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Alexander woke up bright and early, feeling the empty space next to him. He had left Kane in the dark room all night, hoping he would come to his senses. He had Sophia pack some of his and Kane's belongings for their honeymoon to Paris. Damien had told him about how it was one of Kane's biggest dreams to see the Eiffel Tower. What better way to win Kane over? Malik and Aiden would be joining them, seeing as though Kane had taken a liking to the younger boy.

Alexander brushed his teeth and threw on some clothes, ready to start his day. He walked down the hallway to the room he had locked Kane in. Sophia stood in the hallway, dusting the framed pictures.

"How did he do last night, Sophia?" He asked her as he stood in front of the door.

"The poor thing cried all night, señor. I felt so sorry for him." She continued dusting the pictures as if her life depended on it.

A tinge of guilt erupted through him. He opened the door, causing Kane's body to hit the floor in with a thud. Kane raised up quickly, staring at Alexander with his big doe eyes and his tear stained face. He jumped onto Alexander, flinging his arms around him tightly.

"I'm sorry, I won't run again. Just please don't put me back in there." He pleaded even though he was lying. Kane knew the first chance he got, he would attempt to escape again.

Alexander wondered why he was so afraid of the dark. Kane was twenty-two years old, yet his fear of the dark was like that of a young child. It was something he would look into that later.

"Let's go shower." Alexander grabbed ahold of Kane's hand and led him back to their bedroom.

Kane went into the bathroom, expecting to shower alone. He closed the door and stripped out of his clothing, his body aching ever so often. Once he had undressed, he stepped into the hot shower, letting the warmth engulf him. He grabbed the loofah and lathered it with some body wash. He started to clean himself up when he heard the shower door open and close behind him. He turned around, quickly covering himself when he saw it was Alexander.

"Why ya' in here?" He questioned as Alexander grabbed a loofah from the shower rack and lathering it with soap.

"We're taking a shower together." He smirked.

"Please get out, I don't want ya' ta' see me." Kane asked nicely.

Alexander looked Kane up and down. His brown skin glistening from the beads of water constantly dripping on him.

"I don't think so. I like what I see." Alexander licked over his lips.

Alexander pressed his naked body against Kane's, making him tense up.

"Get off me."

"What are you going to do if I don't?" He leaned down and whispered menacingly in Kane's ear.

Alexander grabbed Kane's round bottom, kneading his cheeks together. With all the strength he had, Kane pushed Alexander to the far side of the shower. He didn't like to be groped. It did something to him mentally.

"I said get off me."

A devilish smirk appeared on Alexander's face. He forced Kane against the wall, shoving his face against the wall. He pinned his arms above his head tightly, pressing his hardness against Kane's cheeks. He thrashed around but Alexander gripped his wrists tighter, making him yelp. Alexander leaned down, lips centimeters away from Kane's ear.

"I could fuck you right now and you wouldn't be able to do shit." He threatened. "You belong to me now. If I choose to touch on your body, I can. Don't you ever push me away again. Got it?"

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