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"Kane, baby, wake up." Kane shifted a little before slightly opening his eyes. He waited until his eyes adjusted to the light before opening them slowly, seeing Alexander sitting next to him.

He smiled sweetly at Alexander, "Good mornin' baby."

Alexander leaned forward and pecked his lips softly.

"Good morning, moya lyubov'." Alexander felt the baby's kicks against his hand that rested against Kane's swollen belly and chuckled. He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Kane's stomach, "I didn't forget about you, papina printsessa."

He turned his attention back towards Kane.

"You have a few people who want to see you."


"Hey, Amir." Kane hadn't even noticed his parents standing in the corner of the room. He looked over at them both, a wide grin covering his face. His parents were alive and well. They were both malnourished while staying under Clint's "care" so Alexander had them both admitted to the hospital to get their weight and nutrients back.

"Mama and daddy." He couldn't even cry because he was so happy. So happy to see them, so happy to know that they weren't apart of his hallucination.

He held his arms out like he used to do when he was a child and they both rushed into them. His mother wrapped her small frame around him first, then his father embraced both of them. They both showered his face with kisses and he didn't mind in the slightest bit. His father leaned his forehead against Kane's.

"We thought we lost ya', boy." Kane could hear the shakiness in his father's voice and he knew his father was crying.

"I'm not goin' nowhere no time soon, Da." Kane felt his mother's wild curls brushing against his cheek, "I missed y'all so much. I'm so glad ya' here."

"We've missed so much of ya' life, Amir. I'm so sorry we couldn't be there fo' ya', I know ya' probably hate us fo' not protectin' ya-"

"Ma, I could never hate y'all. It wasn't ya' fault." Kane rubbed his mother's back comfortingly. "I know ya' missed out on alot but ya' here now and dat's all dat matters."

"Clint told us dat ya' hated us 'cause we let him hurt ya'." Amir said as he stared at his son. Staring at Kane was like looking in the mirror.

"Da, he lied. There was nothin' y'all could've done ta' stop him, he's a psychopath." Kane reassured his parents.

Kane felt the baby kicking and grabbed both of their hands and placed them on each side of his stomach. They smiled as the felt the small flutters against the palm of their hands.

"Ya' 'bout ta' have ya' first grandchild. This is ya' granddaughter, Adya Jhené Ross, aka Ladybug."

Alexander watched as the family interacted and smiled. Kane's father was so affectionate towards him, kissing his forehead every few minutes. And his mother hadn't let go of his hand since she grabbed it. He wished his family was like this. His father was abusive, his brother tried to kill him, and his younger siblings he hadn't spoken to in years. He had hoped that one day his family would be able to get along or atleast sit in one room together atleast once but he knew that wouldn't happen. He wouldn't worry about that now though, he had his own family to love and shower with affection and care. Every time he thought back to Kane telling him he loved him, he would feel so happy, so accomplished.

All his life, his father drilled into his head how he couldn't love or be loved, how he was so much of a disappointment and disgrace that he would never have a family of his own and never inherit the family business. Yet, here he was, with an amazing husband and awaiting the arrival his daughter.

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