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Aiden stared at his hands that were stained in blood. His clothes were covered in the crimson colored fluid. His hands shook erratically as the scene kept playing over and over in his head like a cassette tape. He'd seen blood countless times, he'd killed before, but something about seeing Malik bleeding out and gasping for air shook him to his core.

"Why do you think you should become the next Don? What have you done to gain that title?" Arthur asked Aiden with contempt.

"I-" Aiden's rebuttal was cut off with a loud gasp from Joy.

Everyone's eyes shot to Malik, a knife pushed deeply into his chest and blood quickly pooling on his shirt. Tears rolled down his cheeks as he smiled. Aiden immediately sprung into action.

"No, no, no, Malik!" He used one of the table clothes and pressed it against his chest to stop the bleeding.

Malik began to cough, blood spattering from his mouth and onto Aiden's face and white button down.

"Bring the truck around! Hurry!" Aiden yelled frantically. Picking Malik's body up bridal style and carrying him out the front door. Malik's breathing became ragged as he bled out. Aiden's guard had the truck out front once he got to the end of the gate. Arthur helped him get Malik in the backseat and Aiden climbed in with him, "Get us to Dr. Abram now!"

The guard wasted no time speeding out of the estate. Aiden tore his button down shirt off and pressed it on the wound, trying to control as much of the bleeding as possible.

"Malik, baby, it's going to be okay. You'll be okay." Aiden said softly, trying to convince himself more than Malik. He wanted Malik to be okay. He couldn't lose him. He wouldn't be able to live if Malik died.

Malik laid stiffly in his arms, waiting for death to embrace him. He knew he was losing a lot of blood.

"Open your eyes Malik. I need you to stay awake for me, please."

Arthur looked back at his son and he saw an emotion he'd never seen on Aiden's face. Fear. Aiden caressed Malik's face as he stared at him through empty eyes. Malik raised a shaky hand to Aiden's face, planting a bloody hand on his cheek. He opened his mouth to talk but only a cough came out.

"Don't talk, baby. Just stay alive."

Malik ignored his advice and continued, "You... ruined... me..."

"Sir!" Aiden looked up at Dr. Abram who was trying to get his attention.


"He lost a lot of blood and he needs a blood transfusion immediately. Problem is he has one of the rarest blood types, he's AB Negative. If we don't find a donor within the next thirty minutes, we won't be able to save him."

"Use mine, I'm AB Negative." Aiden shot up immediately.

"We'll have to run tests to make sure that your compatible. However, we must do it quickly, follow me please."

Aiden trailed behind the doctor, willing to do whatever it took to keep Malik alive.


Aiden saw Dr. Abram coming his way and stood up slowly, feel slightly drained from the amount of blood he gave. The doctor's face remained stoic, giving Aiden no hint to Malik's wellbeing. As he approached Aiden, he removed the bloody gloves and discarded them.

"What is it? How is he?" Aiden bombarded him with questions.

"I'm sorry. We've done everything we can." Aiden felt his heart hit his feet. "We did administer the blood transfusion, however, his body has already went into hypovolemic shock due to the large quantity of blood he lost. He's lost twenty percent of his blood supply. There's a slim chance that he will survive, but I don't want you to get your hopes up if things go left. If he gets through three days, he'll be okay."

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