Kane grabbed Malik's hand, giving it a firm squeeze.

"We family now. We gon' figure it out togetha'."


What you say about it?

Quarantine thingsssss.

I'm so bored.


Do you think Malik and Kane will be able to escape?

Y'all peep some with Kane?

Catch y'all next chapter.

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